The internalist-externalist debate is of major significance in any attempt to assess the impact of the American Revolution on Latin America. Latin American Revolutions: Crash Course World History #31 Language . There was a growing sense in the colonies of being separate from Spain. Britain, France, and Spain were all significantly affected by the American Revolutionary War, which would, in turn, affect large portions of the globe. There are two main Latin American revolution causes: the impact of the French Revolution and resentment at the political structure of colonial rule. Still, these ideas were not, strictly speaking, causes of independence. Paraguay declared independence in 1811. Economies from Independence to Industrialization. Haiti's Little-Studied Role on the Other Latin American Revolutions. Legal History of the State and Church in 18th Century New Mestizaje and the Legacy of Jos Mara Arguedas, Military Government in Latin America, 19591990, Military Institution in Colonial Latin America, The, Modern Decorative Arts and Design, 19002000, Natural Disasters in Early Modern Latin America. More generally, Creoles reacted angrily against the crowns preference for peninsulars in administrative positions and its declining support of the caste system and the Creoles privileged status within it. The term Latin America is used to describe the areas of the Americas where languages that developed from Latin are spoken, namely Spanish, Portuguese, and French. Latin America. By 1825, it was all gone, except for a handful of islands in the Caribbeanbroken into several independent states. Final destruction of loyalist resistance in the highlands required the entrance of northern armies. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2013. See a bit more about the effects of the Latin American Revolutions here. It also recognized the colonies' independence and drew lines between British Canada and American territory. He claimed to be fighting in the name of the King of Spain. Yet they are as different as a coin's front and back because of the types of change they produced. The Tupamaro (Uruguay) and MRTA (Peru) guerrilla groups as well as the rapper Tupac Amaru Shakur are named after him. In order to better understand this decade-long civil war, we offer an overview of the main players on the competing sides, primary source materials for point of view analysis, discussion of how the arts reflected . The indigenous world and the word Indian, Conquest society in the central mainland areas, Institutional, legal, and intellectual developments, Spanish America in the age of the Bourbons, The north and the culmination of independence, Political models and the search for authority, Political and economic transitions, 185070, The United States and Latin America in the Cold War era, Latin America at the end of the 20th century. In 1810, juntas claiming to be acting in Fernando's name were established, most notably in Santa F de Bogot and Caracas. Rejecting compromise and reform, Ferdinand resorted to military force to bring wayward Spanish-American regions back into the empire as colonies. The South American Revolutions | Boundless World History - Course Hero A sophisticated and useful overview (translated from Spanish, Revolucin en los andes: La era de Tpac Amaru, 2012), with a foreword by Charles F. Walker. The most lasting impact of the Latin American revolutions was the establishment of independent nation states in most of Central and South America. Andean Contributions to Rethinking the State and the Natio Asian Art and Its Impact in the Americas, 15651840, Baroque and Neo-baroque Literary Tradition, Black Experience in Colonial Latin America, The, Black Experience in Modern Latin America, The, Borderlands in Latin America, Conquest of, Chvez, Hugo, and the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, Colonial Latin America, Crime and Punishment in. Haiti was French colony and Latin America was spanish but independence was paramount in both and changed these areas forever. After the defeat of royalist forces, the area commonly referred to at the time as Upper Peru opted to become the independent state of Bolivia, named in honor of Bolvar. When Napoleon turned on his Spanish allies in 1808, events took a disastrous turn for Spain and its dominion in the Americas. He led successful military campaigns against royalist forces in what is now Colombia and Venezuela, leading to their independence in 1819. Contemporary Indigenous Film and Video Production, Contemporary Indigenous Social and Political Thought, Dependency Theory in Latin American History, Development of Architecture in New Spain, 15001810, The, Development of Painting in Peru, 15201820, The, Dutch in South America and the Caribbean, The. Both events drew inspiration from the same philosophical movement, and both events produced significant changes. However, the French