Who is Responsible for ALL Wars? Wicca and Witchcraft: Wicca and witchcraft are interchangeable terms. Chip in for gas - $10 goes a long way! God will save them IN their sins. Dr. Day - Uncensored - talks about her New Book. To be blunt, they are nothing more than Trotskyite Communists dressed up in Republican clothes. They are NOT New or neo, because they are communists and communism has been around for hundreds of years. There are various levels of witchcraft, from the festivals and seasonal days of celebration - to outright Satanism, the worship of Satan. To watch the videos of the previous Bible Studies: Getting Started on Getting Well (workbook) In those cases, it will be obvious that another author has. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. Neo-Conservative (Neo-Con): Neo-Conservatives are neither New (Neo) nor Conservative. Why? The Committee of 300, the 300 richest families in the world, looks to social convulsions on a global scale - followed by depressions, to decimate the economy of all nations, to keep Third World countries in abject poverty and to turn First World countries, such as the U.S.A., into Third World countries. The Great Reset is about Population Extermination! God created All persons equal. Through this struggle for her life, she became a Bible-believing Christian but she does not believe in Organized Religion. After the group multiplied, God, through Moses, brought them OUT OF Egypt and into the desert wilderness where they stayed for forty years. They have committed no crime other than to question history! The Israeli governments plan is to annihilate all Arabs in the same way they are genociding the Palestinians. It becomes whatever is necessary in order to deceive and trick non-Jews. I am a Bible-believing Christian but I do not believe in Organized Religion. That is all the Revisionists are asking! As an orthopedic trauma surgeon at San Francisco General Hospital during the beginning, and rapidly escalating, AIDS epidemic, Dr. Day arguably operated on more AIDS patients than any other doctor in the country. The use of psychics, ouija boards, the casting of spells, and movies about witchcraft and other aspects of the occult, are all dangerous as they open the door to control of the individual by evil forces. But their definition of peace is - the elimination of all resistance to their policies, by whatever means necessary. They are ruthless demons. This, of course, is wrong, no matter what group one belongs to. One who loves his enemies, does good to those who hate him, and prays for those who despitefully use him. 4. However, Holocaust Revisionists do not agree that there was any German plan to exterminate Jews, nor were there any homicidal gas chambers in any concentration camps. And get super-rich there? Pfizer kills Children for Profit: COVID Vaccine causes 17x increase in Jew: Who is a Jew? This automatically made the Jews enemies of the State by any nations laws. A dense darkness is falling over America and the World. But the ruling elite of International Jewry, the Zionist Jews, have a diabolic agenda - - total control of the whole World by force, for their own greed and desire for power. There is mounting evidence that the three major recent leaders of the Catholic church are ALL Jewish. She concentrated on re-building her immune system, and has now been totally well and cancer-free for over 10 years. says Lorraine Day M.D. But the truth is that Communism is a plan to enslave the masses under the iron fist of the elitists. For over seventy years, they have promoted the "New World Order., As the promotional arm of the Ruling Elite in the United States of America, the CFR includes most influential politicians, academics and media personalities in America as members. My unpardonable crime, said Boris Lunachev, a former leader of the Communist Youth in Russia, was to call a Jew a Jew.. If Jesus Died for ALL, Why Can't He Save ALL? Today, the Order is a part of the York Rite in Freemasonry. Jacob Rothschild, the Rockefellers, George Soros, Judaism is a chameleon culture/religion. Americans Will BEG for a One World Government! The answer is obvious. James Jordan reveals dancer wife Ola walks around the house NAKED all Anti-Semite! Diseases Don't Just Happen The forensic evidence regarding the Holocaust, hard facts painstakingly collected by the Holocaust Revisionists, will stand up in any impartial court of law completely refuting the supposed eye witness accounts of survivors, and the Zionist Jews know that! Their plan is to eliminate 5.5 billion of the worlds population by forced birth control, abortion, manufactured famines, manufactured pandemic diseases, war, executions, and other ways as revealed on this website. In 1540, the group received a charter from Rome in which the members promised total loyalty to the Pope. Title: Dr. Lorraine Day Tells What's Jews have no right to point the finger at anyone else for bigotry while they humiliate, mutilate and assassinate the Palestinians, and while the Jews hold as holy a book (the Talmud) that denigrates all non-Jews as beasts. All rights reserved by goodnewsaboutgod.com and protected by Conservative: Do not hold to the importance of a Jewish state, but put more emphasis on the historic and religious aspects of Judaism, doctrinally somewhere between Orthodox and Reform. Even the internet spokespersons are being compromised because of threats of violence and pressure on their advertisers by these same groups. In other words, Universalists believe that God will not require that sinners stop sinning and become changed into the image of God. By supplying arms and money to both sides in wars, the Illuminati divide and conquer, instigating peoples of the world to fight and kill each