The guards suddenly awoke from their Take your son to Gokul, across the river Yamuna, to the house of Nand, the cowherd, said the voice to Vasudev. But what he saw astonished him greatly. What is the wonderful influence of covetousness! But the doors stood open, the locks broken, the guards snoring with their heads on their weapons. Vasudev told Devaki that he would take the child to his friend Nanda Gopal in Gokul. Such divine actions that God performs are termed as leelas while the actions we perform are called work.. The baby was as dark as the clouds that covered the sky that night. The walls forced them to remain inside and suffer. The evil-minded and wicked king Duryodhana, the destroyer of the fair fame of the Kurus, was born of a portion of Kali on earth. The Bhgavatam states: tam adbhuta blakam ambujekhaachatur-bhuja hakha gaddyudyudham(10.3.9) [v9]. On hearing this Kansa burst into a rage. He said he would slay his sister before she gives birth to her eighth child. Vasudev was followed by Vasuki the snake, protecting them on their journey. Kansa agreed to spare Devaki, if Vasudev kept his promise. Raja Harishchandra is admired and idolized for his steadfastness and honesty, even though during his lifetime it led him to sell his son into slavery along with his wife. She was sleeping peacefully in her bed and Since the time I have looked, on my co-wife Diti, of beautiful eyes and proud, this is the one and only thought that troubles the peace in the innermost of my hearts. All rights reserved. Share. Share. cries of his sister. [24], In the state of Goa, Devaki Krishna Sansthan temple is a unique temple, perhaps is the only temple in India where Krishna is worshiped alongside mother Devaki. Vasudev returned to the dungeon where the guards were still sleeping, and the prison doors were still open. This is your eighth child, roared Kansa. Surprises now many to await, I've edited my spot a couple of posts above :). Understand this verse in the light of the previous one. Its influence has overpowered the Maharsi Kas'yapa and has tied him down to an ordinary affection and has urged him to commit a sinful act. Kansa who loved his sister dearly escorted his sister by chariot to her in-laws home. Maybe they did, I don't know, but there are some sources that say the babies were born through divine intervention since it was necessary for all six babies to be born before Balaram and Krishna. All at once the river stopped raging, the waves grew still and the water level subsided. He did it out of fear; a prophecy had come from the sky that Devakis eighth son would grow up to be his killer. And one day, he will come in search of you and kill The prison doors shut on their own, Vasudevs chains fastened themselves around his ankles, and the prison guards woke up, stretching and yawning, and amazed that they had fallen so sound asleep. 4. 2. Rohini bore several sons, namely, Balarama, Sarana and Shatha. 11. 32. In Mathura, all was as he had left it everyone slept, deep in an enchanted sleep. 53. Both of At the stroke of midnight, the eight baby, who we know as Lord Krishna was born to Devaki. Devaki was married to Yaduvanshi Vasudev. outside. Blessed are those saints that have devoted themselves wholly to the attainment of peace, who are tranquil-hearted, lead a hermit life and don't ask themselves of any thing from any body. [13][14] Her six children were killed, while the seventh Balarama survived after being transferred by divine will into the uterus of Rohini, one of the other wives of Vasudeva. were, as always, wide open. Your curse won't be fruitless; in the 28th Manvantara, at the end of the Dvpara Yuga, your curse will bear fruit. However, to create in her the feeling that he was there, by his power, he simply kept expanding Devaki's womb. The one person whom Kansa loved and adored, was his sister Devaki, who was kind, loving and caring. colors, streamers and fragrant flowers. Krishna, Balarama and Vasudeva later gave up their lives, and the Pandavas collected the remaining Yadava children and ladies with them to Indraprastha, where Pradyumma's grandson Vajra was crowned as king of Mathura, and some other survivors also were crowned as kings of different places (See Mausala Parva). the water behind him. At the stroke of midnight, the eight baby, who we know as Lord Krishna was born to Devaki. a little town near the river Yamuna. Nine years passed before Devaki got pregnant for the eighth time. [16] The author and the century in which the above Mahanarayana Upanishad was composed is unknown. Owing to a divine prophecy that he would be slain by the eighth child of Devaki, Kamsa arranged that all of Devaki's sons should die at birth. converged into a sphere and the same voice of the Oracle that scared Kamsa, Devaki was pregnant for the seventh time. Such devotion requires divine sentiments toward the personality of God. much difficulty. Without a word, he new father picked up his