We will be a group of at least 5 adults and can drive during the day instead of at night. Aside from dangerous areas along the U.S. border and other regions where cartels operate, Mexico is mostly a safe country and in my opinion, it is safe. My 19 year old son and 2 friends are planning to go to Cozumel and stay at an air bnb by the cruise ship pier. And I had a number of them, set up by day, so they werent in their original bottles. And yes there are dangerous places in every city. Secondly, Is it safe to do all AirBnB?trying to maximize my travel budget. A wonderful commentator mentioned Manzanillo. FYI theres no fine for not wearing a mask and even though it wasnt terribly expensive the experience of being shaken down by the POLICE will keep me from returning to CDMX. Is It Safe To Drive in Mexico To be completely honest, that depends. #DOBetter. I was worried and I feel better about making plans to attend a concert there in Oct at the Foro Sol. When was the last time you visited Mexico? The U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Mexico have issued a new warning to visitors of Cancun and the Mexican state of Quintana Roo over a potential conflict between taxi drivers and ride-hailing service companies which has caused many tourists to wonder is Quintana Roo safe. Bajabound is one of them. In that case, the order is clear: protect them. I will see what else I can find for you. Whoever wrote this pathetic article is a fucking joke. Do you leave your valuables out in plain sight in the states? There is far more crime in countries where the majority of citizens are black or brown. Any advice please. You will find that there are 2 main highways in Baja that run vertically through the peninsula. I beg them to keep their low self-esteem bodies at home watching the Fox News coverage of innocent Americans gunned down en mass while attending church, shopping at Walmart, the movies. I will be traveling to Acapulco in July with my husband and four kids ages 12,10,3,2. I hate preachy books too. Oh btw President Trump and American main steam media arent on the same team if you havent bothered to watch the news or anything else. Is it safe to travel to Guadalajara Mexico? Mexico is NOT safe For Mexicans. I suggest Belize and if you are adventurous ditch the beach and stay in the jungle at Kaana Luxury Resort. When you compare the number of murders to the entire population, it is still a tiiny fraction. Dishonest timeshare salespeople everywhere posing as your tour operator or just straight up lying which is constant from the time you arrive at the airport. If you use common sense and take reasonable safety precautions, you should have no hesitancy in visiting Mexico because Mexico is safe. I am sure if you were pulled over they had a reason because the police does not pull people over no reason at all. I think about 30% of the comments are slandering Mexico and supporting Trump. We have been travelling to Mexico for 12 years now and we love it so much we invested and spend our winters here! Public work projects are often delayed because they fail at securing the resources needed to complete the projects; the contractors steal the money and run! I read through the article and then the comments. As in the US cities where there is a majority of black and brown people there is much more crime. I was told that the original bottle is sufficient with clear labeling. Unfortunately, my grandmother who lived there passed away and I made the trip down. Do not keep your money in your pocket, or backpack, or leave your purse and camera equipment unattended making you easy prey for criminals. Thank you! The quick answer: Yes! How big is your own city when compared to Mexico? Driving restrictions in Mexico City. We leave for Mexico in 2 weeks, and with the latest on Venezula, should we cancel? Thats the equivalent of his support base. Maybe you live in one of those areas, so Mexico feels just as clean and safe as home to you?Adding your political views negates your argument that Mexico is a safe place. So cut the crap of that violence in Mexico is a myth, please. The answer is yes, it is safe to drive in Mexico, but there are a few things you should keep in mind. I used to live in California in San Diego.I have lived in the Guadalajara metropolitan area specifically in Zapopan for more than a decade now and let me tell you something: all this garbage of Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta being supposedly level three traveling warning or wherever stupid United States based ridiculous rating is just pure baloney any large city in the USA is way more dangerous than the Guadalajara Metropolitan area especially Zapopan where I live. I feel like just staying at the resort and Evan so , question our safety . I look forward to your future blogs. Leave your LV and Gucci in the states. Thanks, Marcia, Hi-Webare traveling to Cancun to stay at GR SOLARIS for and all inclusive visit . Not only are some areas of Mexico indeed seeing the worst homicidefigures in decades,but the country recorded its most violent year on record last year, ultimately pointing to an alarming rise in cartel activity. