The African Union should revisit its Constitutive Act to address principles that limit its ability to intervene in conflicts in member states territories. Some external world problems are the ones which divide us . It will soothe the existing states to ratify the United States of Africa much easier than basing on tribalism. Its up to you live for areason that would die rather than dieing for a reason that would live. The AU was modelled on the European Union with structures that included an Assembly of heads of state/government, an Executive in which countries were represented by their foreign ministers and the AU Commission which is the administrative branch made up of 10 commissioners and headed by a President. Western propaganda. One of the incoherent assumptions of this school of thought is that colonialism brought different tribes together without considering their distinct cultures. Africa is too diverse to be united. From the advertisements of malnourished, African children to our education, or rather lack of education, about African countries in the American school system, the concept of Africa as an impoverished continent has been engrained into our minds. Look: United Africa will not happen through politics. He tweets via @Ibrahim_Anoba. It makes no sense to suggest they all adopt a unilateral administrative pattern different from what they have known for thousands of years. Did Musician Naughty Boy Win The Lottery? The number of union jobs has been steadily declining. Find out more by visiting the links on right. The AUs unique voluntary Peer Review Mechanism by which individual member states agree to be assessed by a team of experts drawn from other states is designed to encourage democracy and good governance. A few nations, like Niger, Mauritania, and Madagascar have been suspended from the organization after political events like coup d'etats. Dont get me wrong Swahili should be learned to improve communication amongst us, but that should not come to undermine our own mother tongues. You can never archieve unless you try . Everyone would have equal treatment under the rule of law, ensuring that you are tried by a Jury and not the police. We have been raised in a way that everything we do , we always fall short or fail but i believe that if we can bring some of Africa best minds together this can be done and done with excellency. It also wanted to promote peaceful solutions to conflicts, ensure sovereignty forever, and raise living standards. #1 STRONGEST , 1 PROUND NATION AND 1 RICHEST IN ALL. Whereas, imposing an alien language on a group, is an attempt to erase their identity. The African Union's democratic principles have gradually reduced corruption and unfair elections. However, looking at things calmly, it must be acknowledged that belonging to the franc zone is not devoid of all merit. Not forgetting that, United Lands industries will all be fully or mostly Privately owned. Factor s kicking away unity should be delt with accordingly before uniting . Before the international. The Organisation of African Unity-Success or Failure? - JSTOR A North disadvantage was that the North had to fight on unfamiliar soil, kind of like an away team in sports. guildford school of acting auditions; gilroy google font alternative; cuisinart steamer insert; Blog Post Title February 26, 2018. There are preferred modes of administration peculiar to each tribe and country. Richard, Katherine Schulz. There has been one notable exception: the organisations refusal to countenance the coup in Sudan, and suspending the countrys membership in June 2019. we are trying to bake here. They know I can make their home look better and work better. Tel: +251 11 551 77 00 There have also been some hiccups or setbacks, such as the decision by the AU to move its July 2012 bi-annual summit from Lilongwe, Malawi, to Addis Ababa in response to Malawis refusal to invite the Sudans head of state, Omar al-Bashir, from participating on the ground that he is charged and under a warrant of arrest by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes: this, in a way, reflects a potential conflict between African regionalism and international mechanisms to promote and protect the rule of law, justice and respect for human rights. But this highlighted the AUs double standards. Hi my name is Jackline Celestine Kitale from Tanzania and I would like to say that I agree with almost everything you just pointed out but I think that shouldnt be the reasons that stop the union of Africa. For example, it is conspicuously absent while bloody conflict escalated in Cameroon and Libya. (accessed March 4, 2023). Addis Ababa, Ethiopia The African Union can intervene militarily and has sent peacekeeping troops to alleviate political and social disorder in places like Darfur (Sudan), Somalia, Burundi, and Comoros. Just imagine Al shabab leaving Somalia and not only spreading their terror into Kenya but ll over Africa at will. A filibuster is a tactic in the senate which delays an action or bill and ultimately defeats the bill until it is thrown out. An example is how the Chinese have nearly destroyed all indigenous Chinese languages in favor of Mandarin. Obama as first president. The Challenges of Diplomatic Practice in Africa Quest for Unity African countries, in their quest for unity, economic and social development under the banner of the OAU, have taken various initiatives and made substantial progress in many areas which paved the way for the establishment of the AU. Pan-African ParliamentA Pan-African Parliament, and organ to ensure the full participation of African peoples in governance, development and economic integration of the Continent. Tourism and immigration are promoted, as well as better uses of energy and the protection of Africa's precious natural resources such as gold. Its official languages are English, French, Arabic, and Portuguese, but many documents are also printed in Swahili and local languages. We are all different yet are oneAfrican. Federalism. For example, al-Shabaab in Somalia exploits porous borders to carry out deadly attacks in Kenya. We as Africans ,united we can achieve greater things never imagined, I believe our weaknesses lie in the fact that we are divided as a continent but we embrace and welcome foreigners to our lands who come here only to steal our resources and dont give a shit about the African black skin UNECA estimates that AfCFTA will boost intra-African trade by 52.3% once import duties and non-tariff barriers are eliminated. The presence of foreign