And the reason it exists folks, or even voices like mine that can come as hard and as fast as we bring it is because this platform is privately funded by you the listener, we have a worldwide reach and worldwide donors. True, lets not lose this, we got some precious, we own something thats very, very, very incredibly precious. These laws are put aside there was a smallpox case of in Massachusetts I cant remember the name of the case off top my head goes like 1905 where counter Massachusetts had made vaccines mandatory and he got always Supreme Court the Supreme Court said that this particular quarter Thurman see all were not Thurman, john Marshall, not the original drummer for john Marshall Thurman, I think or Hammond, something like that. So if you tell the if you say that the criminals a bad guy and you believe is a bad guy, your criminal will tell you that thats a negative belief. So I turned around face to face with a manager. They tried to force the asbestos lace paper mask on her she refused. I know that Liberty rises when bondage is on the doorstep. Another guy said, well, you have to put a shield on I said, well, you have a shield for me goes, they sell them in the back. And, you know, she said its a store policy at the mask on I said, Im just telling you, I put a mask on I got a National Medical, I got to deal with this all the time. Because if that happens with me, theres no going backwards. 3 million on a planet turned into an adrenochrome factory. In California, for example, California Health and Safety Code sections 101029110 30 110 40 110 80 and gives the countys health emergencies in health emergency certain powers and gives the county health officer have the authority to order quarantines, but none of the authorities listed includes quarantine healthy people. You think they can be brutal on foreign lands, protecting, quote, unquote, freedom? Read our Pledge HERE. And during those two weeks, he learned how to shoot. COA and Hemp Information. The British underestimated the colonists and what they got was a loss of the colonies because the colonists who understand this folks, only 3% actually did the finding only a third of the population, I was actually supporting it. almost at a time I do not want to miss repeat one more time the website where they can find you and your work. Im pro life, Im not gonna let them put that stuff on my body. course they dont believe in this garbage anyway. 40:38 Listen to free internet radio, news, sports, music, and podcasts. We know at this end does. And because youre not standing up in a coordinated fashion where you have a billion people with 2 billion eyeballs the laser beaming right at them, which then lets them know that their end is near. Somebody somebody just mentioned that to me, theyre going to help with that. Adrian Thomas of Johnson and Johnson announces some important news to share from some of our member companies, which is pharma. 1:21:36 And Ive watched them over many years. So they decided they want to work well, I have assessed the risk as well. He was the sports voice of WTNS and Coshocton County as a whole. Mario. Bear with me. Yeah. 1:40:55 Thats what the thinking now. Its true. Its actually patriot Street Fighter seven. And and and this is something that we are willing to fight for. Because the very principles of liberty revolve around our monies, our pursuit of happiness, if you dont have the ability to pursue that happiness, to pursue those rights, and to act in a system where you can, for lack of a better word democratically operate, because its your choice. Not surprising, JFK was assassinated just the following year. And we were talking about a mask on. 1:10:08 We have noticed that after Chinas theatrical lockdown, they quickly went back to business as usual. Theyre massively locked down, folks. So those two if you just want to learn the Constitution, just basic then those are the two books I recommend. Want to share news with us? Not even the very few few people with a positive PCR test and people werent even sick folks. He is also the creator of the Patriot Streetfighter podcast where the very first episode explaining the military operation behind the 2020 Presidential Election put him into YT censoring stardom as it went viral worldwide. I will surely use your assistance when I need it! My name is Scott McKay. And by the time I was 15, I was pretty well rounded about the US Constitution didnt really do much of it my whole life. So we can educate enough people. But heres the thing. We started to show over a year ago, we have a lot of great hosts on this particular network. Not this guy cuz I Im here now Im the big boy in the block. Thats when rules of engagement go out the window. I guess so. But were invested means they cant give it away. Hey, I love seatbelts. Why because she they said shes trespassing really. And he said, Well, then you have to wear a shield. Why? They drop that the governor dropped it. From a constitutional standpoint. Where are all these orders and protocols and policies coming from? In the California legislature, the word vested means that the power is granted to the legislature, and that the power is are you ready for this irrevocable? Because theyre self serving. I said theyll always buckle for money if you take these business owners. They said, well, Doug, yeah, but then, you know, it affects the healthcare system or doesnt have socialized system, not in an individual, individual individualistic, free market system, it doesnt just in the same way, see their thinking with socialist minds. He says Well, sir, you need to wear a mask. And this time, I hope it doesnt happen. Choose Keagy's Best Price Plumbing for the quality plumbing work you deserve. Ill let you fill in the blanks. lavonne through Singapores finance minister suggests that the government might make examples of dissidents with quote, government or enforcement actions against fake news. So my appointment here is to find out why cant wear a mask. And theyre sending out their hacks from law enforcement, who have never heard of Sheriff Mack that ever learned what their true responsibility is as a peace officer to protect and serve who the criminals, the mayors, the legislators, the people that issue these unlawful iidx which is unconstitutional. Im saying put your mask on, Im going to give you the same kind of answer. I said a few things. 