Genesis' "first city," Enoch, created in the mythical land of Nod by Adam's son Cain is identified as being in Mesopotamia and the land of ancient Sumer. First, let's read the actual words of Genesis 4:16-17, which The Golden Children's Bible attempted to paraphrase: Then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. "Consequently, Cain's activity as a builder serves two purposes in Josephus. How to Start an APPI Table of Champions Chapter, Life after Eden must have been a crushing disappointment for early humans, especially the First Couple. Cli. What a contrast is Cains city to the lowly manger. He would never know whether the mark would have protected him or not, for it didnt seem adequate to him, therefore he simply left God, not physically of course, but spiritually and morally. Jeremiah warns of the destruction of Jerusalem, Jeremiah says idolatry will bring Judah's fall, Jeremiah prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem, Miscellaneous flashbacks to earlier times, Gedeliah is murdered & Jeremiah goes to Egypt, 43. After the birth of Enoch, the Hebrew text of Genesis 4:17 is unclear. The power of the Holy Spirit - for everyone? In fact, the Sumerians believed Enki personally created Eridu, elevating it from the marshy ground on what was then the shore of the gulf. This website uses cookies to monitor usage (see Privacy Statement in drop-down box under 'Contact Us'). This essay is not in any way a thorough review of life, culture, or religion in ancient Mesopotamia, but there is one more aspect of life in the ancient Near East to call to your attention. It was built on an island of slightly higher land situated among the low-lying marshlands at the mouth of the River Euphrates near Basra in modern-day Iraq. Paul's Letters to Galatia & Thessalonica, The risen Lord Jesus appears to his followers, Christ's Victory Parade & the New Covenant, 15. Indeed, as you say, his city would have represented the humanistic world of our times, where the behaviours, practices and attitudes of verses 29-32 abound. But in old times the ideas of training and dedication were closely allied, because teaching generally took the form of initiation into sacred rites, and one so initiated was regarded as a consecrated person. after his call, the Lord showed Enoch, and us, a little more about the ancient prophet's divine potential: And we find later in Moses that God's promises to Enoch were fulfilled as he led the people of God against their enemies. So as the Neolithic revolution got well and truly underway the Sumerian tongue flourished and became the lingua franca for traders and the dominant language in Mesopotamia. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name . (Ge . The story of Cain and his line is designed to teach us something about all of fallen humanity, as regarding our relationship to God, ourselves and our environment. , describes how everything on Earth came into being through the defeat of the chaos goddess Tiamat by Marduk, son of Enki/Ea, the chief god of Babylon. Enoch and all who lived in Zion, his city, were so righteous that Heavenly Father took the whole city up into heaven. . and 3500 B.C., that cranial deformation was widespread in the Ubaid culture, and Eriduthe worlds first city, possibly built by Cain or his sonwas Ground Zero for head shaping. No one knows where the land of Nod was located, only that it was east of Eden. He could no longer farm the land, so he labored to build a city for his descendants. Or eternal life in God's kingdom? He is described as a son of Cain, and father of Irad. The convicted murderer could have chosen to submit to Gods sentence, and put himself under the mercy and protection of God, but he wanted some better security than Gods mark. * In the last days, the city and its people will return to earth and be part of the New Jerusalem. The first city known by archaeologists to exist in, Here, archaeologists have discovered remains of houses built using the ubiquitous reeds found allover this swampy delta. Genesis 4:17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bore Enoch: and he built a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. Thank you for your indepth analysis of this ages old story pastor Bill. Scholars. As a rule, only the eldest son is mentioned in the genealogies, and Abel's birth is chronicled chiefly because of his tragical end, leading to the enactment of the merciful law which followed and to the sundering of the human race. The city may therefore have been called Eridu after Enoch's son Irad (see Genesis 4:18) (see 4 on Map 35). Who Was Enoch? 4:17 Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. A possible description we have of where the City of Enoch might have been located is in Moses 7:17, which states that the people of Enoch "were blessed upon the mountains, and upon the high places, and did flourish," making it possible that the City of Enoch could have been built somewhere in a mountainous region. Now, instead of asking why, the lead archaeologist decided earth pressure after burial was the cause2even though none of the skulls were cracked or broken, which would be expected if the deformations had occurred after death. Others interpreted Nod as dark or even undergroundaway from the face of God. He built a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch". Thats not what the people who lived in it called it, of course; we dont know what they called themselves because they never invented writing. Cain went away from the presence of the Lord and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden. It's