For continued updated guidance on iSCSI and routed traffic/custom IP stacks I would like to refer you to storagehub, all iSCSI best practices can be found here.. esxcli network ip netstack delete -N="stack_name" Change the name of a custom TCP/IP stack: DNS Configuration: Select a method of obtaining the DNS server. Because we cannot have 2 gateways in default TCP/IP stack, you can define gateway directly on vmk1 (this is supported in ESXi 6.5): esxcli network ip interface ipv4 set -g -i vmk1 -t static -I … Sometimes when third party plugins or solutions work with vCenter and ESXi (Like NSX) they will create a custom TCP/IP stack for them to use..
But still there are some limitations. If for whatever reason (say, unclean uninstall) you need to remove the TCP/IP stack you can’t do it from the vCenter GUI, log into each host directly and execute:. With a dedicated stack, you can change the Gateway and DNS used in the default TCP/IP stack, meaning that you don’t have to use the same stack options that other After releasing the vSphere 6.5 VMware created a separate TCP/IP stack for vMotion and provisioning traffic other than the default stack. The default stack is by default used for Management traffic during the installation and configure of ESXi.
I noticed a question today on an internal slack channel and it was about the use of custom TCP/IP stacks for iSCSI storage environments. For Provisioning traffic: If you have massive data coming from snapshots or cloning, is better that you use this dedicated stack instead of the default one. I have read about the TCP/IP stack feature in vSphere and figure, let’s give him a try and use it to separate my vMotion and NFS traffic on different stack from the default TCP/IP stack.
But still there is no option in the GUI to create a custom TCP/IP stack and we need to use the esxcli commands in the command line interface to create a custom stack. Edit the Host name.
Select Obtain settings automatically from a VMkernel network adapter and select a network adapter from the VMKernel network adapter drop-down menu ; Select Enter settings manually and edit the DNS configuration settings. The VMkernel interfaces on the default TCP/IP stack are disabled for the vMotion service.