1:33:46 Radio called "The Tipping Point" where he has been branded as the Patriot Street Fighter for the people. And then were going to talk about the legalities of everything that I just talked about in the first hour, which is this tyrannical, oppressive assault on human rights and individual freedom, the unconstitutional conduct of the scumbag class, and we have an expert coming on to lay this thing out in no uncertain terms. 1:05:22 Its POW like a Katy catspaw which is a piece of fruit in Tanzania, and to go to test they did on a piece of fruit and a goat cinnamon. They have her money. Youve authored What are you know, a couple of books that you recommend people getting where can they find them? And she actually had a mask on. Because theyre not afraid to you. Matthew Harrington, CEO of Edelman public relations, agrees that social media must fall in line to promote government policy. Everybody has the right to keep and bear arms. And so patients are not taking them anymore. You start learning this stuff, its only going to get you more angry, but thats good, because then my response to her was, okay, now that youre angry, what are you going to do with it? They give out that award every four years. Why do you think we believe that next point, Chen Wang, an apple research scientist, Google Scholar and worlds leading expert on tracking and tracing and fake facial recognition technology. And I said to him, as I say to most all immigrants I ever meet, thank you for coming here. These are people of principle because if they did, they wouldnt put up with this bullshit, plain and simple. None of your business shall not be infringed. 1:10:18 Well, in the Republican Party, at least, I dont think we can even debate that you see the democrat what the Democratic Party draws. Embed . Bingo. They didnt do it. And the people that I always gravitate to, because I always respect I respect intelligence, I love to hang around. The second time on my way into the back of Costco. Anyways, were going to jump into the information that you need. Left Wing Loon Nina Jankowicz Launches Crowfunding Effort to Sue FOX News, Shocker: Poll Finds Most Americans Think Media is too Easy on Biden, is Becoming More Biased, Katie Hobbs Refusing to Execute Convicted Murderer Despite Decision of Arizona Supreme Court, PATHETIC: German Chancellor Meets with Joe Biden in White House Doesnt Have the Guts to Rip Biden for Blowing Up the Nord Stream Gas Pipeline to Germany, 71-Year-Old Man Shoots Back at Armed Robbers in Philly, Emptied His Gun During Shootout. went to work on them. Because here in Texas, I cant tell you if that needle move much at all. Today he hosts a radio show he created on Revolution. You see how it is there? 1:08:56 Exactly. What else would there be? With every opportunity. Look at the landscape of the nation. Right? Scumbags beware! Not being facetious here, folks. And while were trying to get our stuff checked out, the manager comes up. They eventually say well, maybe maybe they didnt do that. He goes. fantastic, folks. Its truly startling. They knew who she was the point they call the police. They dont they dont care about this being a Christian founded nation, they dont care about freedom, they care about one thing, power and control nothing more. 1:49:58 Ladies and gentlemen, Scott McKay here. 1.13K. And I mean, I think theyre kind of dumb, but but you know, what? But they set a date that the 10th of March, people would not have to wear masks anymore. They may issue quarantine policy regarding individuals on a case by case basis, but they have no authority to order a county wide shelter in place law. Pay Just S&H For Most Items! And Im really kind of curious on how they do confine that that particular virus here in Texas keep it from going across the state line borders and infiltrating into other areas or the COVID Back are the COVID virus in other states doesnt come across the Texas border with all of us out here that are unprotected, and were still under the threat of death and the miniscule numbers that they do show, like a I dont know, point 1% point 8% death rate on on a nation or I mean on the planet for this disease worldwide. I you know, short of short of a manager now coming to talk to me, which Ive asked them to bring a manager over, right? Well, we can get you on. In the beginning, they tried to give me a hard time now I just waved my way out the door. I never regretted a mask. Again, they just come right out and say it ask it Yeah, should we just control these people? 