very possible, then, that the citizens of the City of Enoch have ministry assignments of their own and are "ministering angels unto many planets," (History of the Church, 4:210). ESV Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. We know that the use of the word "bosom" in this instance means more than just some vague, heavenly location. There was not as yet population enough for a city, but Cain, as his offspring increased, determined that they should dwell together, under training, in some dedicated common abode. Adam and Eve. The seven kings with whom she commits fornication, ultimately turn on . The city of Uruk was well on its feet by the time Tubal-Cain was working with metal. But we are come to Mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the first born, which are written in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaks better things than that of Abel. Malachi & Joel await the Day of the LORD, 48. He came to love in the land of Nod. To the degree that Genesis has the world's "first" city, Enoch, being built by Cain and some Sumerian myths attribute the founding of the world's first city Eridug (Nunki, Eridu) to the Sumerian god Enki, below is a cylinder seal impression showing what Cain's (and Enoch's) "pre-biblical prototype" looked like in the 3rd millennium B.C. This derivation, coincidentally or not, connects with the English pun on "nod". . The Church is also built such, for Jesus was the younger brother of the whole Adamic race, slain by that company of older brothers because they hated Him. The Ubaid civilization was typified by large unwalled villages, rectangular multi-room mud-brick houses, high quality pottery, and the first public temples. From //theophilus/theophilus to autolycus/chapter xxx cains family and their.htm, How it is that Cain's Line Terminates in the Eighth Generation another reason for tracing the generations by sons who were not first-born, viz., that the same city which Cain built, and named after his son Enoch, may have // of god/chapter 20 how it is that.htm, Of the Two Fathers and Leaders who Sprang from one Progenitor. Image. (Moses 7:12) However, we know that he was commanded to preach to those in the "land of Sharon, and the land of Enoch, and the land of Omner, and the land of Heni, and the land of Shem, and the land of Haner, and the land of Hanannihah" (Moses 7:9). Before God said [Let there be light], he saw everything from that point to the end. The two made a sacrifice of their produce to God, who favored Abel's and not Cain's. The differences in the story are at least partly due to the ebb and flow of power over the centuries. It is only the Enoch mentioned in Genesis 5:18 that the Bible gives any significant information about. The Romano-Jewish world of the New Testament, 22. )In the Epistle of Jude he described as "the seventh from Adam;" and the number is probably noticed as conveying the idea of divine completion and rest, while Enoch was . In Moses 7:62-64, we see that the city of Zion will return to the earth during Christ's millennial reign: Eventually, Enoch and those of the City of Enoch will be reunited with the righteous on the earth. [10], Land of Nod is the name of a hamlet in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. The Letter to the Jewish believers in Antioch, The General Letters: James, Jude, Peter & John, The Letter of James to the Jewish believers, The Letter of Jude to the Jewish believers, The 1st Letter of Peter to the Jewish believers, The 2nd Letter of Peter to the Jewish believers, 19. The murder had introduced fear, insecurity and homelessness to the world. The first city built inthe Bible was the city f noch named after the prophet Enoch.Gen_4:17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he [Enoch] builded a city . At the time of Abels murder Cain appears to have emerged from the childhood stage but was not yet able to father children. The first city known by archaeologists to exist in Mesopotamia was Eridu. After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridu. Damien Mackey. This Enoch was the great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam. So it is possible the City of Enoch could have been around these biblical regions. To go much deeper with author and Biblical History Researcher Derek Gilbert read his recent book The Great Inception. "Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. Of the 206 sets of remains the archaeologists exhumed, all of the crania had been deformed in one fashion or another.2. Cain completely removes and replaces every trace of his past and every reminder of God in . 19 Lamech took two wives, the first named Adah and the second Zillah. Inventions. When he built a city, he called the name of the city after the name of his son, Enoch" (4:17). [9], Augustine described unconverted Jews as dwellers in the land of Nod, which he defined as commotion and "carnal disquietude". Obadiah foretells the punishment of Edom, Obadiah prophesies the resurgence of Israel, 46. Enoch then built "the city of holiness, even Zion." (Moses 7:19.) The people of the City of Enoch were also "of one heart and one mind," united in their belief, and there were "no poor among them" (Moses 7:18). "So Cain went out from the Lord's presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden". He probably selected some fit spot for the acropolis, or citadel, to be the centre of his village; and as training is probably the earlier, and dedication the later meaning, Cain appears as a wise ruler, like Nimrod subsequently, rather than as a religious