The best sleeping position for back pain, neck pain, and sciatica - Tips from a physical therapist - Duration: 12:15. share | improve this answer. This can serve as a reference of where you may want the mouse to go. Strangely, I had just begun to use a multi-monitor setup! Code for mouse position: import pyautogui print pyautogui.position() It will return a tuple with your x, y coordinate position . A powerful GUI automation library allows you to get screen size, control the mouse, keyboard and more. I was tempted to just use Robot.mouseMove until I read your comment. 50.8k 4 4 gold badges 38 38 silver badges 68 68 bronze badges. can i set it to only display the x,y inside a chrome window or a notepad file? How do you find the x and y positions of your mouse in python 3? The API is designed to be as simple. Hey im really new to python, i was following a basic tutorial online when i went on my own little tangent. @Daniel--it's been years since you replied here, but today I found it and it has solved a problem I'd been having for many months with inadvertent mouse clicks repositioning the text cursor. PyautoGui, How/can i get the mouse position for a given Application? To get yourself situated with the pixels on your screen, you may first want to get how many pixels there are in width and length on the screen. Welcome to PyAutoGUI’s documentation!¶ PyAutoGUI lets your Python scripts control the mouse and keyboard to automate interactions with other applications. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 9 ... pip install pyautogui. Future features planned (specific versions not planned yet): A tool for determining why an image can’t be found in a particular screenshot. When this function is run, you get returned the dimensions of the screen. To install with pip, run: pip install pyautogui Is there a way of using pyautogui.position() to find the mouse position on a given application? PyAutoGUI works on Windows, macOS, and Linux, and runs on Python 2 and 3. Ajax1234 Ajax1234. For now, the primary aim for PyAutoGUI is cross-platform mouse and keyboard control and a simple API.
Here is an example: >>>import pyautogui >>>pyautogui.position() (1358, 146) >>> Where 1358 is the X position and 146 is the Y position. answered Apr 4 '17 at 16:49. >>> pyautogui.position() # current mouse x and y (968, 56) >>> pyautogui.size() # current screen resolution width and height (1920, 1080) >>> pyautogui.onScreen(x, y) # True if x & y are within the screen. Tone and Tighten Recommended for you This can be done with the pyautogui.size() function.
To get the position you just need to use the position() function. Using PyAutoGui.