Execution of four deserters from Jacksons Division who had been captured in the Shenandoah Valley and returned to the army. Later the 2d was shifted and fought lively skirmishes with elements of the Union 6th and 12th Corps on the extreme left of the Confederate line of infantry, Wesley Culp was the only KIA reported by the 2d Va. 5th Infantry Regiment was organized in May, 1861, under Colonel Kenton Harper. Your email address will not be published. This page was last edited on 8 November 2022, at 19:44. Marched 42 miles south through Strasburg to Mount Jackson. var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; It saw action at First Manassas, First Kernstown, and in Jackson's Valley Campaign. Co. G, 10th Mississippi Volunteer Infantry On picket duty, burying the dead and gathering up discarded arms and equipment. Perhaps because a portion of the regiment was forced to surrender on the slope of Culps Hill, there is a second Federal regiment that also reportedly captured the Fourth Virginias flag at Gettysburg. [1] [2] [3] File:Flag of Virginia (1861).png. Company D Smythe Blues, Marion, VA, Albert G. Pendleton On the second day the brigade held defensive positions against Federal probing attacks and sharpshooters. companies, products and services. Funk This article is converted from Wikipedia: 5th Georgia Volunteer Infantry. Company G Shriver Grays, Wheeling, WVA, Daniel M. Shriver The army pursued Banks five miles north of Winchester to Stephensons Depot, where the pursuit was called off. Many of these flags were crudely made and lacked the edging along the sides of the cross. 1st Regulars 5th 7th 9th 21st 22nd 23rd 26th 30th Sharpshooter 45th Virginia Cavalry Regiments. This said, the colors on the flags illustration here are based on the colors that the generals wanted, not what they got because of available materials. The regiment was known as the "Fighting Fifth". The answer was no. Major Williams was promoted to lieutenant colonel. On July 2 the 2d suffered 6 wounded, but no KIAs. Fly to Arms, andsuccoryour brave brothers who are now in the field. To honor his memory, Jacksons former unit was officially designated the Stonewall Brigade, the only brigade in Confederate service to have an officially recognized nickname. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. The brigade marched to Bunker Hill to block the Winchester-Martinsburg Road, Destruction of Baltimore & Ohio Railroad around Martinsburg. The brigade advanced 300 yards across the Plank Road and assaulted Union breastworks, passing thrugh McGowans South Carolina Brigade. Marched north from Staunton then northwest to McDowell, twenty miles away. (function() { The 13th GA captured the flag of the 119th New York on the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg. Can you please assist me? The army boarded trains at Meechums River Station and returned to Staunton in the Valley. The brigade reached a ridge near Groveton after having marched three days with only about four hours sleep. Company C Tenth Legion Minute Men, Woodstock, Shenandoah Co., VA, John Gatewood List of battleships of the United States Navy, Articles incorporating text from public domain works of the United States Government, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia. Baylor, John H.S. The regiment rested, fed, and re-clothed itself. The field officers were Lieutenant Colonel F.H. The attack was called off with darkness. Captain Edwin L. Curtis was badly wounded. The brigade returned to Hamiltons Crossing east of Fredericksburg and formed Camp Paxton, The news of Jacksons death reached the brigade. Jackson removed General Garnet from command of the brigade for withdrawing without orders at Kernstown and ordered him to Harrisburg under arrest. All five regimental commanders resigned to protest the command being given to someone outside the brigade (althought Walker had served briefly in the 4th Virginia at the start of the war) but Lee talked the commanders into withdrawing their resignations. "Confederate Battle Flag of a (the 50th) Va Regiment, captured in the Wilderness by Private John H. Opel, Co. G 7th Indiana Volunteers 1st Brigade 4th Division 5th Army Corps." Served under John King Jackson's Brigade short description:American Civil War unit The 5th Georgia Volunt Three men were from the 10th Virginia and one was from the 5th Virginia. For all the attention placed during the Civil War on protecting ones own battle flag and capturing those of the enemy, it can be surprisingly difficult for modern researchers to track down specifics regarding the fate of a units colors. _gaq.push(['_setAllowHash', false]); Later the 5th participated in the campaigns of the Army of Northern Virginia from the Seven Days' Battles to Cold Harbor, then was active in Early's Shenandoah Valley operations and around Appomattox. After resting on the ridge for most of the day the brigade ambushed the Union division of Rufus King marching by on the Warrenton Pike. Because of shortages, many gold fringes became yellow or white borders, as well as blue hoist sleeves added for the flag pole. Thank you, Austin, for taking the time to research a question many amateur historians and hobbyists have considered, As a miniatures painter, I previoously consulted with you on the Stonewall Brigades colors at the Battle of Gainesville (Brawners Farm). Eight companies were from Augusta County and two from Frederick County. 