542. Really. This is the Khazarian Mafia the CCP once used to be the Soviets is whatever they need to infiltrate. We, thanks to COVID were able to serve because it was almost impossible, because he federal suits you suppose those are in person, but because of COVID, they let you do it by certified mail. Michael Jay Anderson & Scott Bennett . And there are some businesses saying they still require I dont give a shit who requires it. Youre living in bondage. Well, you know, whats your general personal sense of what youre seeing? Needless to say there was little talk of building immune systems off the shelf remedies or off patent therapeutic drugs and vitamins. At the moment, were in jail there another YouTube strike. So you know, and people assessed the danger and then made their own decisions on whether or not to be out on the streets. In that free market system, liberty will vanish and the Constitution means nothing. Home; Search; Donald W Mckay; Donald W Mckay's Ohio Voter Registration. Yeah, theyre not only you assembled, but anyway, nonetheless, in 1905, they basically said in a national emergency, you have no rights and you have and you have no liberty, because for the good of the community that must be satisfied. So were gonna do whatever the hell we want to do now. Ladies and gentlemen my name is Scott McKay it is March 22 2021 you are listening to the tipping point on revolution radio Welcome to the show folks if youre brand new here you are in for the high octane full throttle truth hammer on all the deep state scumbag criminals all around the world. And because were a capitalist nation, those people primarily become entrepreneurs, they become business people. It will bank bank of america with his badge and he decides Im going to use it instead of talking this woman out of the bank. She wont wear a mask, you wont endanger herself. civilly and criminally. Scott McKay explains how Military Intelligence is exposing the operation to take over the United States of America. Exactly. multinational corporations Rothschild Rockefeller, controlling central banking families, monarchies around the world are going or theyre being dealt with and theyre going to come down. One of the things that we have got, and you and I always get applause for this, when I talked to groups, is we filed a lawsuit against Kamala Harris for being ineligible for office on December 7. 20.8K. There will be no white flag coming up is different. Im wondering, sometime in the future, I start seeing people dropping dead from the vaccines. Hey, what made your ad fly or I saw you You went in there and you did her blah, blah, blah. I said here, you can have your shield back. And she says, Well, you know, I said, she said, I just want you to know that. former CIA Deputy Director Avril Haines unveiled a strategy to flood the zone with propaganda from trusted sources, including influential community leaders as well as health workers unquote. And I was unwilling to bend certainly was gonna break, I was gonna do things on my own terms. Stream live CNN, FOX News Radio, and MSNBC. Privacy Policy the general will, and his exact quote was because sometimes men need to be forced to be free. Both of those have a link bar at the top itll take you to any part of my Douglas v Gibbs comm site you need to go as for the nonprofit constitution constitution Association comm thats where you can get a PDF copy of the lawsuit against Kamala Harris. While he is from New England originally, he loves Da Bears and can route for both . 1:20:31 Theres nothing to lose but if this payment system becomes a world leading payment method your Qs can be worth a lot. Send us a message on Facebook. Yeah, and its funny because Milton Friedman was talking about a lot of this stuff, long before any nail that he had it so right and we just been listening to people like Milton Friedman. Next thing she knows shes having skin burning sensations, heart palpitations, all kinds of stuff happening to her said theyre using an energy weapon on her microwave weapon. And its all not good. Everything that we know is misinformation they call information and everything we know is information they call misinformation. They will not stand there like that. PatriotStreetfighter. 1:31:34 I used to come to a time just like the yellow vest protests in Europe, we saw they got shut down by COVID millions of people protesting in these countries around the world. 12.27.21 Scott McKay on "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio, STUDIO B - Scott McKay Interviews Vaxx Injured Commercial Pilots Important Message Scott McKay Interviews Vaxx Injured Commercial Pilots - Dec 27, 2021 on Vimeo Monsanto central observes that to me, quote to me, it is clear countries need to make a strong f need to make strong efforts to manage both mis and disinformation. The Hammer side is obviously a hollowed out little bolt, and you can put in your piece pipe whatever you want. Real thinking individuals, people who actually use their intellect, who research study, look at the landscape of society as it exists. Its just that in some places, their government doesnt give them access to the rights. Really, youre there to protect my rights. That men 1688 led to the 1689 English Declaration of Rights. Im still not working. out there. But he businesses werent forced to shut down. The original video was banned on YouTube: thats a broad stroke. These people operating under the color of law theyre carrying out fog orders bug iidx, which puts them in the crosshairs of both criminal and civil prosecution. You know the places now youve got it down. At gates direction. In other words, pray about it, talk about it, write about it, gather about it, and be activists about it. Executives through iidx is not a law. 42. He was talking about TD Jakes who I know nothing about other than the fact that hes pastor. Now, that all said, I have been in the fight, when it comes to being politically involved since I was in high school. 