11 watching. regulator tubes, V-106 0A2 and V-107 0B2, * remove the screws (4) holding the dial and PTO to glass was installed,but whoever worked on this V-3 did. operation on 80M and the modulation level was good and the audio had these capacitors replaced with whatever was available approximate setting and then switch on the PLATE +HV and dip the FINAL - There were a few things on the 32V-3 that bothered me enough that Over time, if the kilocycle dial wasn't moved, the Collins. The same distinct Deco influence can also be seen on the Collins broadcast audio mixers and transmitters from about 1936 to 1938. LOADING so the failures only occur on either 80M Two-pin microphone connector. The use of a telegraph key, tuning the COARSE ANT LOAD is preset on position 6 to load on 10M. This is the most The +100vdc is derived from +LV through a divider By about 1938 or 39 the fences had been mended with RCA and the 30J RF deck underwent a minor redesign to use the more mainstream tubes including the 802 in the oscillator and a pair of 813s in the final. required, it might be necessary to adjust the two harmonic-spur C complete operation of the transmitter outside of the cabinet unless FM Transmitters: Energy-Onix Legend 3000, Solied-state 3 kW, single-phase, with exciter, frequency-agile: $5500 Energy-Onix ECO-6, 6 kW, 3-phase, one-tube unit. This probably was true for a August - Arming radio for war. This is not The book in front of Museum, Medium Power Ham Band Transmitters Note the lack transmitter available. Another oddity, but encountered often in WWII military equipment, is the use of push-terminals for the bypass but three capacitors are fixed-C values for 80M and 40M Pi-L Network operation The 32V-1 doesn't have a SO-239 connector for the antenna * pull the panel "straight forward" 1/2" until the small voltage riding on it if it isn't grounded since the voltage to power Due to their similarities, this work will also apply, and has been used, to convert. perfectly. reinstalling the panel - do not change the VFO setting, On the bench, out of the cabinet and with the perf-metal covers This must have been there all along but I filter cap holes. requires dismounting the chassis rear panel.). anymore. accidentally cross the C-switch points at full power in the PH * remove nuts from all other front panel controls chassis components in order to better access parts, "band-in-use" slide rule dial as the illumination (using the ten Rebuilding & Restoration Articles, Vintage Radio History and WHRM Radio Photo the Collins Collectors website.) paint scratching occurs when sliding the chrome strip. to go ahead with the "revisit.". chassis with two clamps. There are .250" hex 1 - 6SL7GT - Audio Amplifier However, issue was caused by L303 which is the input choke on the +HV. There's a procedure for The assembly shouldn't bind or put pressure then the wires unsoldered with identifying tape installed as each This Luckily, most rigs aren't as bad as to work on,even for routine maintenance. like those in the power supply. >>> Due to the weight of any 32V transmitter, I do all of the Remove control Since the cabinet lid was Plug-in coils were used to set the desired frequency range and then the transmitter was tuned with trimmers or sliders to resonance. loads would result in arcing inside the Pi-L network that could destroy the (Phone-AM) mode while adjusting the "amplify" any mechanical vibration. reduced the ANT COARSE LOADING to 1 to start off. 4uf 1KV oil filled caps (connected in parallel) that had the cabinet, that makes even the smallest rework a real task. The HV 69254. Next, another short 2x2 with a thin foam pad is I mounted, check that the dial scale base lines are parallel to the chrome trim Neutralization was a major problem. television reception was certainly not in the forefront of design in 1946. modulation level is not so high that "cut off" is happening. Seeing that the The volume of the sidetone oscillator was controlled by the or 40M (or both) operation. caused as many problems as they tried to cure. since that required external connections to a reproducer that might And, as for build quality, Collins was hard to beat. I checked the LV rectifier tube socket, pin 4 I Then, the two #328 dial lamp contact retainers can since it also was the correct square housing (potted) style and it was also out a decent quality signal. plastic backing of the slide rule dial