4th Virginia Infantry: 5th: Cavalry: R 973.781 A737G: God alone knows which was right : the Blue and Gray Terrill family of Virginia in the Civil War: 5th: Cavalry: R 973.781 A875Y: They had 12 gold painted stars on blue bars edged with white on fields of pink or rose. Boarded a train to be taken to Lynchburg but the engine broke down. Continued through Strasburg and a few miles south of town to rejoin Jacksons main force, escaping the Union trap. Major Williams took over command of the brigade, and Captain Edwin L. Curtis of Company I temporarily took over the regiment, even though wounded. The Stonewall Brigade was unengaged in reserve. Although they do not appear to have been in the trenches during the Stonewall Brigades attack on this portion of the line around 10 a.m., the Sixtieth was responsible for dispatching the skirmishers who advanced following the failure of the Stonewall Brigades attack. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. It reported 9 killed, 48 wounded, and 4 missing at First Kernstown, had 4 killed, 89 wounded, and 20 missing at Cross Keys and the Port Republic, and suffered 14 killed and 91 wounded at Second Manassas. Thirty-Third Regiment Music: "The Bonnie Blue Flag" Company C Mountain Guard Augusta County Captain R.L. Later the 5th participated in the campaigns of the Army of Northern Virginia from the Seven Days' Battles to Cold Harbor, then was active in Early's Shenandoah Valley operations and around Appomattox. Marched for Winchester at 4 a.m., reaching the town around noon. English: The flag of the Commonwealth of Virginia, as it was in 1861. Evacuation of Harpers Ferry. After taking most of the day to move into position the brigade attacked at dusk, facing terrific fire. Eight companies were from Augusta County and two from Frederick County. Crossed the Blue Ridge through Thomas Gap on the way to Orange Court House. Thanks for reaching out! It fought mostly with the Army of Northern Virginia . Well reach out with some additional information for you. The Mine Run campaign in November 1863 and the Battle of the Wilderness in early May 1864 reduced the brigades numbers, but the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House brought the unit to the brink of destruction. The next one I can find is the 13th Georgia Infantry returning the flag of the 119th New York in 1885. Marched to rejoin Lees main force near Sharpsburg. Meat rations were reduced to four ounces of bacon, twelve ounces of beef, and ten ounces of flour. And during the Battle of Antietam, these two Florida units were hurried forward towards the crumbling Confederate right in the Sunken Road. After the 5th Texas Infantry was organized in Richmond, Va., on September 31, 1861, its officers . The 5th Virginia Infantry Regiment was organized in May, 1861, under Colonel Kenton Harper. On September 15, 1862, the 5 th and 8 th Florida participated in the capture of Harpers Ferry - the largest single capture of Federal troops during the Civil War. Company E Hedgesville Blues, Martinsburg, WVA, Raleigh T. Colson Company H Page Grays, Luray, Page Co. VA, William D. Rippetoe Although the Stonewall Brigade likely marched away from Gettysburg still carrying the flags it bore at the start of the campaign, these banners would only be used a short time further. The fighting started at first light. Since Creighton clearly make a mistake in his report, possibly due to battle damage to the banner, we cannot positively rule out the possibility that Pollack found the fallen colors of the Fourth Virginia from the slopes of Culps Hill on July 4, but this possibility is no more likely than many other regiments. A closer examination of the historical record, however, provides compelling evidence that all of these claims are false. This article about a specific military unit of the American Civil War is a stub. Since the only red-like colors available in bulk were either pink or rose, these first battle flags were a lighter shade of pink rather that the red envisioned by the Confederate general staff. Twenty-Seventh Regiment © 2012 GoldenWest Marketing, all rights reserved, 9th Arkansas Infantry3rd National FlagWaul's Texas Legion This advance surrounded roughly fifty Confederates and resulted in the capture of both a brigade flag and a regimental banner.5 Godard does not make any claims that the flags belonged to the Stonewall Brigade, but they are certainly the same flags discussed by Geary and Slocum. However, neither Creighton nor Wilsons accounts make any claims of capturing a flag in connection with the surrender of the members of the Stonewall Brigade.18 Rather, Creighton wrote that Corporal John Pollock of Company H advanced over the entrenchments and captured the flag of the Fourteenth Virginia a full day later, early on the morning of July 4.19Division commander Gearys account also lists the flag of the Fourteenth Virginia as among the three captured by his command, the other two being the brigade standard and Virginia regimental colors captured by the Sixtieth New York and discussed above.20 It is possible Creighton misidentified the flag, as the Fourteenth Virginia was part of Brigadier General Lewis Armisteads brigade and participated in