Asia Argento Throughout my work and throughout the years I have been vocal and supportiveI try to generate not only key positions for female directors and first-time directors but also write powerful parts for female actresses in ways that are not the quote on quote usual way.". said that Polanski is "very clearly not a predator" and had a rant about how he is a family man. Only one persons behaviour is at issue here, Roman Polanski and he deserves to be in prison because he drugged, then raped, then sodomized a 13 year old girl despite her pleas for him to stop. I hope he finally gets his punishment and for the ones who signed this list: Im avoiding your work from now on! But Gailey became so frightened by the attention the case attracted, because of Polanskis fame, she tried to withdraw from it entirely. This Article is related to: News and tagged. children. Jarre, actually, he pretty much did admit to raping her. I will never again be able to speak to, or look at, Mike Nichols, Jonathan Demme, Martin Scorsese or any of the other names I recognize here without wanting to scream obscenities at them. Broadly reached out to Almodovar to ask if he regrets supporting Polanski, but he declined to reply by the time of publication. After all, no matter how badly the legal system failed Polanski, this didnt cancel out the fact that he raped a child. We'll give you the hints and tips you need (and also the answers). Barbet Schroeder It is also irrelevant that she may have dressed grown up or even if she had engaged in intimacy with boys of her age. The criminal case should be settled without any jail time. Ettore Scola The whole world will be so much safer if Polanski ends his days behind bars. Etienne Faure She has also remained silent on the #MeToo and Times Up campaigns. Alexandre Desplat Children are abused, murdered, go hungry every day. Its neutrality applies in times of war and peace, not in the application of treaty and criminal laws. Polanski denies the claims. Jerome Cornuau His arrest follows an American arrest warrant dating from 1978 against . etc. I find it hard to believe that you would find it an acceptable excuse if it was your child who was sodomized. No excuses. Part of me feels extreme disgust right now because I think that the pass many are giving to Polanski is a reflection of a misogynistic culture that deep down believes a woman (or in this case, a girl) always wants it. 2023 IndieWire Media, LLC. Those people dont want justice or protection of children. It was a mistake," she told the news outlet. Thanks for signing up. I happen to believe that. in 2009 over 100 filmmakers and actors signed a petition demanding authorities to release Roman Polanski, who was found guilty of sexually abusing a minor after he drugged and raped a child and has been accused by many. We lived in a different world, and that doesn't excuse anything. FREE ROMAN POLANSKI! the uber leftist oh so talented equivocators make me want to hurl. Here are some tips and tricks to help you find the answer to 'Wordle' #622. Over the past few days I've been watching the Roman Polanski story unfold. The case is not a case of morals. When Winslet was asked last September whether she had any qualms about working with Woody Allen, another director accused (but, unlike Polanski, never arrested and never charged) of a sex crime against a minor, she replied: Having thought it all through, you put it to one side and just work with the person. Jean-Charles Tacchella The man has no remorse for what he did as evidenced by interviews he has given. Natalie Portman admitted that she made a mistake when she signed a petition to release Roman Polanski from Swiss custody in 2009 after he was . He would just be more careful.There are men who go unrevealed for years, even die before anyone finds out about them and here you have a man who was exposed and you support him?Yes he should be free to continue to do what he likes. He drugged, anally raped, performed unwanted oral sex and vaginally raped a THIRTEEN year old GIRL a CHILD. The issue is effective consent not whether you like or dislike someones sexual preference or activity. Fonda made his professional. But stop with the pathetic kowtowing to a predator, please. Paolo Sorrentino It feels GOOD. Woody Allen John Landis if i was in her position, i would say anything as well. Basically, it all comes down to your threshold of pain. I plan to try very hard to never see any work done by anyone who signed this petition. Nicolas Mauvernay Madness. Emma, why did you sign a petition to help Polanski? Are you celebrity/entertainment people think youre above the law? Martin Scorcese 13. I ask why she signed the petition in the first place. Last year, four more allegations emerged: former US actor Mallory Millett said Polanski tried to rape her in 1970; German actor Renate Langer said the director raped her in Gstaad in 1972 when she was 15; a woman identified as Robin M said Polanski assaulted her in 1973 when she was 15; and a third, Marianne Barnard, accused him of assaulting her in 1975 when she was 10. Charlotte Silvera Too bad theyre selling their souls to be there. Woody Allen, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Martin Scorcese, David Lynch, Wong Kar Wai, Harmony Korine, Stephen Frears, Alexander Payne, Michael Mann, Wim Wenders, Tilda Swinton, Julian Schnabel, and Pedro Almodovar are among the 100 and counting film industry figures who have signed the petition, coordinated from France by the SACD, an organization which represents performance and visual artists. Just as astonishing is Sharon Tates sister - a supposed victims advocate saying Polanski is a lovely man and should be free. She was 18. Classic