son to follow the Oracles 17. I will hence count greed as more powerful than even Fate, the Ruler of all destinies. shower on them a kingly courtesy as was prevalent in those days. Thus was cursed the Maharsi Kas'yapa by Brahm and Varuna to come down to the earth as Ams Vatra to relieve the earth of her burden. Vysa said :-- O king; The incarnation of Hari and the incarnation of the Amsa Avatras of all the other Devas are accountable to many causes. "son of Vasudeva"), Balarama, and Subhadra. On their way, suddenly there was a gust of wind, and the clouds darkened the skies. Incase of any issue please contact the webmaster. You cant resist him, no matter how hard you try!" Be peaceful; I advise you to take a vow, practise a rite, and when the period of your practice will be over, you will get a son like Indra. But the newborn baby laughed, and put its tiny foot out of its swaddling sheets and touched the waves. Outside, the winds wailed and the rain fell in torrents. The next time your little one steals from the kitchen or gets his clothes muddy on the pretext of doing Baal Leela, tell him that! Shakuni Plots Against . [9] Kamsa smiled doors opened automatically. The people of Mathura and of the surrounding villages were terrified of Kansa, and tired of his cruelty. Diti promised to act according to his word and took an oath; and when she practised the vow, Maharsi Kas'yapa impregnated the seed in her womb. Once upon a time there lived a king named Ugrasena, he had a son named Kansa who was the crowned prince of Mathura. by one. that all the guards were in a state of hypnotic sleep. Before the child is born of the womb, try to destroy it. An Authoritative Guide to Students Loans, Grants and Scholarships, Download IIT KGP 2022 Calendar on The Myth of Aryan Invasion. Locked by Kamsa in cell. As he approached the gate with the child in his arms, the prison His seventh child was also a son, this son was actually an incarnation of Lord Sheshnag. born when the mother is dead? So he drew out his sword and raised it to 43-44. The fair complexioned Diti, thus consoled by her husband, became glad and did not utter any more unpleasant words. There, in the womb of Diti, is your powerful enemy. kill Devaki. If viewed as an independent country, you could say that a prison has strong borders. He entered his dark cell and laid the baby by Devaki's side. In your next life all six of you will take birth in the womb of Devaki and your father Kalanemi will be born as Kamsa. The relative chronology of the text, based on its poetic verse and textual style, has been proposed by Parmeshwaranand to the same period of composition as Katha, Isha, Mundaka and Shvetashvatara Upanishads, but before Maitri, Prashna and Mandukya Upanishad. Watch. should not be construed as a substitute for advice from a medical professional or health care provider. Your Dressed in shining garments and dazzling jewels, she looked terrible and This verse asserts that Narayana, Vsudeva (Krishna), and Vishnu are synonymous. Every time Devaki gave birth to a child [7] According to popular tradition, Devaki is considered to be an incarnation of Aditi, a mother goddess who was the daughter of Daksha and the wife of Kashyapa. Vasudev walked through the pouring rain, holding his newborn baby close to his chest, safe from the wind and the wet, trusting in the divine voice. they realised that the child had changed into a ferocious Goddess! How could he go out, unnoticed He ordered the wedding procession to return to Mathura. Why was it that Diti so cruelly cursed his sister Aditi, the mother of Indra? The ground shook with his fury. That's not unbelieable to me, since the same sources say Kunti also had her children through divine intervention and not through natural intercourse with the Gods. [13] In some versions of the Bhagavata Purana, Vasudeva also married Sutanu, the princess of Kasi, and they had a son named Paundraka.[14]. Convinced that the newborn child was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva bowed down with folded hands and began to offer Him prayers: "My dear Lord, I can understand who You are. But this time the baby did not die; instead, she flew up and for a second The Story Of Lord Krishna's Birth & His Two Moms. You are intelligent, you know everything fully; knowing that it is a sin to steal other's property, why have you committed the unlawful act of stealing away the cows. But he waited for the birth of his nemesis with murderous Maharsi Kas'yapa, the son of Marchi, hearing the curse, allayed her anger with loving words. 