CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. 2.1.21 Scott Mckay: Burma Military Takedown On Cabal Puppets Special Guest Brent Johnson,. https://hannahmichaels.wordpress.com/. StartPage Anna von Reitz with their names for that info. Brighteon 2023 All Rights Reserved. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Get in contact with Scott at scottmckay.us PRAY! He knew he couldnt beat the system. Theres a reason why he kept citing scriptures.. if Trump won and brought down The Empire then that would mean everything he was reading, from the Bible, was false. The Trump presidency is a de facto military presidency that was established and put in place to bring down the Globalist Rothschild-London-central banking enterprise that completely controls every country on the planet. This is utter bullshit. So, that started that off. Choose a Network & Enjoy! So now, that the NSA has shown everything about all of our lives, good and bad it also did one thing: it put every single one of these bad guys, all these criminals in government, in Washington DC, Big Tech, multinational corporations, military industrial complex, the monarchies around the world, the Vatican go down through the list this is a massive, corrupt power structure. All weve heard, for 4 years, is trust the plan , God is in control etc etc Follow The Patriot Street Fighter, Scott McKay? Please comment. We are also reaching out to Scott McKay for an interview and also encouraging him to post videos to Brighteon.com, because YouTube will likely ban his videos and channel very soon . McKay Addresses the Establishment of FED, JF Kennedy, NSA, Rogue CIA, 16-year plan BO to HRC, Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Q, Election 2020, THE PLAN! BUY GOLD: https://bit.ly/PHDScottMcKay, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Cabal Weakened, Secret Space Programs Part 2 | February 21st, 2023 Patriot Streetfighter, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Cabal Weakened, Secret Space Programs Part 1 | February 21st, 2023 Patriot Streetfighter, The Tipping Point on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, OVERWATCH Intel Update PART 2 | February 20th, 2023 Patriot Streetfighter, The Tipping Point on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, OVERWATCH Intel Update PART 1 | February 20th, 2023 Patriot Streetfighter, Cathy OBrien, MK Ultra Survivor & Trance Formation Of America Author | February 16th, 2023 Patriot Streetfighter. Literature And The Writing Process [PDF] [hfoas4c7as40] But theyve built this matrix that we live in, this machine that we operated in I dont care if you call it Communism, you call it Capitalism, Socialism, Marxism, Nazism those are all created by this power structure. Have we been betrayed? PatriotStreetfighter - Rumble Good thing, because hurt, angry, disenfranchised, well armed patriots is not a demographic I would want pissed off at me. So few realise that the EU is a Globalist Organisation, set up by the daughter, whom no-one knew Hilter had. His maiden voyage LIVESTREAM Post-Election video rocketed to 345,000 in 13 days to entering him into YouTube Censoring . !.mp4, 20210208 - s8eH9UJSqhsv - 1.20.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 29 - Defunct US Corp Inauguration Complete.mp4, 20210210 - 6sGyrBNaE8ZX - 1.13.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 22 - Move to Arms DC Troops Posture Elevated.mp4, 20210210 - 7gC92HrPcSJk - 1.12.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 21 - Modern Day Sun Tzu Meets Atilla The Hun.mp4, 20210210 - BIkK9HSw7geW - 2.8.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 45a - Super Bowl Halftime Satanic Projection.mp4, 20210210 - IEwYeFsPjDUZ - 1.19.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 28.mp4, 20210210 - Nhv2sskcaSA4 - 1.15.21 Patriot Streetfigher POST ELECTION UPDATE 24 - D.C. His maiden voyage LIVESTREAM Post-Election video rocketed to 345,000 in 13 days to entering him into YouTube Censoring Stardom. BTW, I still see no sign of the rule of law in this country. YouTube took it down and I cant find it on Bitchute. ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO USE POLITICAL MEANS TO BEAT A SATANIC SYSTEM. Thenonce you had an audience, a followingyou took your show on the road. So, I have purchased the 25 Myths book and the Pocket Constitution as starting points. Putting faith in a treaty, an election, or even a President who has the best intentions that will beat the Rothchild Satanic Empire . It has taken me a long time to wake up as I grew up a derelict. (WEFORUM) Read The Briefings. Scott McKay on -The Tipping Point- on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B They flew three planes to North Korea, Iran and Syria, where the CIA the rogue CIA, responsible for all the wars and all the regime changes around the world they built nuclear weapons. 25. The Patriot Streetfighter. The subject of your email entry should be: Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure, Must be in text format Proper Grammar No foul language Your signature/name/username at the top. I want to also say that I think that Trump is one of the best president in modern times. Recent Episodes. But all these crazy people FOS people like Scott McCay who people watched night after night have absolutely NO credibility. Scott McKay Tipping Point! I believe hes using DC to mean all US Government employees. The purpose for selling him that uranium was, they skimmed the uranium off the top of that stockpile. The first is Jeffrey Prather, former SOCOM operator, DEA agent and government intelligence analyst. Stream The Tipping Point: Scott McKay free online. Well well well been terminated must have told the truth. That operation gained high speed in about four or five months so then, it become thousands, to tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands, to millions, to tens of millions of people, worldwide, in every country on the planet following this operation known as Q. Adding to this story, news is now breaking from Sidney Powell via the Glenn Beck show. His YouTube channel is: I think you naild it today its all about the people!! Who really saved America in the nick of time? Are you putting faith in God .. or in man .. ? Scott McKay. They skim uranium off of that stockpile before they sold it to him. Brighteon is not responsible for content uploaded by contributing content providers. Download Telegram . The Shows. Scott McKay from Tipping Point Radio Show talked about whats happening with POTUS and Military Intelligence Q working on the operation to bring down the evil deep state and cabal, Scott McKay from Tipping Point Radio Show, ______________________________________________________. Trump is gone from the White House, probably forever. Particularly, the 2nd one which Youtube banned. I am so happy that I came upon your website. 3.3.23 Patriot Streetfighter w/ Dr. Robert Young, Direct Chemical Weapons Attack on America!! Follow; . BitChute - thetippingpointradio (2021) - Archive Theres 2 legal and constitutional ways TRUMP can stay in office and will. Where is the JUSTICE??? At this time, all 50 unincorporated states are in session. I cant do much but pray and red pill some people. Scott McKay on -The Tipping Point- on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, OVERWATCH Intel. 3.4.23 Patriot Streetfighter Ramps Up The Attack!!! MustVideo. Can you prove he doesnt live in the White House? It was almost nothing BUT Fraud, you lying schmuck. Hang in there, surely it will all come to light, but be ready for anything. In 1871, we were broke. There are too many judges ruling against Trump. It would make more sense if Trumps dead because he had the most powerful assassins, cartels, gangs, Satanists all trying to kill him but now, this level of evil doesnt just want to kill anyone against them, like J.F.K., theyll use a body double in place of them (they used a fake body double to pose as Queen Elizabeth for several years now) in order to discredit him, deceive the people to give false hope, plus, avoid resulting protests, riots or revolution that they cant control. Scott McKay knows this all too well. The Michigan assembly. ) 1.30.23 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, Wellness Warfare, Rogue FBI Raid on Sheronna Bishop, 1.20.23 Patriot Streetfighter & SG Anon REVEALED, The Emerging Battle-Where We Go From Here, 1.17.23 Patriot Streetfighter ROUNDTBLE With Mike Jaco Minus Nino, 1.17.23 Patriot StreetFighter, Economic Update, "Get Out Of The System", 1.16.23 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, 17 RELOADED #19, 1.13.23 Patriot Streetfighter w/ Chris James, Pushback on Corporations Masquerading As Governments. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. The Patriot Streetfighter. Credit: Rumble. There is no Q and there never has been. I know, speaking for myself, I am spittin mean at the moment! 