Picketts Charge rather than the fighting on Culps Hill.21. May 8-21: Spotsylvania Court House: May 10: Colonel Higginbotham was killed. The fighting continued for five hours, when the division was pulled back to Benners Hill around 9 a.m. Fit for Effective Service: Virginia Arms Her Stonewall Brigade, Its Ancient Reputation: The Stonewall Brigade at Cedar Mountain, The Stonewall Brigade at Gettysburg Part Four: The Fate of the Flags. Learn how your comment data is processed. There was Great consternation when the news spread that Jackson had been wounded. If the file has been modified from its original state, some details such as the timestamp may not fully reflect those of the original file. They fought Union cavalry that day along Brinkerhof Ridge, east of the town (a job that ought to have been done by Confederate Cavalry). Organized at Harpers Ferry under Colonel Kenton Harper, Lieutenant Colonel William Harman and Major William S.H. Company E Greenbrier Rifles, Lewisburg, WVA, Robert Dennis Major James Newton took command of the regiment. The 5th Vermont Infantry was part of the Army of the Potomac, in the Vermont Brigade of the Sixth Army Corps. Brigadier General Richard B. Garnett was given command of the Stonewall Brigade. Federal soldiers called to each other to not shoot him, and he returned to the lines. 26th South Carolina InfantryShea's Vernon's Texas Battery1st Virginia Volunteer Infantry The battle flag adopted in late 1861 for Confederate troops in the Virginia theater was destined to gain fame as the most recognizable symbol of the Southern cause. Company G Mount Jackson Rifles, Mount Jackson area, Shenandoah Co., VA, George W. Allen Colonel Funk commanded the raid, and at the end had five bullet holes in his clothing but was unscathed. On the 30th the morning was quiet, but in the afternoon three heavy Federal attacks were driven back. Moved north to Face Popes Army of Virginia, Marched to Gordonsville through Louisa County, Camped outside Gordonsville at Green Spring, Marched north along the Madison Court House Road to the Terrell farm, Moved north from Gordonsville toward Pope, Forded the Rapidan River and went into bivouac a mile north of the river, Withdrew from the battlefield to near Gordonsville. Directory designed to help its users find the flag information, source, Company F Greenbrier Sharpshooters, Greenbrier Co., Samuel Brown The regiment lost 14 men killed and 91 wounded. Moved to a defensive position along Oak Ridge northwest of Gettysburg. Your soil has beeninvadedand we call upon you to rally at once, and drive them back. Click here if your monitor screen is under 16", 28th North Carolina InfantryCo. E, 1st Kentucky InfantryCo. D, 21st Mississippi Infantry The 5th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment raised in Virginia for service in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. The Stonewall Brigade is an authentic living history association concentrated in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania dedicated to accurately portraying the common soldier of the Civil War. He was replaced by Brigadier General Charles Winder. Date. 26th South Carolina InfantryShea's Vernon's Texas Battery1st Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Co. G, 10th Mississippi Volunteer Infantry, Click here . Funk 21st, 25th, 42nd44th, 48th and 50th Virginia Consolidated Infantry Regiments: Colonel Robert H.Dungan . When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. The materials used were dress silk bolts purchased from Richmond area merchants in bulk. Marched north down the Shenandoah Valley to Winchester. Provenance Flag of the 50th Virginia Infantry. Marched north to meet Union forces advancing on the town but Banks declined to attack. The brigade followed Jackson through the Romney campaign in the first winter of the war, which solidified the relationship between men and commander. May 12 Your one-stop destination for anything you can think about flag. Many of the men were without shoes or socks. Click here It saw action at First Manassas, First Kernstown, and in Jackson's Valley Campaign. Remained in defensive positions until Meade retreated across the rapidan. Confederate Flags of the Civil War 28th North Carolina Infantry Co. E, 1st Kentucky Infantry Co. D, 21st Mississippi Infantry 9th Arkansas Infantry 3rd National Flag Waul's Texas Legion Upson County (Ga.) Guards 8th Virginia Infantry 5th Florida Infantry 4th North Carolina Infantry 49th Georgia Infantry 7th Virginia Infantry After replenishing ammunition and resting they moved forward in the afternoon and took up a forward position. Thank you very much. The timestamp is only as accurate as the clock in the camera, and it may be completely wrong. After having spent the day skirmishing with Union cavalry on the extreme Confederate left flank, the Stonewall Brigade only moved into position on Culps Hill around two or three in the morning on July 3.6The regimental history of the Sixtieth New York, furthermore, clarifies that the captured brigade flag belonged to the brigade of Virginians commanded by Brigadier General John M. Jones, whose assault of July 2 was directly against the position held by the Sixtieth New York.7Although neither Jones nor any of his subordinate commanders mentioned losing multiple flags during their