1:08:49 All you got to do is think the language is right there. No going backwards. She doesnt wear a mask most of time. No kidding. We talk about all those people that are in the process of being taken down by our alliance powers and partners around the world, the United States military military intelligence, the behind the scenes POTUS, President Trump, who still exists in the greatest position of influence, where somebody who doesnt appear to be the president of the most powerful nation in the world. Aside from the fact that theres all kinds of other reasons. We know what were about. He developed technical skills way beyond what anyone expected. Ive picked Ive picked some battles where I actually wanted the outcome more than I wanted the principle of not wearing a mask. So when you had the radio show, what what was the what was the platform specifically? We know what Liberty tastes like, we know what liberty is about. Thats an interesting word panjin drums and that might sound like an Indian word actually, the exercise were wearing you know this many even though this exercise was referred to as event 201. course they lied about it, as they always do. Did the states create the federal government? Then I come to five store executives that are discussing something which Ive never seen before, but somewhere back near the fruit, but the the the beef section. I dont have a right to healthcare, I have a right to pursue it. So Ive got my reasons. Are schizophrenics actually possessed by demons? you got to put out a fight strategies. Mario. 1:34:13 We got them now. Show more. These people made trillions, trillions off of you, while theyre helping to murder you. You notice that theres no ask for asterisks anywhere in the constitution that says, when you look up the Asterix at the end, it says, unless theres a virus, its not there. So the administrator says I tell you what will let you does your doctor but will want the doctor to have extra protection. And weve got 22 Alliance nation militaries around the world that are taking their hell right into the heart of the dragon that operates in their countries. So, 1:26:36 Most You know, theres nanoscience in those vaccines that can be activated with 5g technology to do whatever the hell they want to do with you. 1:30:56 My record is I need to get in Guinness as the most strikes and the most YouTube channels that have been taken down. So I think theres an opportunity to collect data from that communication mechanism. Its not even you cant even do this in a comedy wouldnt even get yours. We cant achieve it. I talked to a an intelligence analyst from NSA, retired 28 years former naval Intel whistleblower, same thing. This is what we offer this end right here. One piece that I want to bring up to you about all of this. Whats the statute number, there is not because the legislature is have not passed any laws regarding this, so they have no power of law. Just lie, lie, lie, lie lie. But there are times to cheat it now if youre anything like me. 1:31:07 So and this is what I try to get through to people. On patriot Street Fighter eight on YouTube, you have got to go watch this video. So Im going to walk through something here, I just want to read this to you. These are the same people that want you to follow their orders. The danger is gone. 5:24 And when you cover up an individuals identity, and they become just another part of the collective, theyre easier to hurt as animals. View background report for Donald W Mckay from Coshocton, Oh. Youve seen the pope where Hillary Clinton Chelsea all these people, Chelsea Handler go down through the list all these people because to try to put the genie back in the bottle of misinformation and disinformation is not possible. They all had the, you know, they all had the same color suits. Plus 100,000 AM/FM radio stations featuring music, news, and local sports talk. My opinion. This bullshit over were going into store with no mass everybody here. But theres a prototype that came out. And and, you know, I said, because Im me. All right, we already have our rights given to us. Its all been by the executives, presidents, governors, mayors, so on and so forth. Found 1 colleague at Wildwood Music. Heres your proof. Yes, we are going to make these available for purchase. person was kind of wrapped left in the bite. Were gonna say what needs to be said. And hes written a number of books on constitution. Thats if they get away with it. Do you understand why I call these people fork and scumbags. And I its a weakness that I have. And Ive been argued with us, it will go, you know, the founders, they didnt see such a pandemic coming, they didnt, in 1775, they were hit with smallpox, in 1793, they were hit with the yellow fever, you dont beat these new this type of stuff will be coming, you know what happened in 1775, with smallpox hit, and then had a 10% mortality rate, they did have a vaccine, it was not mandatory for the average person, it was mandatory for those entering the militia. As somebody who was a criminal running the CDC for 30 years. What makes sense? And I mean, he was hes been a hero of mine since the 90s. 1:35:27 This Khazarian Mafia have morphed once again. And then I was told when I brought that up one time in a particular group, well, the legislature California gave governor Newsome legislative authority so that he couldnt do it. This is what frustrates frustrates me. Constitution and the Liberty is not possible as we have a free exchange system free market, if you want to call it that. This is a huge problem thats going to keep us from ending the pandemic and might even lead to the fall of governments, as we saw in the Arab Spring, if the solution means controlling and reducing access to information, I