To log on to Oracle Database, a user must have the CREATE SESSION system privilege. These "system privileges" will allow our new user to create a session in Oracle as well as create tables, views, triggers, procedures, sequences, and synonyms in the new schema. You must have the CREATE USER system privilege. CREATE USER acoder; -- whenever you create a new user in Oracle, a schema with the same name as the username is created where all his objects are stored. Let’s say you want to create a user by the name of Jarvis with authentication type password and want to allot 20MB space on users tablespace which will be its default tablespace and the temporary tablespace will be temp. Oracle enables you to create a new user with the GRANT statement. GRANT CREATE SESSION TO acoder; -- Failure to do this you cannot do anything. Enter password: Connected to: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options SQL> create user test123 identified by test; User created. How to Create a User in an Oracle Database. Three basic types of users to create in oracle are 1) A read only user, 2) A Developer user and 3) An admin user. If you specify a password using the IDENTIFIED BY clause, and the user name/password does not exist in the database, then a new user with that user name and password is created. Example for Creating A New User Account In Oracle How to create a user account with whole manual settings. Prerequisites . When you create a user with the CREATE USER statement, the user's privilege domain is empty. Therefore, after creating a user, you should grant the user at least the CREATE SESSION system privilege. Here are examples of each. Refer to GRANT for more information. Step 2 - Assign SYSTEM privileges to new user in Oracle. The next step in setting up your schema is to assign "system privileges" to the new user smithj..