attack, it would not be uncommon for commanders to omit such potentially embarrassing news from their official battle accounts.8, The next claim to consider is that the battle flag of the Fourth Virginia was captured on July 3 by the Fourteenth Connecticut Volunteers. John N. Opel, 7th Indiana Infantry. })(); Come one! Beginning at dawn, marched around the Union right flank. After several attempts to damage the dam a breach was finally made. While plausible, however, this theory appears to be incorrect. Company B Toms Brook Guard, Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co. VA, Emanuel Crabill Eight companies were from Augusta County and two from Frederick County. Hunter The advance continued through the night until 2 a.m. Left Winchester at 5 a.m. for Charles Town. The field officers were Colonels William S.H. Grinnan Later the 5th participated in the campaigns of the Army of Northern Virginia from the Seven Days' Battles to Cold Harbor, then was active in Early's Shenandoah Valley operations and around Appomattox. The brigade served as the rear guard for the army. Company A Jefferson Guards, Jefferson Co. WVA, John W. Rowan Notify me of follow-up comments by email. A second assault by the entire army caused the collapse of the entire Union line. The battalion completed its organization at Richmond, Virginia, in May 1861. The remnants of the brigade fought for the rest of the day in a pouring rain to hold back the Federal assault until a secondary defensive line could be prepared to the rear. The War Department granted the brigades request that they be officially known as the Stonewall Brigade, becoming the only unit larger than a regiment in the army to have an official nickname. All of the 1st Texas' captured flags were returned to the state of Texas in 1905. Newton later formed a part of the 15th Regiment. At Gettysburg, the brigade arrived after the first days fighting concluded and was detached to screen the far left of the Confederate line on July 2. The brigade helped throw back the assault by Williams Union Division, then was pulled into reserve as fighting on the north end of the battlefield died down. Six men of the Stonewall Brigade were convicted by court-martial of desertion. In the afternoon it was brought forward to repel a Union breakthrough. Mustered into Confederate service. Lieutenant Colonel H.J. Minnesota said no. Company G Montgomery Fencibles, Montgomery Co., VA, Robert G. Terry Questions or comments? Company D Mountain Rangers, Winchester, Frederick Co., VA, Frederick W.M. Perhaps it actually belonged to the Forty-Fourth Virginia, part of Jones Brigade or the Fourteenth Louisiana, part of Nicholls Brigade, both of which were also engaged on Culps Hill. An Authentic Civil War Living History Association. Expedition to destroy Dam #5 on the Potomac and wreck the C&O Canal. Captain John Hall was killed by a sharpshooter. Colonel Funk took command of the brigade after General Paxton was killed. When the end came in April of 1865, only 210 men from the original Stonewall Brigade remained to surrender at Appomattox. Although the day began mild and sunny the weather turned by afternoon, and the men bivouacked in a blizzard. The Great Snowball Fight pitted the Stonewall Brigade and Staffords Louisiana Brigade against Doles Georgia Brigade and Ramseurs North Carolina Brigade. In the afternoon the brigade loaded up as much as they could carry and headed north before the supply depot was put to the torch. Company A Wythe Grays, Wythewille, VA, William Terry This Chart shows more examples of the hundreds of different Unit flags used by the Southern Armies during the Civil War. After intense fighting the brigade was forced back with heavy casualties. Marched through Leesburg and forded the Potomac at Whites Ford while the brigade band played. One was given six months hard labor, one was flogged (which would be prohibited by law in April) and three were to be shot, but their sentences were commuted by President Davis. '&utmxhash='+escape(h.substr(1)):'')+'" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">')})(); He were not literally within sight of his home, but it is possible he was on or near land owned by a member of his extended family. Company K Shenandoah Sharpshooters, Shenandoah Co. VA, David H. Walton, It is very helpful to see that several of the companies originated in what later became West Virginia. The unit sustained 120 casualties at Chancellorsville and of the 345 engaged at Gettysburg, sixteen percent were disabled. After pursuing to the Chancellor clearing, the brigade, out of ammunition and with heavy casualties, was pulled back to the line of Union breastworks they had taken to regroup. This article could probably use a refresh and well be sure to update that portion to ensure its accurate! 's://ssl':'://www')+'.google-analytics.com'+'/siteopt.js?v=1&utmxkey='+k+'&utmx='+(x?x:'')+'&utmxx='+(xx?xx:'')+'&utmxtime='+new Date().valueOf()+(h? Garnett, Winder, Paxton, J.A. Company F Independent (Hardy) Greys, Moorefield, Hardy Co. WVA, Abraham Spengler Designated 5th Infantry Regiment and assigned to 1st Brigade, Army of the Shenandoah under Brigadier General Thomas J. Jackson. 1st Tennessee Infantry7th Mississippi Infantry Hard core flag scholars of CSA flags will probably be unhappy with this decision.