24. he decided to spare her life. Please enter your email address to receive our daily e-newsletter. cell where his sister and her husband lived for the past nine years. Lord Krishna the beloved cheeky god also known as the butter thief, but why do we celebrate Janmashtami, and how was Lord Krishna born? Though it may appear an effortless coincidence that I came upon the chanting of the holy names in this lifetime, there is a long track-record of pious activity to first create the foundation. immediately, before anyone comes to know about the birth of this child. Your sons would all become very powerful and would be called Maruts. Kansa came at once, angry yet afraid. [1] According to the Harivamsa, these were the reincarnations of the sons of the asura Kalanemi. As textual evidence, the Mahanarayana Upanishad records the verse: , nryya vidmah vsudvya dhmahi tann viu pracdayt. In this manner, he killed seven Kamsa On seeing her thus, Aditi became anxious and thought if there be born of Diti a son like the powerful Indra, then my son will no doubt be deprived of his brilliancy and splendour. [12] By Devaki, he had eight sons - six of whom were killed by Kamsa and the other two being Balarama (transferred into the womb of Rohini) and Krishna. He turned a deaf ear to all the heart- rending cries of his sister. happened that as soon as Kamsa took the reins of the wedding chariot, a O . Diti, too, asked for a son of the same strength, prowess, and splendour as those of Indra. Those who understand the divine nature of My birth and activities, O Arjun, upon leaving the body, do not have to take birth again, but come to My eternal abode. The entire gathering was thrown into fear and confusion. 26. He reached the dungeons in great The Srimad Bhagavatam itself tells us that the children who were killed by Kans were demigods cursed by Brahma and by allowing for their lives to begin and end as they did, Vasudev and Devaki helped ensure their salvation. Bhagavn! He flung open the prison doors and snatched the baby from Devakis arms. The evil King was both pleased and afraid to hear of the birth of his Vasudeva had many brothers such as Devashrava and Devabhaga, and sisters such as Kunti (mother of the Pandavas), Shrutasravas (mother of Shishupala), and others. It was Vishnu then, who put the prison guards to sleep in Mathura, and stilled the waters of the Yamuna for Vasudev. All five Pandavas are incarnation of five out of seven Indra. And, due to both these curses, this Aditi will be born as a woman. Vasudeva and Devaki traveling in a carriage During the nuptials of Vasudeva and Devaki following the former's wedding with his bride's six older sisters, Vishnu picked a lock of hair from his mount Shesha as well as his own, proclaiming that they would take be born as Devaki's seventh and eighth children, respectively. In his confusion, he freed Vasudev Crown princess Devaki was getting married to As soon as the feet of Lord Great explanation Lola! [7] "Vasudeva" as an object of worship in Hinduism usually refers to the son Vsudeva (Krishna), rather than his father Vasudeva. Vasudev reached the bank of the river Yamuna. Start your day with a nugget of timeless inspiring wisdom from the Holy Bhagavad Gita delivered straight to your email! Balarama married Revati and had 2 sons - Nishatha and Ulmuka & a daughter - Vatsala/Shashirekha. One day Kansa was sitting in his chambers, when he got the news that Devaki had given birth to a child. Throw them into prison, he thundered, pointing at Devaki and Vasudev. Because they were afraid of Kasa, when the Lord appeared as an ordinary child they . Dari Uttar Pradesh ke Kerala, Gujarat ke Andhra, ulang tahun kelahiran Lord Krishna disambut dengan penuh semangat di hampir setiap bahagian negara. I revere Vasudev and Devaki for everything they did and everything they endured because the way I see it, they always made God's will their first priority. U/A 13+. My heart is being pierced wholly by an iron spoke when I see the womb of Diti; kill it by any means you can! Soon Rohini gave birth to the baby, Devakis seventh son. know now that by giving Devakis hand to Vasudev, you have signed your own He would accompany Krishna during His lila by appearing as another son of Vasudeva, Balarama. Or to put it as every mytho does ad nauseum, "vidhi ka vidhaan". Certainly they are not normal beings like us and they carry immense merits on them before taking human forms and are always tuned to God even in their dreams. This was to meet the interests of the parents and also the demigods, who had been eagerly anticipating Narayanas arrival in the world of birth and death. Girija Shankar. This covetousness is a powerful enemy; it is always unholy and odious. Nanda named Soon the much-awaited day arrived. That evil minded Indra bowed down at the foot of Diti with humility and addressed her with words, sweet but full of poison. Kamsa. O Beautiful One! my cute little son! Saying so, she disappeared, leaving behind a terror-stricken Kamsa. there. Then you will live in my palace as prisoners, he When they reached Mathura Kansa imprisoned Vasudev and Devaki in the palace dungeon. The Muni said to her :-- O Dear! He thought that any of the children of Devaki can be Vishnu, so he killed all other children of Vasudeva and Devaki. Against their will. The end of the life. Ugrasena was a nice ruler, and Kamsa was just the opposite. The main deity Devakikrishna and affiliate deities of Bhumika Devi, Laxmi Ravalnath, Mallinath, Katyayani, Chodaneshwar and Dhada Shankar were originally located at Choodamani island (Choro island of today). The hand of God is responsible for the supposed miracles. In this way was born Lord Krishna, the supreme God who is the creator of Harish Bhimani . It was the eight day in the month of Sharvan, a terrible storm erupted in Mathura. the cry of a divine child. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. Song, dance and drama are essential to the lively and colourful celebrations. But suddenly, as the wedding ceremony came to an end, a voice was heard, a voice which seemed to come from the sky, and which filled the great hall and awed all those who stood there. Krishna, the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was born in the prison of his maternal uncle Kamsa, the vicious ruler of Mathura.At the time of his sister Devaki's marriage with Vasudeva, Kamsa had heard from a Divine voice that his sister's eighth child would bring disaster and end his life. The With tears in his eyes, Vasudev kissed his Dont let Kansa kill all our sons! Vishnu heard his prayers, and magically transferred the baby into the womb of Rohini, another wife of Vasudev. 29. Here too, all was silent. Just after the wedding, when Kamsa himself was driving the newlywed couple in his chariot, an astral voice made a prophecy. It is the universal truth that Devaki and Vasudev are the biological parents of Lord Krishna, an avatar of Lord Vishnu born at the end of Dwaparyuga.But history fondly recalls Nanadababa and Yashoda Maiya as is parents.. light. E4. You have become very weak, lean and thin in the practise your vow. Devaki, felt humiliated by the turn of events. They were necessary since life was so dreadful within that the peoples inclination was to escape. I want to shampoo your feet. Vasudev stepped into the angry waters, the baby held high above his head. I am Devi, born as a baby to fool you! and cried lustily. men and women, wherever he went. Vasudev entered his prison, and laid the baby girl beside Devaki. For your slayer is already born! son that the Oracle warned you about. 10. in the dungeons, Kamsa destroyed the child. Krishna worked His magic through the internal energy known as yogamaya. The visible image of the last moments within that lifetime. Everyone would be the same and there would be nothing to write a simple novel about, let alone a mytho that's meant to convey life lessons. Thus when the foetus was fully developed, Diti began to look white and full of splendour. to the viewer. Six children thus perished. divine voice thundered from the sky, Evil Kamsa, you dont know it. When Devaki was carrying her seventh child, she seemingly miscarried. He was born to Devaki and her husband Vasudeva who were ironically sent to jail by Devakis own brother, the evil prince Kansa. Devotion toward the formless is intangible and nebulous to most people. He had pompously got Devaki married. For example, people purify their minds by worshipping stone deities because they harbor the divine sentiments that God resides in these deities. Kamsa, Share. The cowherd tribes of Gokul [3] The son of the Yadava king Shurasena, he was also the cousin of Nanda, the foster-father of Krishna. The bridge had been washed away, and no boat would be able to cross that furious flood. immediately thought of killing Devaki for he thought, How can a child be divine at the same time. 25. When Devaki was expecting her seventh child, Vasudev prayed long and hard to Vishnu. Share. Then Aditi, sinful for her jealousy and anger, will go down on earth to take the human birth through her Amsa (part) and suffer according to your curse. The evil king vacillated. A celestial voice, an aarr, prophesied that the eighth child of Devaki would become Kamsa's death, and deliver the land from his wickedness. Watchlist. Devaki was married to Yaduvanshi Vasudev (who is indicated as Sage Kashyap in his previous life). Vysa said :-- O king! Oh mighty Gods, please save my Kansa killed each child within minutes of its birth. troubled the peace-loving citizens of Mathura. belong to their respective owners, and are used to merely visually identify the Channels, Shows, Companies, Brands, etc. Only Devaki waited, awake and anxious, for Vasudevs safe return. [1][2] She is one of the seven daughters of Devapa or Devaka, a king of the Yadu dynasty, and has four brothers. The latter, furious at their actions, cursed them to be born on earth and be slain by Kamsa, who himself was a form of their father. So Kansa rejoiced at Devakis marriage with Vasudev, and celebrated the wedding with everyone else. the girl-child. Pozrite sa na 12 jedinench oslv Janmashtami v rznych ttoch Indie. This devotion can either be toward the formless aspect of God or toward his personal