other to achieve the Zionist Jews objective of world control. If you Dont Think We Have Been Taken Over by The original Greek word is Iudean (later changed to Judean) and referred to an area in Palestine inhabited in Bible times mainly by those who worshiped the true God. New World Order: There is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility (Black meaning those who have usurped the throne) of Europe (dominated by the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One World (fascist/communist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda. She turned to God and began studying the Bible and praying for wisdom. Because of the tyrannical threats and intimidation perpetrated by the cabal of Jewish Zionists and Illuminati against those who attempt to tell truth, many truth-tellers become frightened and ultimately become compromised. Don't worry about the CoronaVirus! Good News About God with Dr. Lorraine Day - EarthNewspaper.com The Deliberate Destruction of America and the World It has been said that Judaism IS Talmudism! 6 million is still the number trumpeted around the world! Sorting Through the MAZE of Alternative Medicine Human Rights Tribunals: Most Americans have no idea of the treachery of Human Rights Tribunals. The rank and file Jews are being used by their Jewish leaders as throw-away pawns in a big-stakes game for control of the world. Very few, if any, Jews in the world today, have any Semitic blood (Semite, from the word Shemite. Encouraged to relocate in Israel because of their experience as farmers, work that the eastern European Jews feel is beneath them, the Iraqi Jews are treated as second class citizens because they work with their hands. When she was speaking out publicly, in the late 80s and early 90s, on the governments cover-up of HIV/AIDS, she was invited to be a guest on virtually all the major news and talk shows in America including, Nightline, CNN Crossfire, Oprah Winfrey, 60 Minutes, and many others, their objective being to attempt to destroy her credibility. If they were real men, they would come out of the shadows and sit down and discuss the issues. No person is better than any other person. Is the War Between Ukraine and Russia REAL or FAKE? YOUR Government is using YOUR money to BUY Contacting Dr. Day This Truth, coming from the Auschwitz Camp curator himself, is reaching the general population causing increasing investigation into these crucial events. HERD Immunity is an OUTRIGHT LIE! Christian: A true follower of Christ. This is a blatantly UNBIBILICAL doctrine. Dr. Lorraine Day Interview: From Covid to Communism Satanic Communist Jews Have Taken Over America Americans Will BEG for a One World Government! Ukraine that starved to death EIGHT MILLION Christians. Since this revelation appeared in his book, the plaque at Auschwitz has been changed, DECREASING BY ALMOST 3 MILLION, the number of Jews supposedly killed at Auschwitz during World War II. This belief, by the way, comes directly from the Jewish Talmud. Illuminati: The Order of the Illuminati was started, on May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt, a Jew who was also in the Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church, thus making him a Jewish Jesuit. The Communists have owned the Democratic Party for years. Communism is defined by the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto. Documentation for Physician Credentials for Lorraine Day, M.D. by Their god, Satan! Documentary exposing Vaccines and Autism. Anthrax She strongly advocated the handling of the AIDS epidemic as a public health issue rather than a political issue, a position that was contrary and offensive to the controlled media. Keep in mind that they have a sanitized version available for non-Jews. The Good News About God - Telling the Truth and Exposing Lies Dr. Lorraine Day's Official Web Site documents her amazing recovery The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the financial powers behind it, has done all these things. The LYING Jews tried to claim 6 Million Jews were being In 1993, Dr. Day was diagnosed with breast cancer, biopsy proven at two major medical centers in California. so you can be given access to each Bible study. Instead of countering this forensic evidence that refutes the Zionist Jewish version of the Holocaust with hard evidence supporting their views, the Zionist Jews respond with insults, smears, more arrests, assassinations, non-stop propaganda campaigns, and rapidly multiplying Holocaust museums. If any Jews happen to be involved in any under-handed or even illegal activities, and someone exposes that activity, that person is branded an anti-Semite.. He doesn't love some more than others. Holocaust Revisionists agree that Jews, Gypsies, some Christians, and some others were detained in German-run internment camps in European countries, including Poland and Germany, during World War II, the reason being that International Jewry had declared publicly, including in headlines of European newspapers, that if Germany went to war against England, the Jews living in Germany would sabotage the German war effort. Covid-19 Scamdemic - and Death! Shem was one of the sons of Noah). This book contains the biblical information Dr. Day learned in her "journey" to Knowing God and Getting Well from her severe, advanced cancer. Remember the barbaric spirit of the Catholic Church during the Dark Ages when true Christians were horribly tortured by supposed holy men of the Church. You Can't Improve Upon God The rank and file Jews should take note that NONE of the really BIG Jews live in Israel. United States copyright law. Over three decades ago, Dr. Lorraine Day reversed her destructive and deadly stage four terminal breast cancer without