Also, you must also have the .NET Framework feature added in Programs and Features under Windows 10 — that is, the checkbox next to “.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 3.0 and 3.0)” must be checked so that those legacy .NET features that DriverStore Explorer needs will be available to the program. DriverStore Explorer allows you to enumerate or list all the packages staged in the current driver store. How to Remove Unused Drivers from Driver Store When you install or update device drivers in Windows, older driver versions are still stored in the system. Supported operations include enumeration, adding a driver package, adding & installing, deletion, and force deletion. Thus, a user can roll back to the previous driver version if the new driver is unstable (a useful opportunity, as in the case of rolling back a …
Au bout des plusieurs années, ce dossier DriverStore peut donc peser plusieurs Giga. If you're having issues with the File Repository taking up a large space, you can try running the disk cleanup tool to free up some space on your PC as an initial workaround.
... Pour en revenir à ce dossier et pour vous donner un exemple, sur une installation de Windows 10 récente, il pèse ( déjà ) près de 2.5 Gigas ! Force deletion supported. 2 ans avant. Driver Store. Lorsque vous effectuez une mise à jour de vos pilotes, cela ne supprime pas les anciens pilotes. Cleaning Up DriverStore\FileRepository. Je vous propose donc de faire un petit ( ou grand...) nettoyage. Cet article vous explique comment nettoyer le dossier Windows\system32\DriverStore pour gagner de la place disque. Windows 10 Patchday (16.06.2020) KB4567512 Windows 10 1909 18363.904 und 1903 18362.904 und 16.06. DriverStore Explorer is a free and Open Source utility that makes it easier to deal with the Windows driver store. Supported operations include enumeration, adding a driver package, adding & installing, deletion, and force deletion. Starting with Windows Vista, the driver store is a trusted collection of inbox and third-party driver packages.The operating system maintains this collection in a secure location on the local hard disk. En d’autres termes, vous pouvez grâce à ce logiciel supprimer tous les pilotes obsolètes et donc inutiles qui sont stockés dans votre ordinateur Windows. DriverStore Explorer est un programme open source disponible sur Windows qui permet d’afficher le contenu du dossier DriverStore dans une interface graphique et de le manipuler. I’ve blogged repeatedly here about a great little free software tool called DriverStore Explorer (RAPR.EXE). DriverStore Explorer allows you to enumerate or list all the packages staged in the current driver store.
DriverStore Explorer is a free and Open Source utility that makes it easier to deal with the Windows driver store. Delete a package from the store.