5. We are also focused on disclosing extraterrestrial contact and humanitys lost ancient origins. So of course I am drawn to stuff like this. Even though the BS Leftest media wanted riots and disruption to happen. While my hope is in God, intervening in our world, I am ready to die if necessary for this issue. Now, what happened was military intelligence intercepted a 16-year plan by the Cabal to take down the United States; eight years of Obama and then eight years of Hillary Clinton to finish us off. I shade some tears after your program today, to me honest I cried like a baby. God Bless and thanks for stopping by BIN. ADVICE FROM SCOTT https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=145023. People like Scott McKay are either mentally unstable and have generated this whole theatrical story in their minds (makes me think of the movie A Beautiful Mind), or they are willfully lying for some unknown nefarious reason and actually hate their audience. In particular one of our most famous intel agency. Recent Episodes - Tipping Point Radio God and Prayer. I realise that you will think I am mad but extraterrestrials have occupied earth since Biblical times and before. 1.12.23 Patriot Streetfighter & Flyover Conservatives, Church Narrative, CHANGE COMING!! Follow The Patriot Street Fighter On Social Media! | Scott Mckay After leaving behind his prospective football career to attempt to become a Navy fighter pilot. Join @DailyNewsBreak New Scott McKay Big Update on "The Tipping Point" on Revolution Radio May 2022 Hope you all are staying safe out there in this mad world. Its not the Not-Sees, its Bolshevik Stasi, do yourself a favor and watch the Crucifixion of Russia, most history on the 160 million murdered has been pushed down the memory hole. The Biden Crime Family will be indicted and The DC Swamp will be drained and heads will roll! No. I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light. By the time we hit 1934, there was the Bretton Woods Act. PatriotStreetfighter. DIA vs CIA! Regain this power, so they can stop the Trump Presidency and the military from bringing them down, destroying them once and for all, freeing the entire planet up, freeing up all of humanity, to now have the incredible abundance that this entire planet offers and a lifestyle every human could have. What the hell happened? Think recently of the explosion in Lebanon and the Meteriorite heading for the nuclear power station in Russia. POTUS did not give in. Call to Listen Studio-A 641-793-6370: Monthly Goal $2000 ! I apologise for not providing the separate links to all four pages of the Archbishops letter in my previous post. Uploaded by Wouldnt they all go underground and disappear into Argentina? Scott is not only a patriot,but an intelligent and informed patriot.. We should be thankful and grateful for having people like Scott amongst us. And monkey werx said trump was still at the White House, never left. Special Guest Brent Johnson, director of Freedom Bound International, a Common Law Service Center, dedicated to the preservation of personal freedom, privacy rights and the Declaration of Independence. Reset vs Awakening. Patience is a virtue. 'Where Do You Come From'.jpg, 20210302 - nHfzNV5kJOaY - TPR - The Tipping Point Radio Show on Revolution Radio - 3.1.21.jpg, 20210303 - cAGsbt1k3FHA - 3.2.21 Interview with Dave Scarlett and Cirsten W on 'His Glory'.jpg, 20210304 - dLJCiPpiIg6V - 3.2.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 58 - Scott McKay Interviewing Mel K.jpg, 20210305 - 2Y7iL6MryJoI - 3.4.21 Patriot Streetfighter Hit & Run Update.jpg, 20210305 - GOxz856odvEa - 3.3.21 Patriot Streetfighter Interview of Sheriff Richard Mack - Landmark Supreme Court Case Win.jpg, 20210311 - Z2wp52OJX42O - 3.10.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 60 - Gene Decode on latest DUMBS OPS.jpg, 20210311 - gblFDFpMSqn3 - 3.6.21 Patriot Streetfighter ROUNDTABLE - Scott & David Nino Rodriguez on Alliance Moves and More.jpg, 20210311 - gqHZQ6dg2nQH - 3.4.21 Scott McKay the 'Patriot Streetfighter' Interviews Ann Vandersteel.jpg, 20210311 - lBLIzNCx76ke - 3.8.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 59 - New Intel Leading Obvious Alliance Control.jpg, 20210311 - pagdT9Fi9sTK - 3.9.21 Patriot Streetfighter - SSP Truth Pioneer Kerry Cassidy Interviewing Scott McKay.jpg, 20210314 - yPzzaF1hIF70 - TPR - The Tipping Point Radio Show on Revolution Radio - Guest Brent Johnson - 3.8.21.jpg, 20210318 - 60jtNZb0xU38 - 3.11.