think its the right choice. That happens every day happens in the world just from the flu. Now youre going to get the information of how they really are lying to you. Another one, Matthew Harrington Adelman CEO observes that the internet, which ones promised the decentralization and democratization of information now needs to be centralized? Girls counter said you have to have a mask. take it for granted. Its the one show that blew everybodys mind since we started doing the Patriot Street Fighter livestream. And guess what? What kind of economies that they have? I pray that we have a peaceful revolution. which created which? I dont care. Where is this? And in fact, in vaccines, he recommends a strategy to address the problems to these companies, when quote rumors were actually spreading, that theyre shoddily tested products, quote, are causing deaths. It just wasnt today it is you go to DC, youre a rock star. two favorites actually had a chance to be Milton Friedman once I should say, Yeah, I was at an event he was speaking out, I think Id been invited by the Claremont Institute to go to the annual Winston Churchill dinner. Of course you do. 1:00:17 This is what they do. But they dont. its a real pleasure having you and Im absolutely ecstatic that we could get you at the last minute as really perfect, perfect timing setup for this. What makes you think youre not going to be cattle from chattel? What do you think the business owner is going to do? Eastern time. Is this is this a bar scene in Star Wars. 1:21:23 Theyre going to buckle Why? And also the small businesses, you got these small businesses that have these people that just absolutely refuse to back off, and they never want to they they just they small business owners. Last couple days ago, he was Uber me over to the dealership to pick up my bike. 1:15:32 And I just wont put one on period. And I believe we are patriots this country that will do the same thing. So all these projects here, folks described how they would use this viral outbreak to bring this authoritarian system with the loss of our human rights or freedoms. What does that mean? Im a Reagan Baby, I voted for Reagan, when I was 18. The strategies are a number of strategies that you can employ one of them that we are two of them that we are deploying here in Southern California, one of them is, is no mass clash mobs where, you know 40 people walk in a store without a mask where they get into, through all 40 out. Theyve done it, theyve murdered her ways right into the the European royal families. Trevor Griffith was a 1999 graduate of Ridgewood High School and the evening announcer for WTNS AM/FM radio stations. Learn What NESARA/GESARA is HERE. Kevin McAleese communications officer for the gates funded agricultural products how thats interesting. And theyve been lying to you about it, what your rights and your freedoms are. They never closed their doors. Youre going out of business. Shes in a bank. Never Never. I was with a guy from India. You see what happens folks here. somebody knows something and theyre not doing shit about it. If you missed getting bitcoin seven years ago, you wouldnt want to miss this. If youre principled, youre not putting up with this. And Im like, thats my church. Trevor was the favorite engineer of anyone who called games of athletic events over the radio. Now, that said, I want to show you how ridiculous this is some guy I told him, I told us guys, I want to tell real quick story about a VA and wont take a moment. And there she is. And then I continue shopping with her. On manipulation and control public opinion is most revealing. Special Guest Brent Johnson, director of Freedom Bound International, a Common Law Service Center, dedicated to the preservation of personal freedom, privacy rights and the Declaration of Independence. Call to Listen Studio-A 641-793-6370: Monthly Goal $2000 ! Okay, thats fine, but you got to wear a mask to go to your appointment. So by the time the first ones being approached, told they need to put on a mask, the next person is walking in without a mask. I think I mentioned here last week that we are in a state here in Texas where the governor for whatever reason decided he was going to pull back the reins on this insanity. You need to stand up and defend your liberties. 1:49:41 In other words, they cant give it away. His shoes will be difficult to fill. Have you noticed that the legislators arent passing laws regarding this? an edict is something that does not hold the force of law, because they cant make law. So I cant wear him. And if you want to take a first glimpse of this, this is a proud prototype of the new patriot Street Fighter Tomahawk with we the people in the handle, and the coolest thing about the tomahawk is it comes with its own holster that goes on your belt, holster comes off, its a protective leather cover over the tomahawk. And, you know, theres fears on some people, they said, Well, we know what the left is about, you know, they wouldnt hesitate to bring on the blue helmets or the Chinese soldiers. And how can you possibly have 800,000 Kids disappear every year? We didnt simulate this. And my response is bring them on. Its one of my bullet holes that I just I dont seem to think deeply enough, because I just assumed Well, why talk about this, everybody pretty much knows. Those people in most cases that are least intellectually qualified and studied, and have the right temperament and have discernment toward your fellow man. Mckenzie is registered to vote in Coshocton County, Ohio. What are the actual written protections that we have to prove that Im right, that they dont have the power to do this?