form. Vasudev promised they would hand over every child that was born to them. He turned a deaf ear to all the heart- rending Meanwhile, Devaki and Vasudev told Kansa that their seventh child had been born dead. The Bhgavatam states: "When Shree Krishna manifested upon birth before Vasudev and Devaki, he was in his four-armed Vishnu form.". Other evidence is from archeological inscriptions, where Bhagavan is documented epigraphically to be from around 100 BCE, such as in the inscriptions of the Heliodorus pillar. The light I could not hear the pitiful cries and wailings of the calves or bereavement from their mother; and I cursed Kas'yapa saying 'You would go down and take birth in the human world as a cow-herd; and your two wives also are to go there as human mortals, suffering under the greatest difficulties and dangers.'". He was a cold hearted, merciless, and cruel man. The serpent spread its five hoods over the father and the baby, and escorted them safely to the other side of the dark river. All rights reservedTerms of Use and Copyright StatementPrivacy Policy. If we can develop faith in the divinity of his pastimes and birth, then we will be able to easily engage in devotion to his personal form, and attain the supreme destination. Kamsa snatched the baby girl from Devaki's lap, and hurled the child against 30. Meanwhile, there was great rejoicing in Gokul. Copyright Rohini Chowdhury 2002. alive in a safe place. Vasudev and Devakis chains were magically released. They had contradicting duties towards their kingdoms, their future children, etc - but in line with "sarva dharma parityaja", they took the sign of God's will (not the vow Vasudev gave Kans, but the prophecy which was as close as you could get to the word of God) and put it above all else. now spoke to Vasudev: According to Hindu scriptures, Vasudeva ( Sanskrit: , IAST: Vasudeva ), also called Anakadundubhi, ( anakas and dundubhis both refer to drums, after the musicians who played these instruments at the time of his birth), [1] [2] is the father of the Hindu deities Krishna ( Vsudeva, i.e. Watch. The Birth of Lord Ka. To begin with, I'd like to say that if we were to hold everyone to the same definition of "natural" and "unnatural", we would have no sinners and no saints. covered his face from the intensity of the light. 20. Similarly Shiv Bhagwan severed his own son's head only to revive him as Ganeshji for reasons we ordinary humans still struggle to comprehend, but we still accept that he must've had his own divine reasons and we continue to worship Mahadev. Everyone in the household of King Nanda was in a joyous mood. Suddenly the dark dungeon was filled with a shining light and once again there came a voice out of the sky. However, some Hindus choose to fast all day and night for the first day of Krishna Janmashtami, breaking the fast at midnight. The newborn is especially vulnerable to extreme weather, and contact with the rain would be dangerous for the health. Devaki was pregnant with her eighth child. She was, however, no ordinary child. surely meant that Kamsas frequent wars with the Yadu dynasty would come to By earthly standards of "normalcy", Shantanu stopped her from doing the same to Devavrat out of human compassion; then she explained that divine compassion led her to drown the babies in the first place and spare them the misery that was to result from their past lives' curse. entered queen Yashoda's quarters. I am sorry to hear of this curse. Meanwhile, Devaki and Vasudeva try to make sure baby Krishna gets away from Kamsan. The enemy, if he firmly gets hold like a fully developed consumption, cannot be killed; therefore the intelligent persons should destroy the enemies, when they are in their buds. The prison guards snored over their weapons, the prison doors stood wide open, the palace was silent. E2. Devaki's eighth son was born at midnight on a dark and stormy night in the month of Sravan. accepts no liability for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations. Vasudeva came onto the bank of the Yamuna and saw that the water of the Yamuna was roaring with waves and that the whole span was full of foam. of Culture (2000). It seemed that the whole world understood Devakis mind and joined Covetousness is the source of all sins, is unapproved by the Sages and leads to hell. Even now think out how you can kill your enemy. Devaki (Sanskrit: , IAST: Devak) is a character in Hindu literature, most noted for being the mother of the god Krishna. Once, on an occasion, Sriman Kashyapa stole away the Kmadhenu (the heavenly Cow, yielding all desires) of the Deva Varuna for his sacrificial purpose; and though he was entreated by Varuna often and often to return the cow, Kas'yapa did not return to him that, the best of all the cows. Kamsa to guide them. Devaki had regained her consciousness only after Vasudev switched the babies 21. As described in this chapter, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Ka, Hari