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 61 - State of the Cabal Takedown Operation.jpg, 20210321 - RRansRN2hAgM - 3.18.21 Scott McKay 'Patriot Streetfighter''s Conversation W_ Health Ranger Mike Adams.jpg, 20210321 - VosjQcO27kkS - 3.19.21 Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay's POWERFUL Interview W_ Thrive Time's Clay Clark.jpg, 20210328 - vxsywhmnIAt9 - 3.26.21 Scott McKay 'Patriot Streetfighter''s Interview W_ Dr. Judy Mikovitz.jpg, 20210328 - xVFUVbdldjOS - 3.25.21 Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter ROUNDTABLE W_ Dave Rodriguez, Krystal Tini, Pryme Minister.jpg, 20210330 - bnfGEU9OX9RS - 3.29.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 67 - Suez Canal - Evergreen White Operation.jpg, 20210330 - vQ9jPvZDxtOv - TPR - The Tipping Point Radio Show on Revolution Radio - 3.29.21 - Canadian Patriot Chris Sky.jpg, 20210331 - 36XOsyDA6Aod - 3.30.21 POST ELECTION UPDATE 68 Interview by Career Navy Seal Mike_CIA Spec Ops Soldier Mike Jaco '.jpg, 20210404 - 02kuV6EVcVTL - 4.2.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 70 - Evergreen Update, Church Leaders Controlled.jpg, 20210404 - W1SF6jmpOLxF - 3.31.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 69 - Patriot Truther Movement Infiltrated.jpg, 20210405 - ICImX9HjZvnZ - 3.23.21 Interviewed on John Hogsten's 'Over The Target', Down The Quantum Physics Rabbithole.jpg, 20210406 - 1TOoLIMcs186 - TRP - The Tipping Point on Revolution Radio - 4.5.21.jpg, 20210406 - EAAtacXDwlMw - 4.5.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 71 - Charlie Ward & RDS, Patriot SF National Tour.jpg, 20210407 - yRkpVWTzztU9 - 4.6.21 Scott McKay with Mr. Constitution Douglas V Gibbs - Bringing The Constitution To Life.jpg, 20210411 - fwPZBsDsl5b2 - 4.9.21 Patriot Streetfighter LIVESTREAM - Chris James- Common Law Will Defeat Deep State Courts.jpg, 20210414 - Bpt39G5dG3wq - 3.12.21 Interview with the brilliant Miki Klann PART 2.jpg, 20210414 - vRLoaTwCodt5 - 3.12.21 Interview with the brilliant Miki Klann.jpg, 20210415 - CwfQMvR9hYyi - 4.12.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 72 - Asymmetric Warfare & Patriot Infiltrators.jpg, 20210415 - ZamIODilnc1P - 4.14.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 73 - CV19 Dress Rehearsal & Proof- Khazarian Plan.jpg, 20210416 - ss2rJqVQavJv - 4.13.21 Patriot Streetfighter 'Constitution Tuesdays' W_ Douglas V Gibbs.jpg, 20210423 - ToZUKu6JC2DP - 4.22.21 Scott McKay 'Patriot Streetfighter''s Interview w_ Anti-Vax Giant Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.jpg, 20210423 - klfOxQpzkXPE - 4.19.21 Scott McKay 'Patriot Streetfighter''s Interview W_ Francine And Allen of In The Prophetic.jpg, 20210423 - pw09WapsK2gG - TPR - The Tipping Point on Revolution.Radio - 4.19.21.jpg, 20210423 - wgNJhmnoZpac - TPR - The Tipping Point on Revolution.Radio - 4.12.21.jpg, 20210427 - JAQSJkrYv5ZS - 4.26.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 75 - General updatejpg, 20210427 - OsnF9MdObyci - 4.23.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #74 - Targeting RINOs, Rallying The PSF Troops.jpg, 20210427 - fTSeKhV4IDj8 - 4.23.21 Interview with Dr Sherry Tenpenny & Dr. P Following Our Same Day Livestream.jpg, 20210429 - IIocVvr44KoP - 4.27.21Scott McKay 'Patriot Streetfighter's' Constitution Class 4 W_ Mr Constitution Douglas V Gibbs.jpg, 20210429 - aaoP1nnMe0wB - TPR - The Tipping Point Radio Show on Revolution.Radio - 4.26.21.jpg, 20210430 - XEpBejqmltQa - 4.7.21 First Interview with Bishop Larry Gaiters, Global Declaration Of War - PARABELLUM - Part 2.jpg, 20210430 - yPXjKdgte4Ez - 4.7.21 First Interview with Bishop Larry Gaiters, Global Declaration Of War - PARABELLUM - Part 1.jpg, 20210505 - mSGTGSHbA9td - 5.3.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 76 - Calling Down The Thunder BEGINS.jpg, 20210506 - SEeuaUr6Zld0 - 4.30.21 Patriot Streetfighter National Pre-Tour Event, Dallas TX May 16, 2021.jpg, 20210512 - 20G9jcGemZMM - 5.5.21 Patriot Streetfighter w_ Bishop Larry Gaiters - Global Declaration of War - PARABELLUM Part 3.jpg, 20210512 - 3YFboml9tOO6 - 5.4.21 Patriot Streetfighter Constitution Class #5 w_ Mr Constitution Douglas V Gibbs.jpg, 20210512 - S0IWlvhFaWV0 - 4.29.21 Patriot Streetfighter ROUNDTABLE w_ Mike Jaco & David Nino Rodriguez.jpg, 20210512 - UHlTL1S0N5hg - 5.6.