Revolution had another indirect, but critical impact on the course of independence in Latin America. Minster, Christopher. Like many of Mexico's 19th-century rulers, Diaz was an army officer who had come to power by a coup. In Brazil and Haiti, circumstances were slightly different but had similar causes of dissatisfaction with the political control of the ruling power. However, Napoleon, after gaining power in France, sought to reestablish firm French control over the island and had Louveture captured and imprisoned, leading to renewed fighting on the island. See answer (1) Best Answer. Sign in Register. They form a dialogue with works on the Katarista uprisings in Upper Peru or what became Bolivia. The main thrust of the southern independence forces met much greater success on the Pacific coast. Examine the way Americans in the United States used the Latin American Revolutions to understand general principles of liberty, equality and democracy (viewed and fit into their narrative of democratic progress). Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru. Bolvar continued by freeing the areas of Venezuela and Ecuador still under royalist control, doing so by 1822. Fig 1 - Map showing the years of independence of nations in Latin America ( by Ricardomarins29 ( licensed under CC-BY-SA-3.0-migrated ( The United States intervened in the war after the destruction of the USS Maine battleship in Havana Harbor by what, at the time, was believed to be a Spanish mine. Copy. . In cities throughout the region, Creole frustrations increasingly found expression in ideas derived from the Enlightenment. Detailed yet accessible narrative history of the uprising. In addition, revolts inspired by Tupac Amaru took place in what became Argentina, Chile, and Colombia. Chile declared itself an independent republic in February 1818. Well educated and bilingual (Spanish and Quechua), he claimed lineage from the Incas, thus the Tupac Amaru (e.g., Tupa or Tpac, Amaro) name. Jacques Dessalines, a lieutenant of Louveture took up the fight and declared the full independence of Haiti on January 1, 1804. By that time, Spain was between a rock and a hard place: The creoles clamored for positions of influence in the colonial bureaucracy and for freer trade. Fig 2 - Latin American Revolution timeline. The revolutionary hero Simon Bolivar is a good example, as he was born in Caracas to a well-to-do Creole family that had lived in Venezuela for four generations, but as a rule, did not intermarry with the locals. How did Napoleon Bonaparte influence the Latin American Independence Bolvar called for the abolition of slavery in 1816, later acknowledging that the people in his home region were a mix of hues and backgrounds. US citizens also had considerable interests in the sugar economy of Cuba and the US saw the island as a strategic place for naval bases. The Great Similarities and Differences Between The French and American By the end of the eighteenth century, the visiting Prussian scientist Alexander Von Humboldt (17691859) noted that the locals preferred to be called Americans rather than Spaniards. Independence from Spanish rule in South America - Khan Academy Set individual study goals and earn points reaching them. Which two statements describe outcomes of the Latin American revolutions? Yet the Creoles who participated in the new Cortes were denied equal representation. This remained the situation when Fernando returned to power in Spain. The war also initiated a broader discussion of the morality of slavery. Test your knowledge with gamified quizzes. In 1788, Charles III of Spain, a competent ruler, died, and his son Charles IV took over. They defeated the British in the American Revolutionary War in alliance with France and others. However, in September 1822, San Martn withdrew from the war, which was stuck in stalemate. Although Fisher did not have access to the document collections and analyses published after her study, the analysis is solid and the narrative engaging. Minster, Christopher. The answer is long and complicated, but here are some of the essential causes of the Latin American Revolution. 3. el libertador. When Great Britain attacked Buenos Aires in 18061807, Spain could not defend the city and a local militia had to suffice. The states that eventually became Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Honduras declared independence. The colony had one of the largest populations of slaves, which comprised approximately 90% of the population, and a deeply racist social hierarchy. The cycles of revolution and counterrevolution that characterized the Latin American Cold War reached their climax in the outbreak of violent conflicts that engulfed Central America in the 1970s and 1980s. Match the revolutionary leaders with their goals or achievements. By 1826, nearly all the Spanish colonies of the Americas had achieved independence. To