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Hi-Webare traveling to Cancun to stay at GR SOLARIS for and all inclusive visit . There are a number of precautions that need to be observed but Guadalajara is an amazing tourist destination. FILE - Supplies for drug users are seen at an overdose prevention center, OnPoint NYC, in New York, Feb. 18, 2022. We love the small town ambiance to be found in Barra de Navidad, Melaque, La Manzanilla and Cuestocomate. Cancun and Cozumel are just like staying in any American city and you will be completely safe. Keep reading as I dissect fact vs. fiction when it comes to criminal activity in Mexico. 4) What are road conditions like in Baja, Mexico? In the U.S., crashes accounted for 42,915 fatalities in 2021. Ive been living here in the U.S. for almost 2 years now after I was extorted at my former business. Earlier you were chastised for criticizing Trump and his attacks on the Mexican people, making them out to be dangerous, criminals, and murders (that last part I took liberties with but they are Trumps words from various points in time). We had no problems. Fortunately for the rest of us, they wont travel beyond the trailer park. I just came back from visiting. Traveling by day and on deluxe or 1st-class buses, which use toll highways where possible, minimizes this risk. Travelers should also follow general safety measures (listed below) on a daily basis while visiting Mexico. How safe will we be? I would not consider our trip to be "crazy" by any stretch of the imagination. I have know people that have beeb kidnapped and I dont dare to tell you the horrors theyve told me. After a long time I am going to visit North America and my first plan to visit Mexico.For this awesome place, I already discussed and contact with Oscar Cancun Shuttle for transportation from Airport to travel places. As a tourist, you're most likely to come across petty crimes like theft. Things happen and we as travelers have to cautious no matter where we are traveling too. The U.S. Department of State updated the Travel Advisory for Mexico on July 12, 2021. But my mother wants us to visit her grandma and she lives in the edges or Acapulco. Driving at night is not recommended in Mexico. I visited Cabo San Lucas in late September and I felt completely safe not only at the resort but also as I ventured out into town. It also warns people to exercise increased caution when visiting local bars, nightclubs, and casinos.. While Cabo is relatively safe some areas of Mexico pose an increased risk to travelers, so before you startpacking for Mexico keep reading to make sure Mexico is safe. Use common sense and you will be fine. The basics. Dont compare at all staying in the golden zones of the Mayan coast (where most Mexican cant even dream of even going) with going to the real Mexico. Where should the border be placed actually? During an emergency, the U.S. government may have very limited ability to provide assistance. Now I see all this debate about Cancun and its a little scary. It would be wonderful to find a blog of expats who regularly contribute and live in Mexico. unless the resort is all inclusive. It will be your loss because this woman has provided a most thorough examination of travel in Mexico. Thank you. Just as no one should be afraid to visit the States because of our mass shootings, you should not be afraid to visit Mexico, providing you stay in the recommended areas and do no look for trouble. Take a Border Patrol agent to lunch sometime. When was the last time your wife or a woman you know was raped. I think MAGA gave them hope that someone, somewhere could be worse off than themselves and theres an orange orangutan making sure of it. So happy I stumble upon this useful site! Mexican rays are intense and can lead to severe burns or sun poisoning, especially during the warmer spring and summer months. BEWARE!!! Nobody should be trusting advice such as this: If you live in the US and you are not afraid to go to the grocery store you shouldnt be afraid to travel to Mexico, or the laughable Nothing has happened to me, and Its safer than Italy. Look at the facts, look at the government warnings and crime rates, and decide how much risk you are willing to take. You know why I dont encounter issues at home and abroad? You in general have to watch your back and constantly be on guard so you arent cheated or robbed. I am traveling to Puerto Vallarta with my two little kids ( 5 & 10) and husband in August and am becoming paranoid about the reconsider travel alert that is on this area. Also who is responsible for the very existence of those disgusting abhorrent criminal cartels in Mexico? I worry that a young family would be a target, am I crazy? The media would like for you to believe there are kidnappings everyday and that is just not the case. I hadnt visited in 10 years because of the travel advisories and I regret it deeply. Taylor Meyer. 