The key to our solution, Horcrux, is to account for the non-determinism intrinsic to web page loads and the constraints placed by the browsers API for parallelism. A hardware-accelerated thread scheduler makes sub-nanosecond decisions, leading to high CPU utilization and low tail response time for RPCs. We present case studies and end-to-end applications that show how Storm lets developers specify diverse policies while centralizing the trusted code to under 1% of the application, and statically enforces security with modest type annotation overhead, and no run-time cost. Authors must make a good faith effort to anonymize their submissions, and they should not identify themselves or their institutions either explicitly or by implication (e.g., through the references or acknowledgments). However, your OSDI submission must use an anonymized name for your project or system that differs from any used in such contexts. Authors must limit their responses to (a) correcting factual errors in the reviews or (b) directly addressing questions posed by reviewers. Novel system designs, thorough empirical work, well-motivated theoretical results, and new application areas are all . Camera-ready submission (all accepted papers): 2 April 2021; Main conference program: 27-28 April 2021; All deadline times are . To resolve the problem, we propose a new LFS-aware ZNS interface, called ZNS+, and its implementation, where the host can offload data copy operations to the SSD to accelerate segment compaction. These results outperform state-of-the-art HTAP systems by several orders of magnitude on transactional performance, while just incurring little performance slowdown (5% over pure OLTP workloads) and still enjoying data freshness for analytical queries (less than 20 ms of maximum delay) in the failure-free case. These scripts often make pages slow to load, partly due to a fundamental inefficiency in how browsers process JavaScript content: browsers make it easy for web developers to reason about page state by serially executing all scripts on any frame in a page, but as a result, fail to leverage the multiple CPU cores that are readily available even on low-end phones. We demonstrate that the hardware thread scheduler is able to lower RPC tail response time by about 5 while enabling the system to sustain 20% higher load, relative to traditional thread scheduling techniques. Shaghayegh Mardani, UCLA; Ayush Goel, University of Michigan; Ronny Ko, Harvard University; Harsha V. Madhyastha, University of Michigan; Ravi Netravali, Princeton University. The hybrid segment recycling chooses a proper block reclaiming policy between segment compaction and threaded logging based on their costs. Academic and industrial participants present research and experience papers that cover the full range of theory and practice of computer . However, with the increasingly speedy transactions and queries thanks to large memory and fast interconnect, commodity HTAP systems have to make a tradeoff between data freshness and performance degradation. Although SSDs can be simplified under the current ZNS interface, its counterpart LFS must bear segment compaction overhead. Consensus bugs are extremely rare but can be exploited for network split and theft, which cause reliability and security-critical issues in the Ethereum ecosystem. Proceedings Cover | Collaboration: You have a collaboration on a project, publication, grant proposal, program co-chairship, or editorship within the past two years (December 2018 through March 2021). Moreover, as of October 2020, a review of the 50 most cited empirical papers that list personality as a keyword indicates that all 50 papers were authored by people with insti tutional affiliations in the United States, Canada, Germany, the UK, and New Zealand, and only three papers included samples outside of these regions (see Supplementary She also has made contributions in network security, including scalable data expiration, distributed algorithms despite malicious participants, and DDOS prevention techniques. For conference information, see: . Here, we focus on hugepage coverage. will work with the steering committee to ensure that the symposium program will accommodate presentations for all accepted papers. The full program will be available in May 2021. Her specialties include network routing protocols and network security. Just using Lambdas on top of CPU servers offers up to 2.75 more performance-per-dollar than training only with CPU servers. SanRazor adopts a novel hybrid approach it captures both dynamic code coverage and static data dependencies of checks, and uses the extracted information to perform a redundant check analysis. Sep 2021 - Present 1 year 7 months. Haojie Wang, Jidong Zhai, Mingyu Gao, Zixuan Ma, Shizhi Tang, and Liyan Zheng, Tsinghua University; Yuanzhi Li, Carnegie Mellon University; Kaiyuan Rong and Yuanyong Chen, Tsinghua University; Zhihao Jia, Carnegie Mellon University and Facebook. Session Chairs: Gennady Pekhimenko, University of Toronto / Vector Institute, and Shivaram Venkataraman, University of WisconsinMadison, Aurick Qiao, Petuum, Inc. and Carnegie Mellon University; Sang Keun Choe and Suhas Jayaram Subramanya, Carnegie Mellon University; Willie Neiswanger, Petuum, Inc. and Carnegie Mellon University; Qirong Ho, Petuum, Inc.; Hao Zhang, Petuum, Inc. and UC Berkeley; Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie Mellon University; Eric P. Xing, MBZUAI, Petuum, Inc., and Carnegie Mellon University. Machine learning (ML) models trained on personal data have been shown to leak information about users. Pollux simultaneously considers both aspects. Lukas Burkhalter, Nicolas Kchler, Alexander Viand, Hossein Shafagh, and