"allow-snake-case" allows snake_case in addition to lowerCamelCase. All upper case, words separated by underscores. swapcase used to change the upper case character into lower case and lower case character into uppercase.
Pylint should not report a snake_case warning for a function name if it is properly capitalized. Can be done with either upper or lowercase, but whichever is used should continue to be used. lowerCamelCase A variation of Camel Case in which the fist letter of the word is lowercase, e.g. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.
iPhone, iPad, etc. (only has an effect if “check-format” specified) "ban-keywords": disallows the use of certain TypeScript keywords as variable or parameter names.
"allow-pascal-case" allows PascalCase in addition to lowerCamelCase. "allow-trailing-underscore" allows underscores at the end. It is commonly used in computer code.At least one study found that readers can recognize snake case faster than CamelCase. Snake case (stylized as snake_case) is the practice of writing compound words or phrases in which the elements are separated with one underscore character (_) and no spaces, with each element's initial letter usually lowercased within the compound and the first letter either upper- or lowercase—as in "foo_bar" and "Hello_world". Pylint reports a snake_case warning: C: 1, 0: Function name "this_is_a_very_lengthy_function_name" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style (invalid-name) Expected behavior.
... public static final PropertyNamingStrategy UPPER_CAMEL_CASE. functionAndMethodNames: Functions and methods, immutable and callable things. Converting T-SQL strings to Proper Case, Camel Case, Snake Case, or Kebab Case Often when I’m moving data around (usually with SSIS but also with just T-SQL), I need to take text that is all capitalized or simply has messed-up capitalization, and convert it to something that looks better (and more human readable) in the target system. CONSTANTS_IN_ALL_CAPS: Constant, an immutable thing. Naming convention used in languages like C, where words are in lower-case letters, separated by underscores. variable_names_in_snake_case: Variable, a mutable thing. Also called Upper Camel Case. I've been arguing with my coworkers about Pascal casing (upper camel case) vs. lower CamelCasing.They are used to lower camel casing for everything from table names in SQL databases to property naming in C# code but I like Pascal casing better, lower camel casing for variables and Pascal casing for properties: For classes, I tend to use upper case the first letter: class NewsForm (forms.Form): In addition to the correct references to PEP-8 and Django, let me add Google's Python style guide, which features a naming convention.