1) Dont compare staying in Mexico for 2 weeks versus living here a whole life. Violence is used. 4,800 pesos and jail until we saw a judge or we could pay them 3,000 pesos right there to take care of it. The common advice that youll be fine if you dont do drugs or go out at night is a myth, more murders are happening in the day and drugs are not found at the scene. Keep spouting the political brainwash. Like in many Mexican cities, the roads in Los Cabos are kept safe by speed bumps. I was actually scared to death in Rome but thats another story. Will be staying at a resort. That is on par with Albuquerque. I watched a timeshare representative at the airport threaten an old lady with arrest because she told one of the potential victims that they were getting defrauded. I have traveled to Mexico alone, with my bff, my husband and I am taking my daughter next year. Even with increased police security, there has still been an uptake in criminal activity so you must remain aware of your surroundings at all times. Mexico has a level 2 warning and for the most part the people of mexico are very safe and friendly. We dont need your disgusting stupid opinion on whether or not it is safe or not safe here when you are the ones responsible for making it them safe regarding drug trafficking and you are the ones who stole more than half of our territory to place an illegal border and then you call us Invaders? Many drive through Tijuana and drive south down the peninsula. Agree 100% Robberies and pickpocketing are pretty common in Mexico as it is in Rome and here in the U.S. but these random crimes can be avoided as long as you take common-sense precautions. You have to look at it the same you would if you were at a bar in the states. As an avid traveler who loves my family I would take my daughter to Mexico over Rome in a heartbeat. I think you will be ok. Dont go trying to buy drugs and keep your noses clean but you should do that when you are traveling anywhere. It helps a bit of the local economy. Should my friends be concerned and how can I convince them it is safe? Its not isolated areas. Thanks. I have traveled to Mexico and just returned from traveling to Cancun solo in March. Thats why, so why the superior tone? Not just on the resorts because thats not the kind of traveler I am but the people of Mexico have been nothing but kind and friendly. Its really necessary for you article to say that Mexico, Dominican Republic, Haiti and other countries where the majority of the population are black and brown people ? 2) Organized crime dont like to mess with tourists, because the foreing country will demand a clarification and Mexican government, who is involved with the crime), will need to do something, and thats like shooting to oneselfs foot. They made 1 arrest yet 3 people murdered Taylor in Playa Del Carmen. The answer to Q1 would be yes, I would be concerned about traveling to certain parts of Italy. Firstly, This is the one of the best blogs on Mexico that I have found that provides useful info on places to visit, to-dos and not-to-dos as well as objective and unbiased commentaries even in the face of challenging feedback. It is a level 3 where most parts of Mexico is a level 2. I thought I was going to get robbed in Rome but never once did I feel unsafe in Mexico. i got arrested at 9am. I would not put my life in danger and travel to a country where I could be killed. Yes! are you buying drugs? Ive visited Mexico plenty of times and my husband and I have never experienced anything but sweet and kind people. As you drive, you'll notice signs warning you about upcoming topes that keep cars from speeding at dangerous rates. . The short answer is yes, it is safe to visit Mexico City. While many people worry about cartels or criminals preying on tourists in areas like Cancun or Mazatlan, there are much more common risks for travelers like buying drugs in a foreign country. I am still here and noone bothered me and in fact it was one of the more peaceful trips I have been on. we are a group of seniors and nervous to begin with . I see more knee jerk reaction from the general public that has created the hysteria rather than it being perpetuated by the press. Were quite nervous about this. Is this a trip I should be stressing this much about Ive seen the Taken movies lol. Any tips anything else that would be helpful ? Mexico is a dangerous country mainly because of the corrupted government. It is a small but charming Magical Town nestled in an area surrounded by great hills and mountains, thanks to the intense exploitation of its silver deposits. all three destinations are safe but I havent been to Tulum in years and I recently heard that while its still safe the beaches are not what they once were because of tourist. The strategy you Should NOT use to Deal with Corrupt Mexican Police. Whether it is the cab or bus driver giving you incorrect change, A