Fixed clipping issues/exploits with rocks at grid C4-1-3, G6-8-7. Narva Adjusted Narva mid day lighting.This lighting should now have more balanced colour temperature and wider contrast. Fixed the issue with modded custom factions causing an infinite loading screen. Adjusted the layout and tooltips of the Graphics Settings menu to improve clarity and user experience. Added 3 new Kohat RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes for improved variability and less predictable routes: Kohat RAAS v5 (USA vs RU), Kohat RAAS v6 (GB vs RU), Kohat RAAS v7 (RU vs MEA). Restriction zones are in place that prevent enemies from coming close to forward spawns, Weaponized emplacements are removed from the build menu. Squad Maps RAAS v01. This allows a 120s AAS flag to be captured in as little as 80s. Fixed a minor visual issue with a concrete doorway trench arch static which had an incorrect setup for LOD1 normal maps. The recommended solution, for now, is to run Squad in the Borderless mode. Both locations will now use the IFV icon. MEA Protection zones no-deploy zone was reduced from 150m to 80m. Squad: New Harju Map Added in Update v3.4 | Player.One Updated Fortification POI by removing a Ural truck inside a barn to allow for potential HAB placement. The effect has been visually improved to eliminate most graphical artifacts and preserve visual detail in dark spaces. Nestled in between the massive fjords of Western Norway, the tranquil village of Uskedalen and the island of Skorpo are seen as a key strategic battleground to gain control of the North Sea passages. Fixed some minor visual issues with the Scots Pine bush LODs and normals. Fixed an issue with decorative river rock collisions which could be entered/exploited, river rocks with no player collision have been reduced in size to prevent exploitation. SquadMaps: All maps and layers in Squad. Skorpo - Official Squad Wiki Deployment Fixed a minor issue with the GB FV107 Reconnaissance vehicle using an inconsistent icon on the map screen versus the vehicle info card menu. Updated the RUS/INS/MIL BRDM Spandrel to use a new firing sound. And it accomplishes this. Fixed a minor typo on Tallil RAAS v1 & Tallil Tanks v1, where the display name (in the server browser) had a double space. Fixed a common Server crash related to SQMapMarkerManager. Fixed a minor issue with team tickets going into negative value space under certain conditions on the match end scoreboard. Removed most artificial colour-grading. To prevent frustration, we have opted to ship the fall damage overhaul as part of a more complete package of soldier locomotion changes in the future. Skorpo is a map featured in Squad. Updated minimap with intent to make height more readable, also now features trees. Cons: Very exposed / prominent position which is easy to target with area effect weapons. I put this together for a couple reasons, partially out of personal interest in how some of the stranger layers function but also because of how often I see newer players struggle with . If a player does not have a microphone plugged in at launch, or accidentally unplug their microphone and then plug it back in, Squad needs to be restarted to get the microphone to work again This issue will likely require an engine upgrade to UE4.25 or above to be fixed. 2 pre-captured flag, INS/MIL begins with 2 flags pre-captured and starts with an extra 40 tickets. Fixed an issue with back blast VFX, where the bounding boxes were making these effects flicker off at certain angles. Fixed an issue with a tarp asset that can cause headspace issues at grid D3-3-6. The Wrench - September 2021 : Squad - Communicate. Coordinate. Conquer. Now on RAAS map layers, all flags should stay visible for members of a team at all times after they were discovered by that team. Adjusted the rotation speed of open turrets and emplacements using keyboard and mouse input. If you spot any specific errors, please open an issue! Adjusted the North American biome street signs and cones to ignore collision with vehicles, to be consistent with all other biomes small street signs. Created a new shading pipeline for all grass and foliage, ensuring a more consistent and physically-accurate response to light. Fixed vehicle spawners on Skorpo Invasion v1 and added 2 Minsk bikes that respawn at Main for MIL. Reduced the damage from 1248 down to 960 to be in line with other LAT weapons. Fixed a floating concrete platform at Shipping Yard grid G3-7-5. We have updated the capture speed to scale with the number of players. Fixed floating rocks at grid G6-8-8, F8-8-9. Adjusted the CAF Arid and Woodland team selection images to reflect the most up to date character and weapon models. Also a feature in v2.15 is improvements to FOB Deployables including new additions such as camouflage netting that will help conceal soldiers who are using the FOB for cover. Most noticeable when aiming down weapon sights, bipoded, using emplacements, or looking through a vehicle viewport. Updated the Fireteam notifications to include more detailed info such as: Mention the promotion if you are the new FTL. Fixed the long standing FOB Double teleport bug. Adjusted MEA SL 01 pistol to have 2+1 mags, instead of 1+1 mags. All armor piercing projectiles use another set of piercing more destructive sounds. It is intended to be a more action-oriented type of gameplay focused on infantry fighting with less downtime and a focus on a smaller fighting area. This fix will force the server to re-acknowledge the data, which means there will be increased bandwidth usage after a seamless travel (map change). Fixed an issue with RUS Tigr and GB LPPV where the open turret hatches