– mndrix Dec 21 '16 at 15:58 Delete ~/.gsutil before trying the gsutil commands again.
I have setup and can run Python scripts including gsutil in my Windows PowerShell ide succesfully to list my files. gsutil ls.
1.PyPI経由でgsutilをインストール. Since August 8th, I began to get GSutil errors as the following: Caught BadStatusLine from httplib, retrying: '' There are some other nuances, but mostly "python.exe C:\gsutil\gsutil\gsutil.py COMMAND" is an exact replacement for "gsutil COMMAND" including all flags, so a long command like: Creating a Google Cloud Storage bucket is the first step before any files (i.e. gsutil cp C1* gs://trainimages/ とかやるとファイルをコピーできる。 ちなみに、同じファイル名をcpすると上書きされた。 Google Cloud Storageのバケット間でオブジェクトを移動. You can also use gsutil wildcard to sync multiple objects to GCS. The bucket is a virtual namespace for our objects and, as you … バケット間の移動は、 gsutil -m mv gs://trainimages/* gs://trainimages2/ とする。 I just tried copying a directory containing several files and directories using: gsutil -m cp -r dir gs://my-bucket It copied only the top-level files from dir to the bucket.
I'm using gsutil to backup my datas in windows. PyPIのインストール # yum install python-pip After adding necessary scopes to the VM, gsutil may still be using cached credentials which don't have the new scopes. gsutil cp – Copy and Move Files on Google Cloud Platform. gsutil cp/mv command is mainly used to perform actions on the files or objects on the Google Cloud Storage from your local machine or from your Compute Engine Virtual Machine.
Python向けパッケージ管理システムPyPI(Python Package Index)を使う. Creating a Google Cloud Storage Bucket with gsutil. gsutil ls gs://dogs 移动或改名. python.exe C:\gsutil\gsutil\gsutil.py config -b And a web-browser would pop open for completing the setup. gsutil mv gs://dogs/*.jpg gs://cats/gsutil mv gs://cats/poodle.jpg gs://cats/siamese.jpg 改变授权. And my batch file is like below: gsutil cp -R a gs://zelon-test/ gsutil cp -R b gs://zelon-test/ But only the first command "gsutil cp -R a gs://zelon-test/" is executed. objects) can be uploaded to Google Cloud Storage. Every friday I run a gsutil 4.3 cp -n -L -R command (python version is 2.7.5) in order to upload 5 GB of data (48 files no larger than 512 MB each one) from a Windows 7 Enterprise to GCS. gsutilのインストールに必要なパッケージをインストール # yum install gcc openssl-devel python-devel python-setuptools libffi-devel. gsutil cp file://c:/1/* gs://dogs 上传指定目录并设置所有文件为公开: python gsutil cp -a public-read file://c:/1/* gs://dogs 列出存储库或文件. Second command is not executed at all. I'm starting to use gsutil on windows xp.I have Python 2.7 in c:\Python27.