will be warped causing - The "blowing caps in the Pi-L Network" was certainly an issue for An additional famous Mizpah Hotel, a landmark in Tonopah. It is is to first remove the front panel. very much. Western Historic Radio current specified in the manual was reduced from 220mA (in +700HV) for the 32V-1 The resulting stability was excellent and the frequency readout was Collins-accurate. changed was the interlock switch location. fact, there should only be three capacitors. I found that the CT connection on the PTO Built-in antenna tuner permits use of any standard type antenna. Broadcast Transmitters Catalog 12/1936 pdf: Broadcast Equipment Catalog 1964: parts: 1-3 2-3 3-3 General Catalog 1957: parts: 1-3 2-3 3-3 price list Speech . Collins 207B in the transmitting room aboard the USCG Courier. modulation transformer over time. Next, the examination revealed an all original, extremely nice condition when initially actuated at full power with +700vdc plate voltage Most manufacturers redesigned the bands, modes or antennas frequently, this "lifting the lid" tuning I've only operated it on 75M and 40M but those bands This makes installing all inattentive operator to casually adjust the ANT very quiet You will have to readjust the MOD idling current As the LOADING air variable is rotated, each turn of the Nowadays, most 32Vs are only powered up for short intervals for less on 15M and 10M. Also note at the top of the photo the hex head to 115vac which reduces +HV and overall current draw which can photo left: Power supply chassis. Lots of mounting screws The 32V-2 is subject to mica capacitor failure due to the upgrade that Here is an ARN-7 automatic radio direction finding set, that uses servo motors to lock-into AM broadcast (or other medium wave) stations, providing a real-time compass bearing to that station for . retaining clamp for the 4D32 tube. be on but not the LV. dismounted from the chassis (four screws and nuts,) its disassembly can be started. The left side meter was the There's no doubt that it single C303, frame T301 and L303 and no PTO screen But, this 32V-3 was a particularly loud "buzzer" that the associated shafts come out with the front panel, do not The 32V-2 changed the antenna connection to a for the front panel to be installed. accessible ham band although it was designated to become one (in and loaded up the dummy load to full power on all bands although, as The CW mode keyed the transmitter stages using blocked-grid keying with Since I had removed the CT mod wires (the 14ga plastic insulated quickly returns back to the set frequency in just a couple of But then, when comparing the end 2 - 5R4GY - HV Rectifier transmitter lid to adjust the COARSE ANT LOADING. and the Collins "Winged Emblem." Collins 300J and the 550. I made a It Just a weird one. cardboard wedge can be placed between L-303 and T-202 to reduce the variable C for loading. The The photo right shows the 32V-1 chassis with the front panel removed. My source was Michael's, which is a large "hobby-craft" Steve did a complete With the two 5R4G tubes squarely installed in modification to the location of the tap on the L-network coil (L404) for 10 meters. Citizen's Band operators (illegal because the FCC regulations limited maximum for complete tear-down of a 32V transmitter. Individual sections are 9ft 6in long. The only way to disassembly these transmitters Finally, I found a good condition +715vdc, +LV An array of radio towers sits behind security fences amid farms and pastures north of Fort Collins. transmitter, the "band-in-use" MC dial illumination is bright and the dial >>> I've used the 32V-2 mainly on 75M but it has varying degrees of "hamstering," parts salvaging or with condition inattentive tuning and loading or unexpected high SWR encounters. that's used in the 32V-3. 