further muddle things up, Spanish law allowed wealthy people of mixed heritage to "buy" whiteness and thus rise in a society that did not want to see their status change. The year 1814 saw the restoration of Ferdinand to the throne and with it the energetic attempt to reestablish Spanish imperial power in the Americas. Even after the defeat of Napoleon, the king had stayed in Brazil. It also prompted the declaration of the Republic of Colombia (commonly referred to today as Gran Colombia) as a union of the modern-day countries of Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, and Venezuela. They range from the all-out assault on the authority of the Cuban Revolution to the bickering of Colombia's Thousand Day War, but they all reflect the passion and idealism of the people of Latin America. Markham, Clements. By siding with France, Spain pitted itself against England, the dominant sea power of the period, which used its naval forces to reduce and eventually cut communications between Spain and the Americas. The struggles that produced independence in the south began even before Napoleons invasion of Portugal and Spain. AboutTranscript. Argentina was the first to formally declare independence on July 9, 1816. What Is the Difference Between South America and Latin America. Read More. 30 seconds. Many Latin Americans began selling their goods illegally to the British colonies and, after 1783, U.S. merchants. Resentment at French rule prompted many Spanish colonies to declare autonomous juntas, or councils, that ruled in the name of Fernando. A refugee from Nazi Europe to Argentina, Lewin makes parallels between the rebellions defeat and the Holocaust. Minster, Christopher. Iturbide ultimately was forced to abdicate and was later executed after attempting to return to power. People of pure-blood Spanish descent that were born in the colonies. Latin American Revolutions | World History Quiz - Quizizz He later led campaigns in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. From the start Buenos Aires intention of bringing all the former viceregal territories under its control set off waves of discord in the outlying provinces. Latin American Revolutions - Historyplex The revolution began with a failed assault on Cuban military . In all of these places, independence was achieved by 1826. The French Revolution took place within France itself, an action that directly threatened the French monarchy. A slave revolt began in 1791 and eventually morphed into a full-fledged-struggle for independence. They drafted the Plan of Iguala. Venezuelas Declaration of Independence in 1810, Chile's Independence Day: September 18, 1810, What Is Imperialism? A History of Peru. Many independence leaders were executed. United Provinces of Rio de la Plata, which included most of modern-day Argentina and Uruguay. United States Invasion of the Dominican Republic, 1961196 Urbanization in the 20th Century, Latin Americas, USLatin American Relations during the Cold War, Women and Labor in 20th-Century Latin America. Which best describes why creoles resented the colonial political structure? Other . Simn Bolivar - Accomplishments, Facts & Death - Biography Fisher, Lillian. By . The independence of Latin America - Britannica While Brazil had a similar political structure for much of its colonial era, the causes of its independence played out quite differently. The Latin American revolutions took place in the late 18th century and early 19th century. . Both Latin American revolutions and the American revolution were different in term of cause and the result it brought with it. Both revolutions followed the anatomy of a revolution and had comparable causes, however the French Revolution politically better outcomes, whereas the Latin American Revolution resulted in poverty and lost territory. 3 main causes of the Latin American revolution were the resentment by Creoles of being denied access to political power, the spread of Enlightenment ideas, and the impact of the French Revolution. Consequently, the forces under San Martn managed only a shaky hold on Lima and the coast. Here is how the story went: Social Classes. While slavery was usually ended during or in the years that followed independence, racist class structures remained, with those of African and indigenous descent remaining largely disadvantaged even if they had gained technical legal equality. With these figures of legitimate authority in his power, the French ruler tried to shatter Spanish independence. In places like Argentina, colonies "sort of" declared independence, claiming they would only rule themselves until such time as Charles IV or his son Ferdinand was put back on the Spanish throne. Lewin, Boleslao. Spain discriminated against the Creoles, appointing mostly new Spanish immigrants to important positions in the colonial administration.
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