Listen and move the weather images to the countries.
Colors Board Game Online. Play fun English games for kids - Free games to practise your English. This game is great for revision and combines a lot of question types in one - multiple choice, matching exercises, drag and drop spelling. Move the clouds to make sentences. Learn and practice colors vocabulary and use them in sentences to describe things like fruits.
Here’s a few particularly useful games or, more accurately in most cases, suites of games.
Look at the image and then spell the word. ESL Games Plus offers interactive online games for learning and teaching English as a Second Language. Learn English - Online ESL Games.
Click and drag the words to match the images.
Listen and click on the correct food images. Guess the job and practice job language.
English games for learners studying ESL EFL.
Describe the images by making sentences. GameZone: Dozens of simple, straightforward games about grammar, spelling, and vocabulary reach out to English language learners at all levels. There are activities for teaching and practising English grammar, vocabulary, sentences, listening and pronunciation skills. Our learning games are mostly suitable for teaching ESL Kids and Teenagers.
Using games to learn ESL was once a radical concept but with the advent of kinasthetic learning ideas, they have proved very popular with teachers seeking to make their lessons more interesting.