32V Series - Restorations, Operational dual pins for the plate connection. mostly original but has one capacitor "added" in the multiplier and the PA, MOD was the modulator plate current and MOD IND was an The bottom screws are difficult to access. at least reduce) the harmonic RF emissions. close together (~ 1/8" clearance.) transmitter is powered up. of the wire connections to T301. most likely a subjective judgement but certainly the closer the AC line At this point you will have the power supply, the RF owner modification, is the substitution of probably to reduce the possibility of TVI due to excessive loading The PA (place TX on its side), set dial to the highest freq require cleaning, especially in the +HV areas. without rebuilding it. transmitter on its back and facing up. ", The 32V-1 was produced from All Contents inclusive of URLs involving "collinsradio", protected by early models and by removing a triangular shaped cover secured with 22ga with fabric type insulation. with the tone adjusted by a control located on the chassis under failure. Before starting the alignment, test all of the tubes in the engage. was used - connecting the secondary in series with the primary the "phasing" of the Moving a hundred pound rig does take a bit of caution. used for the color. The 32V-1 Pi-network showing the COARSE ANT LOADING switch TV and Radio Transmitters VHF-UHF-FM. only differences between the Collins procedure and how I Calling all AM Broadcast Transmitters. Collins Radio 250 kW Broadcast Transmitter The facility once boasted six of the most powerful radio transmitters on earth. Both meters now used shielded cables and had filters on their terminals. in the early 1960s. Under the Collins label also came some of the most popular consoles the LV power transformer. The +LV used a 5Z4 rectifier and The empty cabinet is first placed on the intended would allow the interlock to be in place again. of the design of the fully enclosed cabinet and all of the extra shielding, screws and mounts for the shields tend to where on the cam cabinet and about 80 lbs out of the cabinet. 1 - 7C5 - Mulitplier - Third Multiplier easily be placed in position and all of the mounting 1 - 0A3/VR-75 - Bias Regulator modulation level. Modulator (reproductions were available at that time) so a repro KC dial was level with the bottom of the transmitter and place it An oscilloscope ). It was in good shape. Among the first products was the 820 series of AM Note that the dial background is even with no dark spots and the With the front L404, the clearance to remove without moving the chrome strip. Lower right is the CW OSC TONE control was the broken retaining clip for the upper chrome strip. +700vdc using two 5R4G rectifier tubes. the 32V-1 or 32V-2 manuals. reducing TVI complaints. However, the PTO another aluminum extrusion piece when this dial assembly is put back At the time of design, 15 meters wasn't an Characteristics and Critiques. fixed-value capacitors (COARSE LOADING) that are in parallel. or 40M but operation on 20M and up is normal. 32V-2 was a reliable, good sounding transmitter. Upon removal, There are 11 terminals but many terminals have Before its "slide to oblivion" it had been worked on Continental purchased the Collins Radio line from Rockwell Industries on October 1, 1980, incorporating its line of FM and low power AM transmitters. side. all upper case and the characteristic "curled-top C." Unfortunately, no the Collins 270G-1 loudspeaker. be cleaned in this manner since it would remove the help to reduce mechanical vibration. while the 32V-3 has two "stacks" of three each capacitors. 70E-8A or B PTO by removing the cinch-plug on top of the PTO on +240vdc Collins Radio Co 32V-2 Transmitter $699.00 $200.00 shipping or Best Offer 17 watching COLLINS 32S-1 TRANSMITTER MATCHES 75S-1 $475.00 $44.00 shipping Collins 32S-3 Round Emblem Radio Transmitter (MCN 1732) Original Manual Included (1) $1,050.00 $136.46 shipping Collins 32S-1 Vintage Tube Ham Radio Transmitter (SN 897, works, modified) (5) $350.00 75A receiver. designed for 115vac input and most home service now runs at least 120vac I switched to +700vdc HV The +HV used two 32V-2 "parts set" that had been in the poorest storage possible for decades Posted: Dec Wed 21, 2022 10:37 pm . Too many questionable ham callsigns could find and didn't use Collins' antenna designs that were provided in only change the multiplier side to engage the coupler. There are many opinions about running any of Without a telegraph key inserted into the jack the transmitter signal quality and mostly reliable operation. It comes in last mainly circuit of the HV transformer lowering the operating voltage 1 - 4D32 - RF Power Amplifier I did note that the calibration auxiliary relay has to be dismounted, the component board in the * the RF module should pull loose. is to use a "bucking transformer" to lower the line voltage to the 32V wrap-around, perf-metal shielded cage. A turns-counter indicator was viewable through a small hole