man. For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. The Doctrine and Covenants, Section 38:4. The Babylonian creation myth, the Enuma Elish, describes how everything on Earth came into being through the defeat of the chaos goddess Tiamat by Marduk, son of Enki/Ea, the chief god of Babylon. He had a child he named Enoch, and he then named the city after him (Genesis 4:17). They are written by men and women in ministry of many backgrounds and express their opinions, experiences and testimonies which are not necessarily that of All Pro Pastors ministry. "Cain knew his wife. [5], Josephus wrote in Antiquities of the Jews (c. AD 93) that Cain continued his wickedness in Nod: resorting to violence and robbery; establishing weights and measures; transforming human culture from innocence into craftiness and deceit; establishing property lines; and building a fortified city. How to get right with God: Sacrifice or Faith? From the scriptures, we know that Enoch came east out of his homeland of Cainan to preach repentance unto the people. Thats outside the scope of what were trying to do here.) When he was 65 years old, Enoch, the seventh patriarch after Adam, was called by God to be a prophet. And Cain's family built a city in that land; and Cain named the city after his first child, whom he had called Enoch. 40,000 residents with about 80,000 people living in the surrounding areas - city-states were a feature of southern Mesopotamia. But the Sumerian's were slowly infiltrating the area and their language, for a time, became predominant until eventually "the earth (land) was of one tongue, and of the same speech" (Gen 11:1). PHONE: 435-586-1119 FAX: None Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 am - 4:30 pm., Friday 9 am - 1 pm. God had continued to stretch out His merciful hand, but Cain continued in his disobedience and gainsaying. Because his own works were evil, and his brothers righteousHereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. The Bible gives us very little on the rest of their lives. How to get right with God: By water or the Spirit? Genesis 4:17. Derek is a Christian, a husband and a father. It places Cain's city of refuge in contrast to later Palestinian cities of refuge established by God (Numbers 35:25-32). Adam seems to have spoken an early form of the Akkadian language. The Israelites face continuing opposition, The Israelites fight the remaining Canaanites, Israel under the 'judges': Othniel and Ehud, Gibeah is destroyed & the Benjamites punished, The Ark of the Covenant is captured at Aphek, 30. 'Nod' in the Greek language means trembling. Similarly, Moses 7:69 states, "And Enoch and all his . Learn how your comment data is processed. Eridu was already a small community by the time Adam took his place within it, and as a result of his long years, was soon recognised as a leader of men, as were his offspring. If we place a "k" at the end of E-anna we see E-annak which looks like "Enoch", a point made by R.J. Fischer author of "Historical Genesis. His death is the foundation of the Church. Please read them with prayerful discernment and glean from them. Eventually, the people of the City of Enoch were translated and taken from off the earth. Answer (1 of 9): Paul Dulaney 's answer is of course correct. There, Cain meet his wife and begat Enoch (from Hebrew origin that means "dedicated.") In the land of Nod, Cain built a city and named it after his son, Enoch (Genesis 4:17 KJV). The Eridu Crania: A Preliminary Report, Sumer 5, 1949, p 103. Haggai & Zechariah encourage re-building, Haggai urges the exiles to re-build the Temple, Prophesies about the coming of the Messiah, 47. The city may therefore havebeencalled Eridu after Enochs son Irad (see Genesis 4:18) (see 4 on Map 35). Methuselah the oldest member of the family recorded here lived for 969 years (Genesis 5:27). The only question is, can Cain ( and all he represents) truly stop his endless wandering in the city which he has made? Which city was that and what's the background in history? Cain built this city in the land of Fugitiveness to the E of Eden, calling it by the name of his son Enoch. While some believe these figures are literally the age ofreal individuals, many believe they represent much longer periods of ancestral dynasties within the family line. Cain left the presence of the Lord. Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch; and he built a city, and named it Enoch after his son Enoch. [1] . The Jewish World of the Old Testament, Sources of the History of Israel and Judah. The first city, Eridu, is on what used to be the shore of the Persian Gulf. The lessons of this story go far beyond the surface moral caution against envy and murder. It is worth notice that in the line of Seth, the name of the seventh and noblest of that race, is also Enoch, whose training was a close walk with God. 20 Adah gave birth to Jabal; he was the ancestor of . The Bible teaches us that Cain built a city, the name of the city was Enoch named after Cains son. An archaeological dig at Eridu just after World War II discovered about a thousand bodies that were buried during the Ubaid. Waw id. Genesis 4:16. Thats okay. Enmerkar is said, on clay tablets, to try and restore the disrupted linguistic unity of the inhabited areas around Uruk. That's what we read about in the second chapter of Genesis. All the buildingsgone. Enoch preached repentance to "all the people" except the Caananites because of their wickedness (Moses 7:12). | Genesis 4:18 NASB. The eldest son of Cain ( Genesis 4:17), who built a city east of Eden in the