Anwar Hithnawi, ETH Zrich. To enable FL developers to interpret their results in model testing, Oort enforces their requirements on the distribution of participant data while improving the duration of federated testing by cherry-picking clients. Of the 26 submitted artifacts: 26 artifacts received the Artifacts Available badge (100%). With an aim to improve time-to-accuracy performance in model training, Oort prioritizes the use of those clients who have both data that offers the greatest utility in improving model accuracy and the capability to run training quickly. Ankit Bhardwaj and Chinmay Kulkarni, University of Utah; Reto Achermann, University of British Columbia; Irina Calciu, VMware Research; Sanidhya Kashyap, EPFL; Ryan Stutsman, University of Utah; Amy Tai and Gerd Zellweger, VMware Research. Swapnil Gandhi and Anand Padmanabha Iyer, Microsoft Research. We implement a variant of a log-structured merge tree in the storage device that not only indexes file objects, but also supports transactions and manages physical storage space. This budget is a scarce resource that must be carefully managed to maximize the number of successfully trained models. The wire-to-wire RPC response time through the nanoPU is just 69ns, an order of magnitude quicker than the best-of-breed, low latency, commercial NICs. Session Chairs: Dushyanth Narayanan, Microsoft Research, and Gala Yadgar, TechnionIsrael Institute of Technology, Jinhyung Koo, Junsu Im, Jooyoung Song, and Juhyung Park, DGIST; Eunji Lee, Soongsil University; Bryan S. Kim, Syracuse University; Sungjin Lee, DGIST. Please identify yourself as a presenter and include your mailing address in your email. Welcome to the 2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC '21) submissions site! Erhu Feng, Xu Lu, Dong Du, Bicheng Yang, and Xueqiang Jiang, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Engineering Research Center for Domain-specific Operating Systems, Ministry of Education, China; Yubin Xia, Binyu Zang, and Haibo Chen, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai AI Laboratory; Engineering Research Center for Domain-specific Operating Systems, Ministry of Education, China. 23 artifacts received the Artifacts Functional badge (88%). DeSearch then introduces a witness mechanism to make sure the completed tasks can be reused across different pipelines, and to make the final search results verifiable by end users. An evaluation of Addra on a cluster of 80 machines on AWS demonstrates that it can serve 32K users with a 99-th percentile message latency of 726 msa 7 improvement over a prior system for text messaging in the same threat model. Radia Perlman is a Fellow at Dell Technologies. The novel aspect of the nanoPU is the design of a fast path between the network and applications---bypassing the cache and memory hierarchy, and placing arriving messages directly into the CPU register file. She is the author of the textbook Interconnections (about network layers 2 and 3) and coauthor of Network Security. In experiments with real DL jobs and with trace-driven simulations, Pollux reduces average job completion times by 37-50% relative to state-of-the-art DL schedulers, even when they are provided with ideal resource and training configurations for every job. Federated Learning (FL) is an emerging direction in distributed machine learning (ML) that enables in-situ model training and testing on edge data. Papers accompanied by nondisclosure agreement forms will not be considered. Thanks to selective profiling, DMons profiling overhead is 1.36% on average, making it feasible for production use. Nico Lehmann and Rose Kunkel, UC San Diego; Jordan Brown, Independent; Jean Yang, Akita Software; Niki Vazou, IMDEA Software Institute; Nadia Polikarpova, Deian Stefan, and Ranjit Jhala, UC San Diego. We also propose two file system techniques for ZNS+-aware LFS. Paper abstracts and proceedings front matter are available to everyone now. The copyback-aware block allocation considers different copy costs at different copy paths within the SSD. Under different configurations of TPC-C and TPC-E, Polyjuice can achieve throughput numbers higher than the best of existing algorithms by 15% to 56%. Abstract registrations that do not provide sufficient information to understand the topic and contribution (e.g., empty abstracts, placeholder abstracts, or trivial abstracts) will be rejected, thereby precluding paper submission. Uniquely, Dorylus can take advantage of serverless computing to increase scalability at a low cost. Perennial 2.0 makes this possible by introducing several techniques to formalize GoJournals specification and to manage the complexity in the proof of GoJournals implementation. DMon speeds up PostgreSQL, one of the most popular database systems, by 6.64% on average (up to 17.48%). Commonly used log archival and compression tools like Gzip provide high compression ratio, yet searching archived logs is a slow and painful process as it first requires decompressing the logs. Qing Wang, Youyou Lu, Junru Li, and Jiwu Shu, Tsinghua University. We implement DeSearch for two existing decentralized services that handle over 80 million records and 240 GBs of data, and show that DeSearch can scale horizontally with the number of workers and can process 128 million search queries per day. We develop MAGE, an execution engine for SC that efficiently runs SC computations that do not fit in memory. Jiang Zhang, University of Southern California; Shuai Wang, HKUST; Manuel Rigger, Pinjia He, and Zhendong Su, ETH Zurich. In the Ethereum network, decentralized Ethereum clients reach consensus through transitioning to the same blockchain states according to the Ethereum specification. Pages should be numbered, and figures and tables should be legible in black and white, without requiring magnification. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have gained significant attention in the recent past, and become one of the fastest growing subareas in deep learning. Pollux: Co-adaptive Cluster Scheduling for Goodput-Optimized Deep Learning, Oort: Efficient Federated Learning via Guided Participant Selection, PET: Optimizing Tensor Programs with Partially Equivalent Transformations and Automated Corrections, Modernizing File System through In-Storage Indexing, Nap: A Black-Box Approach to NUMA-Aware Persistent Memory Indexes, Rearchitecting Linux Storage Stack for s Latency and High Throughput, Optimizing Storage Performance with Calibrated Interrupts, ZNS+: Advanced Zoned Namespace Interface for Supporting In-Storage Zone Compaction, DMon: Efficient Detection and Correction of Data Locality Problems Using Selective Profiling, CLP: Efficient and Scalable Search on Compressed Text Logs, Polyjuice: High-Performance Transactions via Learned Concurrency Control, Retrofitting High Availability Mechanism to Tame Hybrid Transaction/Analytical Processing, The nanoPU: A Nanosecond Network Stack for Datacenters, Beyond malloc efficiency to fleet efficiency: a hugepage-aware memory allocator, Scalable Memory Protection in the PENGLAI Enclave, NrOS: Effective Replication and Sharing in an Operating System, Addra: Metadata-private voice communication over fully untrusted infrastructure, Bringing Decentralized Search to Decentralized Services, Finding Consensus Bugs in Ethereum via Multi-transaction Differential Fuzzing, MAGE: Nearly Zero-Cost Virtual Memory for Secure Computation, Zeph: Cryptographic Enforcement of End-to-End Data Privacy, It's Time for Operating Systems to Rediscover Hardware, DistAI: Data-Driven Automated Invariant Learning for Distributed Protocols, GoJournal: a verified, concurrent, crash-safe journaling system, STORM: Refinement Types for Secure Web Applications, Horcrux: Automatic JavaScript Parallelism for Resource-Efficient Web Computation, SANRAZOR: Reducing Redundant Sanitizer Checks in C/C++ Programs, Dorylus: Affordable, Scalable, and Accurate GNN Training with Distributed CPU Servers and Serverless Threads, GNNAdvisor: An Adaptive and Efficient Runtime System for GNN Acceleration on GPUs, Marius: Learning Massive Graph Embeddings on a Single Machine, P3: Distributed Deep Graph Learning at Scale. All deadline times are 23:59 hrs UTC. Tej Chajed, MIT CSAIL; Joseph Tassarotti, Boston College; Mark Theng, MIT CSAIL; Ralf Jung, MPI-SWS; M. Frans Kaashoek and Nickolai Zeldovich, MIT CSAIL. Concretely, Dorylus is 1.22 faster and 4.83 cheaper than GPU servers for massive sparse graphs. Because DistAI starts with the strongest possible invariants, if the SMT solver fails, DistAI does not need to discard failed invariants, but knows to monotonically weaken them and try again with the solver, repeating the process until it eventually succeeds. Accepted papers will be allowed 14 pages in the proceedings, plus references. For more details on the submission process, and for templates to use with LaTeX, Word, etc., authors should consult the detailed submission requirements. However, Addra improves message latency in this architecture, which is a key performance metric for voice calls. Our evaluation on the SPEC benchmarks shows that SanRazor can reduce the overhead of sanitizers significantly, from 73.8% to 28.062.0% for AddressSanitizer, and from 160.1% to 36.6124.4% for UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer (depending on the applied reduction scheme). (Oct 2018) Awarded an Intel Faculty Grant for Research on automated performance optimization (Sep. 2018) Our paper on Foreshadow is accepted to appear at USENIX Security. JEL codes: Q18, Q28, Q57 . Today, privacy controls are enforced by data curators with full access to data in the clear. GoJournals goal is to bring the advantages of journaling for code to specs and proofs. Conference site 49 papers accepted out of 251 submitted. NrOS replicates kernel state on each NUMA node and uses operation logs to maintain strong consistency between replicas. Questions? Responses should be limited to clarifying the submitted work. Mothy's current research centers on Enzian, a powerful hybrid CPU/FPGA machine designed for research into systems software. As increasingly more sensitive data is being collected to gain valuable insights, the need to natively integrate privacy controls in data analytics frameworks is growing in importance. As has been standard practice in OSDI and SOSP in recent years, we will allow authors to submit quick responses to PC reviews: they will be made available to the PC before the final online discussion and PC meeting. Many application domains can benefit from hybrid transaction/analytical processing (HTAP) by executing queries on real-time datasets produced by concurrent transactions. This talk will discuss several examples with very different solutions. Distributed systems are notoriously hard to implement correctly due to non-determinism. We built a functional NFSv3 server, called GoNFS, to use GoJournal. Professor Veloso has been recognized with a multiple honors, including being a Fellow of the ACM, IEEE, AAAS, and AAAI. First, GNNAdvisor explores and identifies several performance-relevant features from both the GNN model and the input graph, and use them as a new driving force for GNN acceleration. Session Chairs: Ryan Huang, Johns Hopkins University, and Manos Kapritsos, University of Michigan, Jianan Yao, Runzhou Tao, Ronghui Gu, Jason Nieh, Suman Jana, and Gabriel Ryan, Columbia University.
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