cab cartel that fixes prices so high that a 10 minute cab ride is $40 to $70US, as they try to block Uber, overpriced food that is sold as high quality but what you get is inferior (advertised USDA Prime steak but get a tough dry low quality cut of meat most likely from a backyard butcher) and before you ask why are you eating steak in Mexico the answer is because all of the tourist destinations only have Italian, American, and Japanese restaurants or horrible fancy Mexican restaurants- you have to take the risk and go into town for authentic mexican to eat the authentic mystery meat tacos which are usually inferior to Mexican in Los Angeles because of the inferior ingredients. Level 4: The six states with the do not travel advisory, because of kidnappings and other crimes, are the northern border state of Tamaulipas, the central state of Zacatecas, and the Pacific coast states of Sinaloa, Colima, Michoacn, and Guerrero. Mexico is not as dangerous as the media portrays. Rome was a nightmare for me and it has the same level 2 warning as Mexico but you dont see the media reporting how dangerous Rome or other countries that has the same level 2 warning. Express kidnappings are used to obtain money by forcing their victims to empty their bank accounts. There are no restrictions on travel for U.S government employees to: Riviera Nayarit (including Nuevo Vallarta and Bahia de Banderas) and Santa Maria del Oro. Safety is definitely a concern when visiting any country; However, Mexico is not quite what people make it out to be because most Americans are killed because they are looking for drugs. [], [] you afraid that travelisnt safe? Watch out for scams. No other country on the planet including Spain has done more damage to Mexico than the USA. Basically, it's safe to drive in Puerto Vallarta. If the answer is no then you should not be concerned is it safe to travel to Mexico? With all of that being said 35 million tourists visit Mexico each year myself included. My family just booked a cruise for late April that stops in the Yuccatan and Cozumel. Planning on visiting and backpacking across Yucatan Peninsula..Cities/Areas that Ill be visiting are as follows:- In fact, there are multiple reasons why visiting Mexico should be on your bucket list. Use that same energy to condemn traveling to the U.S. There is no fee for driving here as a tourist, either. Good article, aside from this preachy, accusatory bit: Are you concerned about traveling to Italy? Once I was there, I realized I may have been duped by the American media. IT IS NOT SAFE!!!!!! If you are worried about a trip to Mexico, ask yourself why comments like its just like your local grocery store, from random people will help. You are being naive but sincerely wish you great and safe travels. What about safety when you are on a cruise ship? If you dont go looking for trouble you wont find trouble. Some areas have increased risk of crime and kidnapping. Why cant you be truthful in dealing with beautiful and leave politics and fake news to the real media. 4 of us including 2 children 9 and 6. the American man on a group trip in PDC who was robbed and murdered last year was falsely reported by the Mexican press to be a drug addict having public sex with a transsexual, all lies to make tourist think well that would never happen to me it can definitely happen to you, and the chances are going up every day. Only morons are still trying to race bait. But you definitely cant relax and put your guard down like you can in other nice places. Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. You now said you cant trust the American press. Dont confuse Is Mexico safe? with Is Mexico safe for TOURISTS in TOURISTIC zones?. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Amid announcements of new safety concerns in Mexico at the start of 2023, the official U.S. State Department travel advisories remained as they had been for several months, with six states in the do not travel classification. I feel somewhat better about their safety after reading your article. I stated very clearly the US Media is responsible for this narrative and the video at the bottom of the article was me in Mexico last month and me stating Mexico is extremely safe and I was there traveling solo. I am not familiar with Grand Moon Palace. In 2020 Mexico had the highest number of homicides in the countrys history, there were 17,439murders, a 1.7% increase but most of the deaths in Mexico are due to fighting between cartels and if you are not part of the cartel then you are probably safe. Excellent, informative article Tomiko. There are areas the Mexican nationals will tell you to avoid and do so. I receive emails daily from readers who watch too much of the US media. The port is also a good base for exploring the Mayan Riviera. Thank you again for providing travelers with information. No need to be concerned. In the future, Id steer clear of assumptions and use facts.
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