On pressing hello button print the text “Tkinter is … # Python 3 import tkinter import tkinter.
from Tkinter import * root = Tk() Button(root, text="Schliessen", command=root.destroy).pack() root.mainloop() Erläuterung: root.quit() Die …
Python break, continue and pass Statements - You might face a situation in which you need to exit a loop completely when an external condition is triggered or there may also be a situation when you want to tk.mainloop() Blöcke. Was das bedeutet, ist, dass die Ausführung der python Programm Stoppt es. Terminate or exit from a loop in Python. sleep (0.01) Werden Sie nie finden Sie in der Ausgabe von der print-Anweisung. Sie sollten destroy verwenden, um ein Tkinter-Fenster zu schließen. draw tk. Loops are used when a set of instructions have to be repeated based on a condition. Python exit commands: quit(), exit(), sys.exit() and os._exit() The functions quit() , exit() , sys.exit() and os._exit() have almost same functionality as they raise the SystemExit exception by which the Python interpreter exits and no stack traceback is printed. iconify ) # make Esc exit the program root . But there are other ways to terminate a loop known as loop control statements. Sie können sehen, dass Sie schreiben: while 1: ball. title ( 'Test' ) # make the top right close button minimize (iconify) the main window root . scrolledtext as scrolledtext class GUI (object): def __init__ (self): root = self. protocol ( "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" , root . Let’s look at them in detail in this tutorial. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the ones you don't like. Tk () root . Now I has to exit and runt the script every time I want a update. Du kannst stattdessen lieber die "after" Methode verwenden und … bind ( '
A loop is a sequence of instructions that iterates based on specified boundaries. root = tkinter.