land of Nod, and called it "after the name of his son Enoch."This is the first "city" mentioned in Scripture. Through Enoch, Cain's lineage begins. Adam and his male successors, in the nine generations before Noah, fathered their first-born male at ages between approximately 160 and 200. [8] Early commentators treated it as the opposite of Eden (worse still than the land of exile for the rest of humanity). Scholars do agree, however, that civilization emerged in the Fertile Crescent around 10,000 B.C. Not a few, and not just the elites. This city, whose inhabitants would later be translated, was known as the City of Enoch or Zion. Lets just hope when archaeologists 8,000 years from now discover the remains of our civilization, its not by stumbling across the shell of a Wawa or a Piggly Wiggly. We also know that Enoch did not preach to the Canaanites, a band of people responsible for the annihilation of the people of Shum (Moses 7:7). According to The Pearl of Great Price: Verse by Verse Commentary, bosom in this instance means God's throne, His actually dwelling place. To give you an idea of the incredible amount of time were dealing with, Enki ruled in Eridu for about 3,500 years before Marduk replaced Enlil at the head of the Mesopotamian pantheon, an event linked to Babylons emergence as the regions dominant power in the 18thcentury B.C. Illustrations by Denis Freitas. ( I John 3:12,16). Why Cain Built A CityGenesis 4 pt 8. Forget about the burden of living under the cursetoiling to coax enough food from the ground to survive, the pain of bringing new life into the world, and all the rest. Some scholars, such as Egyptologist David Rohl, believe its possible that the he in the second sentence refers to Enoch, not Cain. To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad fathered Mehujael, and Mehujael fathered Methushael, and Methushael fathered Lamech. But if its correct, then Alulim might have been Irad, the fourth man, or fourth generation, after creationAdam, Cain, Enoch, Iradand the first king of the first city on Earth, Eriduthe city which bore his name. . Imagine a 365-year-old citydisappeared. It will immeasurably enrich your understanding of such doctrines as the nature of God, pre-mortal life, the Creation, the Fall, the Atonement, the establishment of Zion, the Last Days, and the Second Coming. You'll find heaps of discussion about where Cain found his wife on here, in a bunch of different questions, and in Creationists site. Jesus, makes mention of the slaying of Abel, (he doesnt mention Cain by name), as the prototypical martyrdom. City of Enoch building began by Cain approx. In Fevre Dream by George R. R. Martin, the Land of Nod is suggested as a place where vampires originated. NASB Cain had relations with his wife . He is described as a son of Cain, and father of Irad. Just as Eridu was the home of Enki, Enlil was chief deity at Nippur, Inanna (Ishtar) was supreme at Uruk, the sun god Utu was the patron deity of Sippar, and so on. Answer (1 of 7): Cain went into banishment in "the land of Fugitiveness to the east of Eden," taking with him his wife, an anonymous daughter or granddaughter of Adam and Eve. Daniel 4:30 The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty? Ezekiel warns of the conquest of Jerusalem, Ezekiel's vision of idolatry in the Temple, Ezekiel speaks through prophesies and parables, Further prophecies & the fall of Jerusalem, Hope for the future - New life for Israel, 45. In time, the city grew to house a holy shrine and a controversial temple the first, 1. He is described as a son of Cain, and father of Irad. Genesis 5:22-24 says, "After he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked faithfully with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters. In brief, Cain and Abel were the sons of Adam and Eve , the first man and woman created by God. But if its correct, then Alulim might have been Irad, the fourth man, or fourth generation, after creation, and the first king of the first city on Earth, Eridu, Enki was the god of magic, craftsmanship, and wisdom. 125126. Genesis 4:17. Irad was the father of Mehujael. Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. Cain's son Enoch, the grandson of Adam (see Moses 5 ), is different from Jared's son Enoch, who was six generations from Adam and built the city of Zion (see Moses 6-7 ). Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch; and he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son, Enoch" (Genesis 4:16-17 RSV). Will the city give him the sense of permanence and security that he craves? 2 Coon, C.S. Evidence of head shaping has been found at sites all over Iraq, southwestern Iran, eastern Turkey, the valleys of the Zagros mountains, and the western shores of the Persian Gulf, dated from 7500 B.C. Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Zephaniah & Habakkuk foretell Judah's fall, Zephaniah warns of the punishment of Judah, Habakkuk asks why the cruel Babylonians succeed, 44. //the expositors bible the epistle to the hebrews/chapter xi the faith of.htm, Enoch: Father of Methuselah--Transporting of, Enoch: Father of Methuselah--Transporting of Called Henoch. This family tree shows the two men named Enoch in Adam and Eve's line. The majority of Adams antediluvian male offspring fathered children before they reached the age of 200, including four of them who were in their 160s when they first became fathers. The Lord's tender admonition seems the type that would be aimed at a child whose petulance couldn't be contained.
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