in His original form, appeared as Viu so that His father and mother could understand that their son was the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It was of the eighth child, a son, born to Queen He it was who caused all creatures to be slain and the earth to be wasted; and he it was who fanned the flame of hostility that ultimately consumed all. Vasudeva Shri Krishna :- Vasudeva [Shri Krishna] endued with the great valour, was among men a portion of him called Narayana--the god of gods--et. The eighth child, the eighth child has been born! cried the guards. use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. Vasudev and Devaki waited in fear for Kansa to appear, but suddenly all was silent. special, it was a divine child. 12. After all, he was not going to let her He was called Balram, and brought up safely and in secret by Rohini among the villagers of Braj. All his fears vanished for he understood You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Really! An Indo-Greek ambassador from Taxila named Heliodorus, of this era, visited the court of a Shunga king, and addresses himself as a Bhagavata on this pillar, an epithet scholars consider as evidence of Vsudeva worship was well established in 1st millennium BCE. 37. When the boy reaches the top of the pyramid, he smashes the pot with a stick, and the buttermilk spills. Then a miracle happened. It is said that Krishna was the great god Vishnu himself in human form, born to rid this world of Kansa. Hearing this, the Lotus-born Brahm called Kas'yapa before him and asked. Kansa seemed invincible. Well, I have two theoriesdon't know which one is correct but others are free to correct. Vasudeva swapped Krishna with Yogamaya, the daughter who had been born to Nanda and Yashoda on the very same day, and returned to the cell. I shall personally A new baby boy was born to their loved King Mathura did not smile often. nothing by killing me. That is NOT what I'm going with though, when I'm confused about something I hate hearing that it happened because it had to happen, so I'm sure you would too ;). Vasudev and Dekavi rejoiced. Ugrasena; having imprisoned him kamsa declared himself to be the King of It is mentioned in the texts that Krishna was the eighth Men, women and children slept safe and dry inside their homes. Angered, Kamsa rose to kill Devaki, but was stopped by Vasudeva, who promised to give each child to Kamsa, whom he would subsequently kill. The one person he loved in the whole wide world was his sister and All five Pandavas are incarnation of five out of seven Indra. incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Kansa was frightened and confused. In Gokul all was silent, except for the pouring rain. There was a great voice from the above, Oh dear Kansa why are you so happy? They had no choice but to stay there. And with his brother Balaram, he later went Kamsa, cunning as he was, thought, 2010-2023 Cast: Gandhari. Krishna explained all of this and then gave instructions on what should be done next. The baby was as dark as the clouds that covered the sky that night. Many years passed. Krishna, revered by all Hindus, is considered to be the complete, and perfect, incarnation of the great god, Vishnu the Preserver. 9. death warrant. Thus I have narrated to you the cause of the previous curse. It is brighter than the energy of Brahman, which is the sum collection of spirit. BG 4.9: The Srimad Bhagavatam describes Krishna and the Yadavas meeting Nandagopa and Yashoda there: Seeing Nanda, the Vis were delighted and stood up like dead bodies coming back to life. He could try carrying the baby with him and wade through the water, but the risk is too great. With Sheshnag assisting him like before, Vasudev returned to the prison with She was a partial incarnation of Aditi, the mother of the Devas. [22], In other iterations, Kashyapa is stated to have stolen a divine cow from Varuna for the performance of a ritual sacrifice. [17][19] Srinivasan suggests a later date for the composition of the Mahanarayana Upanishad, one after about 300 BCE and probably in the centuries around the start of the common era.[20]. The Birth of Lord Krishna, 2. But he had to But It was The deity requested Brahma for his intervention. And then it was broken by the sound of evil uncle Kamsa. The child in the womb, struck by the thunder bolt, cried out. Devaki's eighth son was born at midnight on a dark and stormy night in the month of Sravan. doubt. your doctor. you! Still, just like they bore such devastating losses before, they once again put themselves through trauma to ensure that God's will was obeyed and the world got its savior. It is Krishnas birthday (who was the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu) that is celebrated every year as Janmashtami. Indra spoke to the child gently :-- "Do not cry," and in the mean while cut each of the seven parts into seven parts again.