movies. I love you and respect you more than ever. Wow, this is maybe the finest list of people that Ive ever seen. Stephen Frears do you see anyone saying thats ok? How is this even up for debate? Wow! We reached out to some of the most high-profile signatories. It is also irrelevant if her mother was trying to vicariously enjoy a brush with stardom. If Polanski had attended his sentencing hearing instead of fleeing the country, the whole thing would have been over after hed served his time. it just makes you sick to your stomach to see so many people that you gathered so much inspiration from dissapoint you in such a vile way. Wim Wenders. He admitted to unlawfully having sex as part of a plea bargain the judge tried to renege on. im not sure if i should say i expected better from a lot of these people. Im so glad Roman has so many supporters that he can rape and sodomize, but are any of you 13 because thats target age we need. Peter Henry Fonda was born in New York City, to legendary screen star Henry Fonda and Ontario, Canada-born New York socialite Frances Brokaw (born Frances Ford Seymour). We demand the immediate release of Roman Polanski, urges the petition. Richard Pena Portman is one of the first . Here are some tips and tricks to help you find the answer to 'Wordle' #621. It seems inadmissible to them that an international cultural event, paying homage to one of the greatest contemporary filmmakers, is used by the police to apprehend him. For those of you who support Mr. Polanski, have you never considered that he has likely perpretrated the same things against some other young victim as he did Ms. Gailey? Do you have kids??? Polanski is a child molester. We have learned the astonishing news of Roman Polanski's arrest by the Swiss police on September 26th, upon arrival in Zurich (Switzerland) while on his way to a film festival where he was due to receive an award for his career in filmmaking. Claude Lelouch His plea is on page 12: Do you understand the judge has not made any decision? Michael Mann, Tilda Swinton, Vangelis, Christophe Barratier, Lynch, Scorsese, Allen, Louis Garrel, Ludivine, the divine Jeanne Moreau. But I was, it turned out, grossly out of step with the times. "And it's really unfortunate, and was a surprise to me for sure. It is amazing at all of the people that dont care that a 13 year old girl was raped. - Path. so dont free him :), First off Mr. Polanski did not rape anyone. Yes, Emma Thompson, who last week appeared on. ", Mashable Australia's Web Culture Reporter.Reach out to me on Twitter at @Johnny_Lieu or via email at jlieu [at], "I take responsibility for not thinking about it enough. And I still have a good lot of movies to see. (Also, Woody Allen, but who's surprised there?) The right thing is different for different people. Or do I have him confused with some other child-molesting priest? He didnt answer me when I said no Then he lifted up my legs farther and he went in through my anus.. Bertrand Tavernier Claude Lanzmann Portman wasn't the only high-profile signatory. The petition was also signed by various other luminaries of the global film industry, including filmmaker Sam Mendes, actor Jeremy Irons, and actress Isabelle Adjani. Actually, the film Wanted and Desired has notable inaccuracies and neglects to include the grand jury testimony which is readily available to the public. None of what you say changes the gravity of this case and with a lot of crimes the law also operates apart from Petition for Roman Polanski. Backlash builds against support of Polanski - I dont know if you are really helping his case, Woody. Although the Spanish director signed the 2009 petition supporting convicted child rapist Roman Polanski, Almodovars been scathing when it comes to criticising Hollywoods institutional sexism. 100% of the proceeds of this bundle will support Direct Relief, International Medical Corps, and Save the Children. I wonder how these signers would feel if it was one of their kids? Like all arguments in Polanskis defence, the documentary stresses the previous tragedies in his life: his mother, four months pregnant, was killed in the Holocaust; his wife, eight months pregnant, was brutally murdered by the Manson family. Marc Guidoni Really, you are worse than the most rabid of Polanskis detractors. Just because he made a few hollywood films, should he somehow be judged more severely or liberally than the others? Jean-Jacques Annaud Feminist groups that challenged him were derided or ignored. Polanski drugged a 13 year old girl and forced his penis in her anus - is that too ugly? Strip polanski of his resume and he is a man. I will spread this list to every friend I have, and post it on Facebook and many other social sites. Making good films does not exempt you from the law. means nothing. Jacques Richard This article was amended on 30 January 2018. Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu And yet only a decade and a half earlier, Streep had stood and applauded when Polanski won best director at the 2003 Oscars, not so much tacitly approving rape as explicitly celebrating a convicted child rapist. People believe that gender equality is improving, but the rest of the data tells a different story. Judge Laurence Rittenband, who was thought to be considering sentencing Polanski to 50 years in prison. It is sad that these people think Polanski is above the law!! Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Tonie Marshall Gee, she got so uptight about cancer-adled, bedridden Sharon Atkins potential release saying she hadnt paid for her crime (and I agree, by the way). Polanski was originally indicted on six counts of criminal behaviour, to which he pleaded not guilty. In 2009, when Polanski was arrested at a Zurich airport in a failed extradition attempt, over 100 Hollywood celebrities signed a petition calling for his release. Michael Mann After Thompson initially signed the petition, Caitlin Hayward-Tappa student at Exeter Universitychallenged the actress about her support for Polanski. i honestly dont know what to say, except for i almost feel let down. Believe it or not, I believe that you and I agree. Hiding under the same moldy rock they hid under during the OJ trial? Every story has more than one side. None of my business. "We talked for 15 minutes and by the end she [Thompson] said she would get her name removed. Sam Gabarski My level of disgust for these petitions cannot even be fully expressed. Actually Polanski never admitted to raping anyone. It will be much wiser, less obstinate and more generous to leave this exceptional man alone. He plead guilty to a lesser charge of unlawful sex with a minor because he knew they had enough evidence to fry his ass if it went to trial. Accept Read More. . Alain Jessua Please somebody start a petition against Roman Polanski and the rest of his kin. Roman Polanski is a French citizen, a renown and international artist now facing extradition. - la SACD He should be brought to justice. Patrice Chereau And I was like, sure. Patty Jenkins Told Chris Pine to Try Directing: 'You Gotta Do Something Besides Wait in Your Trailer' James was best known for playing Sonny Corleone in "The Godfather," which won him both Oscar and Golden Globe nominations for Best Supporting Actor. He only confessed to a lesser charge through a plea agreement. Nelly Kaplan Paul Boujenah Though he was released from custody by July 2010, over 100 members of the film industry . AFP is reporting that a grand assembly of filmmakers, actors and producers from around the world have signed a petition urging the release of director Roman Polanski, who was arrested. This article was amended on 2 February 2018 to clarify that the estimate of a three-year US prison sentence was made in 2009. All Rights Reserved. The student's petition, entitled: "Drop the petition for Roman Polanski's release", was launched last week, and has over 400 signatures. Film-makers in France, in Europe, in the United States and around the world are dismayed by this decision It seems inadmissible to them that an international cultural event, paying homage to one of the greatest contemporary film-makers, is used by police to apprehend him., Related We have a duty to protect the innocence of children. It was a mistake. High-profile actors like Kate Winslet and Adrien Brody continued to work with him. i do realize that no ones is going to take me seriously,but here it goes anyways. Admitted to the crime and fled the country. Defending Polanski in the face of his full admission of drugging and raping a 13 year-old, fleeing charges because he thought he was too important to face the consequences of his actions, boasting to Martin Amis that EVERYONE wants to F*** little girls! and complaining how HE is the victim (in true sociopathic form) by not being able to work in Hollywood for 30 years, while never ONCE saying that what he did was unfathomably wrong, has nothing of importance to say about humanity. So many people seem to be against Mr. Polanski. If youre not going to enforce laws, then whats the point in having any? Woody Allen, David Lynch and Martin Scorsese today added their names to a petition demanding the immediate release of Roman Polanski from detention in Zurich. He describes grooming Gailey on the drive to the photoshoot: I asked when shed first started having sex, he writes, as if thats a normal thing for a 43-year-old man to ask a 13-year-old girl. Insanity. polanski never openly apologized and the only reason why this case has dragged on for so long is because polanski denied raping her and skipped town. 5. : Unsigned. Franois Margolin Tilda Swinton 1994 Actor Death And The Maiden Roman Polanski Fine Line Features 8X10 Photo. I disagree. The actresswho spoke at the Womens March in January and has been a vocal supporter of the Times Up campaign to end sexual violence and abuseexpressed contrition to Buzzfeed over her former views. The names on the petition include Natalie Portman, Tilda Swinton, Isabelle Huppert, Penelope Cruz, Diane von Furstenberg, Wes Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, Martin Scorsese, Monica Bellucci, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Harmony Korine, Ethan Cohen, David Lynch, and Harrison Ford. Is anyone surprised that Woody Allen, seen here with his wife and stepdaughter, supports Roman Polansky You'll find hundreds of names on Hollywood's pro-Polanski petition. He is a convicted child molestor. In 1977, Roman Polanski was convicted of unlawful sex with a minor and fled the US rather than face jail time. Michele Placido He never even apologized to the woman. - Le Syndicat National des Techniciens de la Production Cinmatographique et de Tlvision (National Union of Film and Television Technicians) I start by emailing Zenovich to ask if she feels attitudes towards Polanski have changed since she made her movie and its follow-up, Roman Polanski: Odd Man Out, about the Zurich arrest. Marco Bellochio I will never ever spend another cent on anything you folks are in, or have participated in or come even close to being involved in. The year after he fled the US he gave an interview to Martin Amis, in which he declared: Judges want to fuck young girls. 8 8 Most Beautiful French Actresses . We have learned the astonishing news of Roman Polanski's arrest by the Swiss police on September 26th, upon arrival in Zurich (Switzerland) while on his way to a .