Now enter the column names and generate SQL. Additionally, the owner of the table must have a quota for the tablespace that contains the table, or the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privilege..
CREATE DATABASE command is used to create a database in an instance. create table, create view, create index, create sequence, create procedure, create function, create trigger etc.
We’ll use the books, book_authors, and publishers tables from the sample database for the demonstration. This first type of temporary table is known as a created temporary table.
See this books table: create table, create view, create index, create sequence, create procedure, create function, create trigger etc. Creating Tables. Db2 CREATE VIEW statement examples. All databases are created with the default storage group "IBMSTOGROUP", which is created at the time of creating an instance. 1) Creating a view based on partial data of a table. How to create partitioned tables on DB2 v9 . Create Table. CREATE TABLE SalesByRegion AS SELECT region, SUM(to_sales) FROM sales GROUP BY region WITH DATA The nested SELECT statement is processed by DB2 UDB to figure out the column definitions (type and length) that need to be created in the specified table, and the WITH DATA clause tells DB2 UDB to run the specified SELECT statement and place the results in the newly created table.
The CREATE option facilitates you to create many things in DB2 database i.e. CREATE TABLE departments (dept_no INT desc CHAR(3)) PARTITION BY (dept_no NULLS FIRST) (STARTING 0 ENDING 9 IN tbsp0, STARTING 10 ENDING 19 IN tbsp1, STARTING 20 ENDING 29 IN tbsp2, STARTING 30 ENDING 39 IN tbsp3)
Create Table. It is important to note that when creating a table in this way, the new table will be populated with the records from the existing table (based on the SELECT Statement ). Now enter the column names and generate SQL. DB2 for OS/390 has provided the capability to create temporary tables since Version 5. But the initial functionality was practical only in certain circumstances due to some inherent limitations. This first type of temporary table is known as a created temporary table. (only table type) Query select tab.tabschema as schema_name, tab.tabname as table_name, tab.create_time, tab.alter_time from syscat.tables tab where tab.type = 'T' and tab.tabschema not like 'SYS%' order by tab.tabschema, tab.tabname The privileges for database are automatically set as PUBLIC [CREATETAB, BINDADD, CONNECT, IMPLICIT_SCHEMA, and SELECT], however, if the RESTRICTIVE option is present, the privileges are not granted as PUBLIC.
You can also use the SQL CREATE TABLE AS statement to create a table from an existing table by copying the existing table's columns. To create a new table in your schema, you must have the CREATE TABLE system privilege.