If you would like

– ¿Quieres una cerveza? Remember: You must have an object after "would like." (Pidiendo y ofreciendo.)

d) Would you like to buy some hamburgers?

c) I would like. FREE Download.


Answer Key on page 2 Level: Beginner to Elementary Time: Approx 15 minutes. Know what you're doing when you hold her like that (like that) Looking at me to see if I'm looking back. The first seems a little less used and... odd, but to my understanding is correct. ("Doing" is a gerund.) ("Living" is a gerund.) If, on the other hand, you want to ask whether somebody has already checked your file, you should go with: Would you be so kind as to tell me if/whether you have checked … Could you please let me know if/whether you have checked … I would [greatly] appreciate it if you could let me know if/whether/when you have checked …

Conditional sentences are sometimes confusing for learners of English as a second language.

Would you like some milk in your tea?

Would you like a chocolate? ¿Te gustaría venir con nosotros?

Would you like to go to the cinema? He probably wouldn't like the food.

You wouldn't like living there. Englisch-hilfen.de/ Conditional sentences, if-clauses type I, II, III.

He would like (o He'd like) to join the sales team. Me gustaría que dijeras la verdad. If someone could explain these sentences to me - as to how they work and why - that would be very much appreciated! You wouldn't like living there. You can also use a gerund after "would like."

Conditional sentences, if-clauses type I, II, III - Explanation, Examples and Exercises.

Conditional sentences.

Would like se traduce por “gustaría” y se usa para ofrecer o pedir algo. They wouldn't like doing that kind of work.

We can use it in positive, negative sentences and questions.

Would you like some chocolate cake?

But me and you, both know where tonight is gon' lead (gon' lead) 'Cause you're leaving with me (leaving with me) You're leaving with me, yeah (oh) I can't help myself. Would you like some cheese with your hamburger? He wouldn't like to come with us.

I’d like some coffee, would you like some too? When you go to a restaurant or a shop, it doesn’t sound good if you say: I want this and that. – ¿Quieres un poco de torta de chocolate? Q: Would you like to go to the cinema this evening? [a polite way to ask the question] If you know the person and the person is your friend, you can say: Do you want milk in your tea?

Would you like a beer? Cosas que quieres hacer (En este sentido, se parece al verbo Want / Querer): You can also use a gerund after "would like." ACTIVITY SUGGESTION Consider extending this exercise by having your learners compare their answers by reading them aloud in pairs or small groups. Resposta: a) Would you like to go to the beach on Saturday? Would you like to eat an apple?

(Ofreciendo.) Children talk like that.

Amplía tus conocimientos ¿Todavía tienes dificultades con 'Would like'? ("Living" is a gerund.) And 'Would you like me to show you how it's done?'

Would you like to have some water?