Harald Albers added a comment - 2014-08-05 16:32 I just started to work on the help file for StartCommand 's portBindings field. This plugin allows adding various Docker commands into your Jenkins Freestyle job as a build step. The Jenkins Docker templates must be configured accordingly. Especially handy when your Docker containers run on a cluster and you do not now beforehand on which Docker host the container will be scheduled. ... but is arguably the least secure due to the increased attack surface from opening a port.
Extension points defined in Credentials Plugin. The aim of this docker plugin is to be able to use a Docker host to dynamically provision a docker container as a Jenkins agent node, let that run a single build, then tear-down that node, without the build process (or Jenkins job definition) requiring any awareness of docker. Set the port range binding in the field Port bindings.
Instead, consider using the EXPOSE to communicate with containers. Depending on what you will be using the Jenkins server for, you’ll need to confirm if any firewall ports will need to be open in order for the Jenkins server to reach any resources in your environment. Docker Plugin / Operations Center Docker Cloud Plugin: In the configuration of the docker template, click on the button “Container settings…” to expand the configuration. In such cases, the default configuration of a docker template is not appropriate. Note: That this field applies first to checks that the SSH port is open for new TCP connections, and secondly to checks that the SSH service that owns the TCP port is … Line# 15 and 16 is to provide the container with initial start-up scripts to set the Jenkins executors and for creating the Jenkins admin user.. Let’s build this image and keep it ready. The number of times that attempts to connect to the newly-spun Docker container will be retried before the operation is abandoned. Harald Albers added a comment - 2014-08-05 16:32 I just started to work on the help file for StartCommand 's portBindings field. SSH Launcher for sure define a port to be exposed for SSH, maybe there's some unexpected side effect when one also bind … ... Extension points defined in Yet Another Docker Plugin.
I found the snytax quite confusing because it is different form the syntax of the docker program. The Jenkins Windows Azure image comes with port 8080 configured to allow you to access the admin URL both internally and externally. We start with the Jenkins/Jenkins base image and install the plugins that we require. E.g. Set the port range binding in the field Port bindings. Plugin Information If you would like to use Docker for dynamic node provisioning, you should check the Docker plugin .