Oracle does not support Global Non Prefixed indexes. PL/SQL Release - Production 0 ... Outside of the why partition question, you first need to add a datafile to AUDITCOLLECTIONS. SQL> alter table DATA_LOAD add partition data_06_2009 VALUES LESS THAN (60) TABLESPACE DATA_02; Table altered. For example you have a SALES table with the following structure Suppose this table contains millions of records, but all the records belong to four years only i.e.

Back to the original partition topic, sort-of ... it occured to me a while ago that a functionality that is logically missing from Oracle is the ability to add a new partition to a table where the partition is already populated. You've maxxed out your current tablespace allocation. Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production 0. Note that the partition range values must be specified. Oracle considers the full range of all possible partitions. Try to add a new partition for values 'AZ' and 'UT'.

you can partition a table according to some criteria . SQL> alter table DATA_LOAD add partition data_05_2009 VALUES LESS THAN (50) TABLESPACE DATA_01; Table altered. From Oracle Ver. ALTER TABLE sales_by_region ADD PARTITION yearly_midwest VALUES ('AZ', 'UT') Kind-of like a blend between a partition exchange and a partition add… The GLOBAL keyword means that Oracle can not assume the partition key is the same as the underlying table. Now lets add partition to accomodate this insert statement. Global Non-Prefixed Indexes. Back to the original partition topic, sort-of ... it occured to me a while ago that a functionality that is logically missing from Oracle is the ability to add a new partition to a table where the partition is already populated.

1991, 1992, 1993 In Oracle Server or Oracle Enterprise Edition, when you want to add an additional new partition to a partitioned table by using the command ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION, the process fails and SQL*Plus will return the following error: ORA-14074: partition bound must collate higher than that of the last partition For example if you have a table like this. CREATE TABLE MY_TABLE ( END_TIME TIMESTAMP ) PARTITION BY RANGE (END_TIME) INTERVAL (INTERVAL '1' DAY) ( PARTITION P_1 VALUES LESS THAN (TIMESTAMP '2017-03-01 00:00:00'), PARTITION P_2 VALUES LESS THAN (TIMESTAMP '2017-04-01 00:00:00') ); Partitioning Existing Tables.

8.0 Oracle has provided the feature of table partitioning i.e. Re: Add a new partition on a partitioned table rp0428 Dec 1, 2016 7:56 PM ( in response to 2653937 ) I have a table which is partitioned yearly.