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 78 - Patriot Events- Guest Dr. Cordie Williams.jpg, 20210512 - YRqi47qtz7cb - 5.8.21 Interview with John Michael Chambers 'Conversations of Consequence' (filmed 2 weeks earlier).jpg, 20210512 - uPuGtPPvNBpC - 5.10.21 Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay on MSOM with John Michael Chambers.jpg, 20210513 - LUbmCsmTeVe5 - TPR - 'The Tipping Point' on Revolution.Radio 5.10.21 - Guests Dan Radiostyle & Bob Kingston.jpg, 20210514 - B5Lz90jJr10F - 5 11 21 PSF Conversation with Dr. Kirk Elliott of Sovereign Advisors.jpg, 20210514 - CPly4mmlbT9W - 5.12.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 80 - Cirsten W. Monster Intel Drop! Thank you. 13 . The MarshallReport, Why Are Colleges Still Mandating COVID Vaccines for Students? In my 22 years in the military with many active duty ties to this day I say this guy is so full of shit its mind blowing. Change). Thank you for this vital information, I have been sharing it all day today with people like myself who know something is up. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, https://www.bitchute.com/channel/thetippingpointradio, 20210124 - 6IKcDch2NjHC - 1.23.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 33 - Declass Turning To Flood, Patriots in Control.jpg, 20210127 - 2QbOYgN9xSeF - 1.24.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 34 - US Corp Puppet Agenda Clear, Save Themselves.jpg, 20210201 - LWvH8qec5Ccm - 1.26.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #36 - Censoring Machine Overdrive.jpg, 20210202 - 2IlO2YTw6w1f - 2.1.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 40 - Burma Military Takedown On Cabal Puppets.jpg, 20210206 - 32zAsTopNYfv - 2.5.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 44 - Future Belongs Not To Globalists But Patriots.jpg, 20210206 - FPHGwQckDAKf - 2.4.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 43 - Big Corp Titans Exiting, What's Coming.jpg, 20210206 - NTjINUNeWLuu - TPR - The Tipping Point Radio Show on Revolution Radio - 2.1.21.jpg, 20210206 - XOKo78Ctx5yD - 2.3.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 42 - List Of DS Deaths Growing.jpg, 20210207 - 1vHHHmwid97u - 1.27.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 37 - Mission Control NOT the WH, 7 Days Dark.jpg, 20210207 - 2oSkRR5fgEp2 - 1.25.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 35 - Military In Control.jpg, 20210207 - Kr4E1BPWvrLW - 1.22.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 32 - More Troops Heading To DC, Mission On Point.jpg, 20210207 - Tj8KybSP2byu - 1.31.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 39 - Mainland CCP Targeted, Robinhood Revelations.jpg, 20210208 - 0PccJyIRY4Ir - 1.28.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 38 - MASSIVE INTEL DROP ON CHINA.jpg, 20210208 - EHy0gAuMCcAA - 1.20.21(B) Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 30.jpg, 20210208 - Eh5sFAPG1AdZ - 1.16.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 25 Patriots Are In Full Control PAIN Coming.jpg, 20210208 - GJhj08Bh6z9A - 1.14.21 Patriot Streetfigther POST ELECTION UPDATE 23 MILIntel Indicating Imminent Nation Lockdown.jpg, 20210208 - adPOhQMjcqU2 - 1.19.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 27.jpg, 20210208 - jZiCxUm0hMpX - 1.17.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 26 - MIL INTEL OP Dynamics Revealed. We are also reaching out to Scott McKay for an interview and also encouraging him to post videos to . If around KC Ill be headlining the Comedy club of KC Jan 21-23. Furthermore, when the crash did not kill Diana, she was murdered inside the ambulance by the so-called medics at the 13th pillar in the tunnel, formerly the site of the sacrificial altar. Q = ECW! and Q is likely a psyop nothing more. All those things that make you go, Hmm or What the Hell is going on here? Thats why; that should explain it. They want to in stir fear and violence as well. sounds good Scotthope youre right! Plus 100,000 AM/FM radio stations featuring music, news, and local sports talk. 11-12-20 The Tipping Point Radio POST ELECTION UPDATE #2: MILITARY INTELLIGENCE HAS EXPOSED THE OPERATION TO TAKE OVER THE UNITED STATES GREAT INFORMATION. That United States Corporation is a corporation that is designed to govern this nation, the land of the United States. The Voice of Freedom THE TIPPING POINT Host: Scott McKay August 8, 2021 WATCH REPLAY! Those people would definitely be referring to what I just read here. I was on fb at the time. "The 5 rules to AWAKENING: Rule #1 - Everything you were ever taught is a lie