military forces on the continent is of concern beyond the Libyan conflict. State and non-state actors in Africa waged about 630 armed conflicts between 1990 and 2015. In conclusion, If I can move from Africa thousands of miles away to the U.S.A and not only live but thrive, I dont see why a Kenyan man or a woman cant move to any other African country and be able to live. We can be more optimistic! #AfricaUnite, We will have our own USA I mean the United states of Africa amen.The first step is to take action stop talking, China and India are often referenced as good replicas for Africa in this regard, but both countries owe their success to shared ancestral language among their people. Regardless of whatever economic model is adopted in a unified Africa, it would be difficult to make it work for every society. The author is doing his job, addressing a huge issue and making it as contentious & controversial as possible. The headquarters of the African Union is in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The present experience of monetary union within the EU could also be a source of disincentive. Economic sanctions (which they use to devide us and instil fear into us) would have a lesser effect on our lives. Fear solves nothing.If our freedom fighters were fearful then we would forever be slaves. A United States of Africa is absolutely feared by all outside interests. because we are one people, Your email address will not be published. The African Union is a very important organization in the African continent and has over the years promoted unity among African nations and helped to improve economic development in Africa. It also brings inflation under better control, compared with most other countries on the continent. Southern Africa went on to establish its own regional military brigade instead. They focused on political, economic, social, environmental and legal issues. The African continent is working towards not only in peace as well as security, but is also blooming in areas such as culture; education; trade both in and out the African continent and continuing to place importance on the growth and empowerment of women. The numbers are going up via bilateral agreements between African states and foreign governments. As a scholar, I would think you would look at the worldview and history before arriving at conclusions. We must also add that many Arabs are racist towards blacks period, which has been high lighted more in the media with the slavery in Libya issue going on now Just Eat is an online platform dedicated to the intermediation between restaurants and consumers in the takeaway food service. Proposals for an African central bank and an African monetary union at the continental level are still on the drawing board, as vested interest and concerns about sovereignty hold back the necessary political will to drive the process. We need united states of Africa, if Africa has to move from its current position, we need Free Trade Area - Overview, Advantages and Disadvantages I am an inventor, an engineer, a business owner, I work in all the fields necessary to know how to solve problems. I am an Ethiopian American who migrated to the U.S.A many years ago. O HAIL UNITED STATES OF AFRICA..COME WHAT MAY, I WILL MAKE SURE I SEE IT THROUGH .ONE WAY OR ANOTHER WE MUST AND WE WILL UNITE..LOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEW U.S.A!!!!!!!! In South Africa all Bantu languages can be grouped into three and four at most and but we are told there are 14 languages. The OAU: The Precursor to the African Union, The Improvement of Government, Finances, and Infrastructure. What Are the Disadvantages of the EU? Ordinary people can also provide vital information to early warning systems. Disadvantages of Unions on Company Culture - UnionProof For an area like the EU, this is a substantial part of the economy. To be honest, all Africans should be willing to give up something for the sake of unification. ONE PASSPOST Could be adopted. President Woodrow Wilson established Americas goal for joining World War I as making the world safe for democracy. At the conclusion of the War, President Wilson declared fourteen principles for peace to be used during the Paris Peace Conference, called the Fourteen Points. 1801, Haiti was an island with many dialects and ancestorial roots. A major challenge confronting the AU and its leaders is how to respond to the job and livelihood aspirations of Africas youth who account for as much as three-quarters of the labour force in most countries; many have gone to school and attended universities to become productive members of society, but end up being jobless. Products and services then become of better quality at a lower cost. Perhaps Malema and his comrades have yet to realize that the more powerful a central government is, the greater the possibility of tyranny. Chris Changwe Nshimbi receives funding from the European Commission (Erasmus+), Department of Science and Technology/National Research Foundation (DST/NRF, South Africa), The Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES). To make some headway the African Union needs to recognise this, and design solutions to conflicts that are informed by the need to protect human rights. Disadvantages Of African Americans In The Civil War | Ibrahim B. Anoba is an African political economy analyst and a Senior Fellow at African Liberty. Citizens will be all black persons who are prominent in the world. The thirteen states included: Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, Maryland, Massachusetts, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Rhode Island. Depending on the manufacturer, between 20% to 50% of the value of the supply chain is imported from the EU ( Sky News ). Unfortunately, Africa still is under the drip of those oppressors. If u look at it, Europe and the West are quick to label these as bad because they know that they were planting the seeds of Aficanacity into our minds. The African Union after 10 years: Successes and Challenges - Warwick Fewer borders and restrictions means more opportunities for nefarious deeds. Copyright 20102023, The Conversation Media Group Ltd, promoting peace, security, and stability in Africa, Economic Community of West African States, forced the despotic Yahya Jammeh to vacate office, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Committee Member - MNF Research Advisory Committee, PhD Scholarship - Uncle Isaac Brown Indigenous Scholarship.
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