using chemo, radiation or enduring a mastectomy. All rights reserved by goodnewsaboutgod.com and protected by. Super Starter Package Good News About God videos, dvds and books - Lorraine Day Dr. Day is a trained orthodox medical doctor who not only taught surgery at a medical school, but was also a high ranking staff member in a major hospital. According to the rules of the Human Rights Tribunals in Canada, Germany and many other countries, it doesnt matter if what the defendant has said is TRUE! The Good News About God; Dr. Day interview on ITV (video) The second segment of this interview is Exclusive Members Only Content. The Realist Report - Dr. Lorraine Day: COVID-19 UPDATES Calls for nations to trust the United Nations. What Does it Take to Get Well? However, the Neturei Karta is an organization of Jewish Rabbis whose holiest book is the Talmud a book that is the absolute origin of Zionism, Communism, Anti-Christianity, Anti-Gentile hate propaganda, and the total control of the entire world! It is unclear whether the NHS and Dr. Kanani still stand by their claims, now that the UKHSA has decided to stop offering the vaccine to 5 to 11-year-olds. She chose instead to rebuild her immune system using the natural simple therapies designed by God and outlined in the Bible, so her body could heal itself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. You aren't sick Because you have Cancer -, The Deliberate Destruction of America and the World. It is Israels plan to use the armed forces of the United States, the sons and daughters of Americans, to fight and die for the so-called War on Terror which is nothing more than Israeli expansionism of their own borders, Israels plan to take over all the oil-rich nations in middle east, Israels plan to wipe out the Palestinians and as many Arabs as possible from the face of the earth, and eventually rule the world with an iron fist. Non-Jews (derogatorily referred to as goyim, minim, heathen, or gentiles, by the Jews) are considered to be no better than cattle, according to the Talmud, so their possessions, their land, and even their lives can be taken at will, by the Jews. Senator Jacob K. Javits (Jewish) of New York, in an interview with American Christian magazine editor, Walter White. The United States, at this time in history, has a Communist government, whether you want to believe it or not. Because the Anti-Christian barrage comes from the media, virtually ALL of which is controlled by the Jews who HATE Christianity. An Open Letter to the Jewish Rothschilds and George W. Bush has spoken publicly about this issue, threatening to establish Human Rights Tribunals in America and in the different countries where torture prisons are run by the U.S. (and Israel from behind the scenes). Truth-tellers are becoming an extinct breed. Anti-Semitism: Here is the definition of Anti-Semitism from the lips of a Jew: Anti-Semitism does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. Exposing the Enemy! Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author, was for fifteen years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. So, finally, the One World Religion will be transformed into Luciferianism, the religion of Freemasonry the worship of Lucifer Satan! Karl Marx was a Jew. Interview with Dr. Day on Israeli News Live. In today's show originally broadcast on January 10 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Lorraine Day for a show entitled, "You Can't Improve On God - The Book". The rank and file Jews have been CONNED by their own self-proclaimed Zionist Jewish leaders! None of the BIG Jews, such as the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, Edgar Bronfman, Maurice Strong, the Rockefellers, Henry Kissinger, the Wall Street and International Bankers, or even the Neo-Cons, live in Israel. The North American Union has just been signed into existence by Biden: Throwing Away Your Deceased Loved Ones - Like Garbage! Force is used by Communism on Third world countries, whereas Fabian Socialism is reserved for First world countries, like the United States, Great Britain and Australia. So - - - - WHEN or WHERE was the FIRST Jew? They apply to those who follow the God of heaven and the Bible, or those who dont! Jacob was NOT Jewish. He was just the grandson of two Babylonians who were living in the pagan country of Canaan. After the forty years, they were brought into the pagan land of Canaan, where (against Gods express command) they intermarried with the pagan Canaanites. At one point she was not expected to live through the night. ACH (2027) Dr. Lorraine Day - You Can't Improve On God: The Book Nobel Prize Winner who INVENTED the test!! Who Rewrote the Bible? He will save them FROM their sins, NOT IN their sins. The Realist Report - Dr. Lorraine Day - The Realist Report Millions were martyred in the most gruesome ways. That means that the Catholic Church is probably owned and secretly run from the inside, by the Jews. Holocaust: A term that for years was defined as any devastating event. There is NO New Mutant Strain of Covid-19! Hillary Clinton Admits that the CFR runs this nation - video. Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore and More on Cancer, Sorting Through the MAZE of Alternative Medicine, Turn on the Light: Overcoming Anxiety and Depression. Eventually, they will join ALL religions together into a One World Religion. Communism is mans feeble attempt to bring that about. The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. General Albert Pike, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, USA, One of the unheralded and least known facts about Freemasonry and the Masonic Lodge is its Jewish origins and nature.
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