social stigma とは

2. Social stigma and harassment undermine COVID-19 testing efforts across Asia.

The groups most vulnerable to social stigma are people of Asian descent, people who have traveled abroad, people who have recently completed quarantine, healthcare professionals and emergency service workers. スティグマの2局面. social stigmaの意味や使い方 * シソーラス Scholar, Entrez, Google, WikiPedia 社会的烙印同義語(異表記)Social Stigma社会的烙印概念ツリー行動および行動メカニズム Behavior... - 約1158万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 Social stigma is a severe social disapproval of or personal discontent with a person on the grounds of their unique characteristics distinguishing them from others in society. Erving Goffman defined stigma as ‘the process by which the reaction of others spoils […] In South Korea, where gay marriage is illegal and homophobia is common, officials are … Almost all stigma is based on a person differing from social or cultural norms. 過去長い間、法的な刑罰のもたらす主な災いは、社会的恥辱を強めることでした。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』 For a long time past, the chief mischief of the legal penalties is that they strengthen the social stigma.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加. この社会的アイデンティティには2局面があり区別されます。1つが、問題が起こらない限り通用し続ける「自明なスティグマ」で、もう1つが 要求がなければ示さないかもしれない「表向きは見えないスティグマ」です。