were transmitting damage to the vehicle hull, this will no longer happen. V2.12s primary focus was on bringing improvements to Squads visuals, making for an all around better looking game, as well as adding new gameplay and tactical opportunities for our players based only on the higher quality visuals alone. Fixed a minor UI issue with the INS/MIL Modern Transport Pickup Truck being called Technical. Updated soldier stamina to no longer regenerate during vaulting and climbing. Fixed an issue with Graphic settings to ensure contact shadows are always on for low and medium shadow quality. Afterwards it becomes AAS,(assuming if you remember the next objective location). Adjusted all Tallil map layers helicopter altitude threshold to be decreased from 400m to 300m. Those who know about it anticipate and destroy maps. Overhauled thousands of materials, textures, and 3D models to react to light in a more physically accurate way. Overall this change should discourage rushing flags by increasing the chances of encountering a full squad on the point, rather than a lone enemy on back-cap duty. We will keep you informed if this happens. This is a long-time legacy bug that has been difficult to reproduce reliably. With this adjustment, the intention is to put more emphasis on the SPG9 vehicle crew to maneuver more carefully in an active combat zone, instead of previously being able to arrive at ideal ambush positions, over-watching the first objective before the enemy had a chance to maneuver. Adjusted the fountains to now have a deployable blocker to prevent exploitable radio placements. ATGM projectiles desync for other players that are not the gunner, however, what the gunner sees should be the actual synced projectile. Adjusted and replaced some ambient sounds. Fixed a potentially exploitable issue with server vehicle hits to ragdoll soldiers. All tank rounds are using the existing sounds that youve heard. The final graphical update to pay particular attention to in v2.12 is that the team has worked to improve the visibility of muzzle flashes which will help make spotting enemies less difficult. RAAS v08. In addition to improving the visual fidelity at all settings, this also ensures that Low settings no longer give a significant competitive advantage for spotting targets. Fixed an issue with tall buildings culling inapporpriately. Fixed an issue where excessive landscape DFAO was applied to meshes intersecting the landscape, which manifested as a harsh line in the distance. For example lets take Mutaha. TC v1. Steam Workshop::Hawks Layer Pack [v4.2] [75MB] before taking any other troubleshooting steps. This gives defending players the opportunity to deploy an elevated, protected position, which they can use as an observation and firing platform. We hope that this increases the teamwork necessary to use these vehicles effectively, especially during the beginning stages of an Invasion round. Added a brand new POI: Alekseivskiy Posad, located between Mogiliovo and Kropy. Those who know about it anticipate and destroy maps. Fixed a stone wall clipping into a corrugated metal fence around a western edge homestead. Added a new map layer: Fallujah Seed v1 (USA vs MEA) New map layer for server seeding, which includes a single capture point in the Market with restriction zones. Fixed LODs before imposter on Beech/Oak trees. Note that this setting is currently not affected by graphics presets, so remember to turn it off if you decide to stop using it. Australian Defence Force; British Army; Canadian Army; Civilians; Insurgent Forces Fixed a minor issue with a floating rock at grid D13-8-9. Here the intention is to encourage more strategic options, especially during the early stages in a round and during Double Neutral scenarios. This has increased both the visual quality and performance cost of particles. The layer is focused on light vehicle combat, each team has access to up to 20 light vehicles (CAF TAPV and RUS Tigr). We now achieve the desired look using lighting alone, which preserves detail. We intend to add a staging phase functionality in the future, which will automatically remove restriction zones once a critical player number has been reached and staging phase ends. Note for modders: Added the option to bypass duplicate text checks on a per-notification basis. One side of the camo netting appears semi-transparent up close, while the side facing the enemy is fully opaque. Additionally, when leaving the UAV camera, they hear all of the local audio broadcasts at the same time, originating from the point where they were initially transmitted from even if the person doing the transmission has moved afterward. RAAS v09. Adjusted deployable Razor Wire (FOB+Infantry) to no longer have any player or vehicle collision on the stakes at any build state.. Infantry Tutorial Updated to include the AUS faction on the soldier and vehicle identification board. Fixed an issue at the Old Hospital POI with wall alignment.,, Added 4 new Yehorivka RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes, for improved variability and less predictability. Extremely Low Res Textures Some players may be experiencing very low-res textures after the v2.0 release. This also helps reduce the perceived smudgyness of anti-aliasing. This means it will not be possible to destroy these vehicles by hitting only their turret. It is the third update of the year (not counting Hotfixes). Fixed a sidewalk using an incorrect material. Adjusted rearm cost for USA M136AT4 & CAF Carl G HEAT from 50 down to 35 ammo points. It should no longer crash, but we will be monitoring client logs.
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