by design; Rule #2 - governments lie 100% of the time, they always have, and they always will; Rule #3 - the Illuminati controlled mainstream media is not . So, now moving into 2015, we were truly at a tipping point. - Strengthens Anti-Bacterial Defenses. https://christs.net/ People do not give up on Faith ,God is still in control .I keep praying every night for Mr.Trump.I have to say though yesterday on the news when I heard the release of says Mr.Trump said he let to be said evil Joe won..It made me sick,mad and worry.I still said to my-self I feel mr.Trump is not a quitter he may still have something up his sleeve. If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry toUniversalOm432Hz@gmail.comapplying these following rules. To me Trump is the best POTUS in my life. Scott McKay Tipping Point! He is supported by ACIO and organisation you will not of heard of. Well, we have! If you have ever been in the service or have read a book or two you would no this. She was mop-up operations. Listen to free internet radio, news, sports, music, and podcasts. The murders of the Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian peoples are projecting their crimes on the Germans, its as simple as that. 7.18.22 "The Tipping Point" on Rev Radio, B. Scott McKay. Gold, Silver, and Copper. The NSA has been cataloging, logging, recording every single email, every phone call, every text message, every form of communication; everything youve done, NSA has been surveilling and cataloging; everything about your life and everybodys life. Like nearly all patriots, Prather has been demonized and assaulted by the deep state, but he has survived and continues to bring a powerful pro-America message to all those who seek the truth. Youve seen it unfold, you just didnt know what it meant until tonight. Too Late DS!.mp4, 20210208 - qICmt2tkkW9E - 1.21.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 31 - Stage Is Set, HOLD THE LINE PATRIOTS!! In my foolishness I tend to favor the news that I would like to hear. The Tipping Point: Scott McKay | Free Internet Radio | TuneIn 2.27.23 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, Dr Sandra & India Update, State Of Ascension with SG Anon. Listen to Alex Jones. ITV and STV Weekdays at 4pm #TippingPoint. But, I have some concerns here. Now on to Trump. TxuuLWsg0WN0 - 12.27.21 Scott McKay on "The Tipping Point" - Scott McKay Interviews Vaxx Injured Commercial Pilots.mp4 download. NOW, theyre in office, yet ONCE again, and are going to have their way with us! It could be Executive Orders that were written, it could be legislation, it could be photographs, it could be anything. I just heard on infowars that Q was bullshit and there never was a plan. Before passing judgement, at least get your information up to date. please get a rumble acct please back your stuff up on a better platform then youtube. HUGE counterattack against Democrats occurring below the radar! Useful Links. Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to get you up-to-date on the latest conspiracies and to provide raw unvetted information from various sources. For more Scott McKay content, visit the link below: FREE OR PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP: https://bit.ly/3reDC7C, SUBSCRIBE TO AMPINSIDER FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT, BACKSTAGE PASSES, EVENTS, AND MORE! Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. 76 views 23 days ago. She spent days with them. 24. Scott McKay is a very well spoken and well researched patriot who follows the Q movement and is very familiar with politics and the take down of the global cabal. All four pages can be found separately at: https://qalerts.app/media/d7d8f7f0cf1fe554e1a5d28b05301ccd60b90c52faf5d9d2460b352e05df950e.jpg, https://qalerts.app/media/712c1e2a48b6c96fcc21896ad8ac5101c23a150131f5add92057fd4da797327f.jpg, https://qalerts.app/media/73196f8987cf930ee17301b1e092fa4c3c79f64bd1cef6de91aac6cae8e950c3.jpg, https://qalerts.app/media/b76f543d78517a4fe7e639923a6496fa35bdcc30ff6a306cf848c6dce2d99edc.jpg. Scott McKay, Host of "The Tipping Point" says, we are currently witnessing the systematic destruction of the, "Old Guard" and Scott talks about They will NOT take over any more. letty67. "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, Scott McKay and Steve Stern - Part 2 | February 6th, 2023 Patriot Streetfighter Special guest, Steve Stern talks about how to get involved in saving the country with Save